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God's word, others, OTHER others, and me

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:49 am
by Alexander
I've considered myself a Christian for the better part of a decade (I'm 19).

Maybe a year ago in Sunday school, the question came up whether non-believers go to Heaven. I was scared at the idea of many of my great, loving friends would be brought to eternal damnation. I'm really horrifed to think of people I'll never meet, across the globe, that can never receive his Word.

Been browsing through (seems to be) a GREAT site for my own questions that approaches humans with God's light in a "matter of fact" manner.

However, the main question that's been on my head since I came into college last fall, is how I need to live my lifestyle as a believer. I've joined a good bible study group up here at campus, but sometimes they kinda freak me out. They're extremely spiritual, and easily aroused(screaming in joy) by a simple proclamation such as the following

~Christ is THE King!
~God is good ALL the time!
~The good Spirit is the only drink I need to quench my thirst!

Etc, Etc. While I have no doubt these are good Christians and a healthy crowd to be around, I feel almost intimidated to be around them because I feel like a poser. I don't and have never got that "spiritual high" they get, and I feel like I"m lying to myself sometimes that I even have a shot at Paradise because I'm so bottled up all the time.

So what about my/their interests? From what I can tell, these people have little to no social life. They go to work (to those of them are employed, that is), they go to Church when they have nothing to do and offer little to no intelligent/entertaining conversation. (Which is most likely my own fault, since I have trouble opening up to them).

If I'm to be as spiritual as them, can I live the life I want to and still be a good person to myself, to others, and to God?

I love my video games. I love my World of Warcraft. I play it to an unhealthy extent sometimes and I have no DOUBT I am addicted to that wonderful piece of code. I love ganking n00bs... oh gosh, competitive pwnage is truly a God-given thing. The idea of exploring a beautiful landscape, which is certainly available to any backpacker in the real world, is also available to me right in my own dorm. I get to slay the dragon, win the kingdom over to love me as a HERO. YEAH! All for the cheap price of $14.95 a month, and a social life.

I love my music, especially Rock. I love the kewl bluesy roots, those hard driving guitar solo's, the wailing vocals. The crowd's excitement. The flames, the colors, the chaotic urge to BLAST IT AND BRING A SOLO TO THE WORLD. Yes, I love my Rock.

And I just love sitting back and looking at the world God has given to us. Anyone sometimes just feel like trying to comprehend it is to create something as simple as a bumble-bee? What about humans? What about our relationships that make such a complex network? Ever met someone that has a connection to you? A new group of friends in your new town, that new your social circle back in your OLD town? Freaky stuff, but its so KEWL to me! Yeah, I know I'm odd.

(Attempts to stop rambling)

But where can I take all this, brothers and sisters? Am I to eventually shove it away and *gasp* accept a "mature", spiritual life? To I have to be seemingly (note, the seemingly, yes I urge you to note as I'm trying to point as few fingers as possible) mindless? I want to eventually get married and bring my interests AND my love for God to it. I want to play Super Marios Bros 3 and make ridiculous, sweet love to the wee hours with my wife. I want to shoot my children with a BFG in Quake 7(and with the lackluster installment of part IV, that may not happen.. but I'm sure you get the idea, I don't wanna grow up :) ). I want to continue to rock (of course), and to read Secular texts and critique them on a human level.

Perhaps my love for God is not as big as others because I haven't made a genuine effort to throw everything away, and focus. That thought scares me to no end. It really does. Any thoughts?

(To any strange folk that actually read this entire post, I commend you.)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:24 am
by Jac3510
LoL, ok, I just learned something. Don't type a response and then kill your pop-up blocker. It deletes everything :(

Anyway, let me just say that I get where you are coming from. In short form, no, you don't have to conform to some Christian stereotype. God made you like you are, and while you have a lot of changing to do, we all do. That's called discipleship. The important thing is that you become more like Christ . . . more caring, loving, giving, patient, wise, understanding, godly, faithful, honest, trustworthy, etc.

For the record, I'm a bit skeptical of "emotional" Christians. If that's the way God made them, that's wonderful, but if you say that's the only way to be "spiritual," we're going to have problems ;). God made all kinds. Our faith is grounded in fact . . . it is grounded in a person. If our dedication to Him and His teachings results in moments of joy, then that's great. But, don't at all think that is necessary.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" Col. 3:17

God bless

Re: God's word, others, OTHER others, and me

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:59 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
Alexander wrote:I've considered myself a Christian for the better part of a decade (I'm 19).

Maybe a year ago in Sunday school, the question came up whether non-believers go to Heaven. I was scared at the idea of many of my great, loving friends would be brought to eternal damnation. I'm really horrifed to think of people I'll never meet, across the globe, that can never receive his Word.
I think you're concern for people you've never met is wonderful
Alexander wrote:Been browsing through (seems to be) a GREAT site for my own questions that approaches humans with God's light in a "matter of fact" manner.

However, the main question that's been on my head since I came into college last fall, is how I need to live my lifestyle as a believer. I've joined a good bible study group up here at campus, but sometimes they kinda freak me out. They're extremely spiritual, and easily aroused(screaming in joy) by a simple proclamation such as the following

~Christ is THE King!
~God is good ALL the time!
~The good Spirit is the only drink I need to quench my thirst!

Etc, Etc. While I have no doubt these are good Christians and a healthy crowd to be around, I feel almost intimidated to be around them because I feel like a poser. I don't and have never got that "spiritual high" they get, and I feel like I"m lying to myself sometimes that I even have a shot at Paradise because I'm so bottled up all the time.
You will have a natural spiritual awakening as you gro older, crying becomes easier, for instance when you see a child suffering.
Alexander wrote:So what about my/their interests? From what I can tell, these people have little to no social life. They go to work (to those of them are employed, that is), they go to Church when they have nothing to do and offer little to no intelligent/entertaining conversation. (Which is most likely my own fault, since I have trouble opening up to them).
Perhaps you only need to look more.
Alexander wrote:If I'm to be as spiritual as them, can I live the life I want to and still be a good person to myself, to others, and to God?
There is no need to compare yourself with others, look within before looking around at others.
Alexander wrote:I love my video games. I love my World of Warcraft. I play it to an unhealthy extent sometimes and I have no DOUBT I am addicted to that wonderful piece of code. I love ganking n00bs... oh gosh, competitive pwnage is truly a God-given thing. The idea of exploring a beautiful landscape, which is certainly available to any backpacker in the real world, is also available to me right in my own dorm. I get to slay the dragon, win the kingdom over to love me as a HERO. YEAH! All for the cheap price of $14.95 a month, and a social life.
Alexander wrote:I love my music, especially Rock. I love the kewl bluesy roots, those hard driving guitar solo's, the wailing vocals. The crowd's excitement. The flames, the colors, the chaotic urge to BLAST IT AND BRING A SOLO TO THE WORLD. Yes, I love my Rock.

And I just love sitting back and looking at the world God has given to us. Anyone sometimes just feel like trying to comprehend it is to create something as simple as a bumble-bee? What about humans? What about our relationships that make such a complex network? Ever met someone that has a connection to you? A new group of friends in your new town, that new your social circle back in your OLD town? Freaky stuff, but its so KEWL to me! Yeah, I know I'm odd.
You seem to be an intellectual, you should cultivate this gift.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:39 pm
by Monday
I feel almost intimidated to be around them because I feel like a poser. I don't and have never got that "spiritual high" they get, and I feel like I"m lying to myself sometimes that I even have a shot at Paradise because I'm so bottled up all the time.
In 1 Corinthians, Paul briefly discusses individuality. He talks about believers as being a body. He goes on to say however that the body cannot be made up of one part. The body must be made up of different parts to perform different tasks (eyes to see, ears to hear etc.) You don't have to be exactly like other Christians to serve God or to receive everlasting life. They have their own roles to play and you have yours.

1 Corinthians 12:27

Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.