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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:27 pm
is the pentecostal church heresy?

I know they reject the trinity, they consider the Trinity and Trinitarians heretical. they also believe baptism of the Holy Spirit necessary for salvation, and evidence of speaking in tounges is absolutely required as well.

Why do they restrict watching television and movies?

Anyone here a member of the pentecostal church?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:18 am
by IRQ Conflict
:shock: I have been to various pentecostal churches, and none of em are against the trinity that I know of.

Re: Pentecostals

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:12 am
by bizzt
SUGAAAAA wrote:is the pentecostal church heresy?

I know they reject the trinity, they consider the Trinity and Trinitarians heretical. they also believe baptism of the Holy Spirit necessary for salvation, and evidence of speaking in tounges is absolutely required as well.

Why do they restrict watching television and movies?

Anyone here a member of the pentecostal church?
What the Heck. I am a Pentecostal and have never heard of that Before.
I don't believe I have to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit to be Necessary to my Salvation. However Penetecostals believe that Speaking in Tongues are one of the gifts of being baptized by the Holy Spirit.

Can you give me a link to the Site you are getting this information from? Although I would restrict watching Television and Movies just because there probably are so many more things to do in this Life I do not restrict people or have ever been restricted watching Tele or Movies. In fact our Preacher loves "Napoleon Dynamite"!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:16 am
by bizzt
Here is a more accurate statement of the faith

Re: Pentecostals

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:36 pm
by B. W.
bizzt wrote:
SUGAAAAA wrote:is the pentecostal church heresy?

I know they reject the trinity, they consider the Trinity and Trinitarians heretical. they also believe baptism of the Holy Spirit necessary for salvation, and evidence of speaking in tounges is absolutely required as well.

Why do they restrict watching television and movies?

Anyone here a member of the pentecostal church?
What the Heck. I am a Pentecostal and have never heard of that Before.
I don't believe I have to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit to be Necessary to my Salvation. However Penetecostals believe that Speaking in Tongues are one of the gifts of being baptized by the Holy Spirit.

Can you give me a link to the Site you are getting this information from? Although I would restrict watching Television and Movies just because there probably are so many more things to do in this Life I do not restrict people or have ever been restricted watching Tele or Movies. In fact our Preacher loves "Napoleon Dynamite"!

"Napoleon Dynamite" at least it is a clean movie :wink:

Napoleon Dynamite had the best pick up line I ever heard used to win a girl -

I see you are drinking one percent - you must think you are fat...

Yes, I have the CD - a Christmas Present!

Back to the subject - are you refering to the ONENESS PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT?

The majority of Pentecostals do not hold the beliefs you site.

Re: Pentecostals

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:40 pm
by bizzt
B. W. wrote:
bizzt wrote:
SUGAAAAA wrote:is the pentecostal church heresy?

I know they reject the trinity, they consider the Trinity and Trinitarians heretical. they also believe baptism of the Holy Spirit necessary for salvation, and evidence of speaking in tounges is absolutely required as well.

Why do they restrict watching television and movies?

Anyone here a member of the pentecostal church?
What the Heck. I am a Pentecostal and have never heard of that Before.
I don't believe I have to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit to be Necessary to my Salvation. However Penetecostals believe that Speaking in Tongues are one of the gifts of being baptized by the Holy Spirit.

Can you give me a link to the Site you are getting this information from? Although I would restrict watching Television and Movies just because there probably are so many more things to do in this Life I do not restrict people or have ever been restricted watching Tele or Movies. In fact our Preacher loves "Napoleon Dynamite"!

"Napoleon Dynamite" at least it is a clean movie :wink:

Napoleon Dynamite had the best pick up line I ever heard used to win a girl -

I see you are drinking one percent - you must think you are fat...

Yes, I have the CD - a Christmas Present!

Back to the subject - are you refering to the ONENESS PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT?

The majority of Pentecostals do not hold the beliefs you site.

That must be the Movement he is referring to! I have never heard of it though

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:24 pm

I *had* a friend who was a member of this church, and considered the Trinity a false doctrine.

however, that was a while ago, and didnt know much about the trinity then. But now I see that a majority of Christian churches do accept it, which caused some confusion for me...

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:47 am
by bizzt

I *had* a friend who was a member of this church, and considered the Trinity a false doctrine.

however, that was a while ago, and didnt much about the trinity then. But now I see that a majority of Christian churches do accept it, which caused some confusion for me...
I would say that Theology is TOTALLY different then the Pentecostal Churches.


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:35 pm
by ray
I have been a member of the Pentecostal Church in Canada for 30 years and what you posted is news to me. We believe in the trinity, we believe in baptism of the Holy Spirit but not that it is necessary for salvation, and evidence of speaking in tounges is encouraged but not absolutely required.
I think you need to check the source of your information because there have been some offshoot of the Pentecostal movement that have gone of the deep end.


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:56 pm
by Jac3510
Yeah, there's a big difference in Pentacostals and Oneness Pentacostals. However, I wouldn't call them "aberent." They teach a heresy, yes, because a heresy, technically, is simply just a false doctrine. Oneness was condemned in the early church ages. Look up Modalism. But, it doesn't have any direct bearing on a person's salvation.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:02 am
by Son Worshiper
I grew up in Pentecostal churches, and they all believed in the trinity.
It's pretty much as Ray posted.

I no longer call myself a pentecostal (preferring to just call myself a "Christian"). But I had no problems with that denomination and would be comfortable attending services at a Pentecostal church.

I don't really know much about Oneness Pentecostals, though.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:09 am
by led
I've gone to many Pentecostal churches, but I don't call myself pentecostal. When we all get to heaven, there aren't going to groups in one corner and another. The Pentecostal denomination has many good things going for it, other than the fact that in Canada (not sure elsewhere) the pastor can get voted out by the people of the church. Seems to me that the pastor would have the pastors anointiong to lead the church and not the people. Sad to see good Pastors voted out just because everybody doesn't like him. Good thing Moses wasn't voted out before they got to the promise land!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:37 am
Hmm... I didnt know most Pentecostals rejected the oneness theology. The UPCI is a church that holds the oneness view, and has about 4358 churches in North America, and around 28,351 worldwide. Its also considered one of the fastest growing denominations as well (see here).

didnt realize they were minority though :?

thanks for clearing things up, all you guys.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:59 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Just remember, 'not all who call me Lord will enter in'. There are alway's going to be false Christs false apostles/witnesses ect. Just search scripture and divide the truth from the lie. Do not tolerate even a slight twist of doctrine.

What do we say in our courts as we place our hand on the Word? "The whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me God".

A lie is a lie, no matter what shade of black it comes in.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:18 pm
by Canuckster1127
Oneness Pentacostals and Apostolic Onesness are a strong movement but they are a minority within Petacostalism. I've interacted with a lot of them, and there are varying degrees of what they believe and how they state it. Some of them actually accept what would be described as Trinitarian by some measures, although they draw the line at 3 persons, prefering to see 3 manifestations of the same God. Their formula for Baptism reflect baptism only in the name of Jesus usually.

God may need to sort them out in the end, as he will all of us.