Hmm . . . just for reference, a couple of interesting links I've come across:
Neither of these are anything like proof of anything, but simply interesting reads, IMO.
I wasn't commenting on thereal's point. To pick up on a idea from KMart, you should REALLY learn to follow the context of an argument. If you want my take on it, I think TR good slapped pretty well by this post, so he can backtrack all he wants, and you and sandy can feel free to defend him. The point is that there ARE those who dissent from neo-Darwinism, and many of those are biologists. In fact,
of those who dissent, you are at least two times more likely to be a biologist than from any other specific field.
I believe that was KMart's main point. Now, because I don't know how to make this any plainer, please note AGAIN, for about the eighth time, that I'm talking about a comparison of those who dissent, not dissenters against the scientific community as a whole.
Anyway, I would hope no one would use this as an argument either for or against evolution anyway. On both sides it's nothing more than an
ad populum]. There was, at one time, a publication entitled something to the effect of "100 Scientists Against Einstein," to which he wisely responded "Why one hundred? One would be enough!" (paraphrased, of course). The point then, and now, is that we have to look at the arguments of these men rather than the numbers themselves. What I do appreciate about KMart's link is that it does a few things:
1) It puts an end to any notion that "all scientists" accept neo-Darwinism,
2) It shows the silly reasoning skills of evolutionists who feel the need, or logical consistency, of putting forward such a terrible argument,
3) It demonstrates either (a) the increasing tendency toward dissent or at least (b) the popular awareness of such dissent--possibly both. When this document was first released, there were 100 signatories. Now there are 500. That should say something in general.
KMart wrote:Which is the point of my post. *YEAH* There we go.
Haha, I thought so. Thanks for the link. I had forgotten about this. I have to say, I was surprised that the number had climbed so high so quickly!