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Calling all KIWI'S URGENT

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:03 am
by Legendz
Hi everyone,
Coming up NEXT WEEK, the select committe closes the submissions to the "Anti-smacking Bill" or Section 59 Repeal Bill.
This Bill is something that concerns EVERYONE.

This is something YOU can do to stop the anti-God and anti-family policies that the government is promoting.

This bill is another that increases the governments influence and control over our lives. The roles of the government is NOT to be a big brother watching over us all the time, making sure that we do everything that "he" wants us to do.
Freedom to live as a child of God within this country is attacked in this bill, as well as the freedom to raise our children properly etc.
This bill is not just about smacking, it is any physical or intended/threatened physical action eg removing a child from a fight forcibly.
As a result CYFS or Child Youth and Family will have more power. They will take children out of homes where parents discipline their children and never return them. These children will end up in NON CHRISTIAN and HOMOSEXUAL foster homes. The Governments intention is to allow homosexual couples to foster children.
Remember the woman whose court case is the 'reason' behind this bill. She had all her children removed from her care, promised by CYFS that she would get them back if she was acquitted. She was acquitted, and now CYFS refuse to return her children because she ABUSES them. Please note, she was NOT found guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please encourage others to send a submission in. The address to send your submission is to your local MP or the Select Committee (Justice and Electoral Committee Secretariat) Freepost Parliament, PO BOX 18 888, Wellington.

You also must send 20 copies of your submission.

The submission MUST be received BY the 28th of Feb that leaves us 1 week.

Yours in Him

Alexia de Reus

PS If you want to ask me any questions my email is