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The gospel of Judas Iscariot

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:17 am
by Silvertusk
Has anyone else heard about this. It was in the Daily Mail today about an archelogical discovery of an ancient document in a tomb in Egypt that they reckon is the Gospel of Judas. In it is records coverstaions between Judas and Jesus where Jesus told Judas to betray him as it was part of the divine plan. Judas was only doing what Jesus had asked him to do and was told that he will be reviled for all time because of his actions.

Aparently the full translation will be released by the National Geographic on April 6th.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:30 am
by IRQ Conflict
:lol: You mean April 1st don't you?

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:44 am
So either Jesus or Judas documented their conversation even though it was supposed to stay secret? Thats puzzling...

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:53 am
by Silvertusk
This is genuine, I am not making it up - They have found what they believe to be the gospel of Judas that records his conversations with Christ. It makes it out to be a hero, that sacrificed his life to fulfil the divine plan. The national Geographic will be releasing a documentary about it.

Whether this is actually a written testimony of Judas or a witness account like the other gospels, or a herasy remains to be seen. Which ever way - it is certainly more evidence that a Divine Christ existed. Worse case senario we can say that the Gospels were a little harsh in their judgement of Judas. Best case senario it is a fake.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:54 am
by Silvertusk
SUGAAAAA wrote:So either Jesus or Judas documented their conversation even though it was supposed to stay secret? Thats puzzling...
That is a good point. I think the authorship of the letter will spread light on that issue.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:47 am
by August
This is nothing new, it was known from the earliest days that there was such a "gospel".
Gospel of Judas not by Judas

The owner of the text, who only wants to make money from it, has carefully timed the publicity surrounding what is called the Gospel of Judas. That is the opinion of Prof. Hans van Oort, who specialises in Gnosticism, Manichaeism, Nag Hammadi and Augustine. He called a press conference on his own initiative, to counter "all the nonsense" being written at the moment about the Gospel of Judas; for example that the Vatican has an interest in the document's not being published.

Van Oort is attached to the Faculty of Theology of the University of Utrecht and is Professor of Christianity and Gnosticism at the Radboud University.

"It was known from ancient times that there had to be a Gospel of Judas. Irenaeus of Lyons spoke about it in his Adversus haereses (Against Heresies) in around 180 A.D., but his real source is Justin Martyr, and that takes us to around 140 A.D. I would guess that the Gospel of Judas would have to be dated at about 120 A.D." The original, at least. The papyri that appeared in the hands of shady dealers at the end of the last century (see photo) were probably a copy from the end of the fourth century. What is spectacular for science is that the Gospel of Judas has at last been found, or at least a part of it. Van Oort does not rule out that it involves the missing codex from the Nag Hammadi codices. What he does rule out is that Judas himself wrote it. "There is no reason whatsoever to assume that he did this. Nothing points to that."

The Gospel of Judas is a codex from the Gnostics, a movement that was denounced by the Church in the early days. "They set themselves against the established order, and thus also against the Creator. That's why Judas was their hero."

Van Oort is one of the few people who knows the contents of the Gospel of Judas, but does not want any trouble with its owner, the Swiss Maecenas Foundation." If I did, I would be killed."

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:56 am
by IRQ Conflict
Silvertusk wrote:This is genuine, I am not making it up
I believed you, I wuz trying to make a funny. As August pointed out this document was blasted as heresy in the early day's.

It is interesting to note the owner of the document has come out with this for the love of money. Why did judas' guts spill in that field? ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:06 am
by Silvertusk
It certainly is interesting that the Vatican are now reviewing how they see Judas in the bible. Maybe they had been forewarned of the release of this document?

It will be interesting to see what it says - but you are right - an other piece of Gnosticsm propaganda. Why did gnosticsm come about in the first place anyway?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:17 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Meh, why did anything that raises itself up against the knowledge of the Word of God come about? ;)

1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

I don't believe that the many false prophets that deceive many are what you might think are 'religious' The cult of evolutionism is one such thing.

God created us as creatures of faith, we can choose to put our faith in anything, as many have.

The Word says I have put before you life and death, you choose life. It also says that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God. And again it is written 'build yourself up on your faith most Holy'.

We really have only two choices that we can make in life, follow the Lord or follow anything and everything else that Satan has devised as a trap. We are either with Him or against Him, there is no middle ground.

Re: The gospel of Judas Iscariot

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:10 pm
by Deansnder
Silvertusk wrote:Has anyone else heard about this. It was in the Daily Mail today about an archelogical discovery of an ancient document in a tomb in Egypt that they reckon is the Gospel of Judas. In it is records coverstaions between Judas and Jesus where Jesus told Judas to betray him as it was part of the divine plan. Judas was only doing what Jesus had asked him to do and was told that he will be reviled for all time because of his actions.

Aparently the full translation will be released by the National Geographic on April 6th.
I headr about it so I looked it up and did some studying. I haven't read any of it. It's a Gnostic Gospel... Gnostics were (and modern Gnostics still are) heritics. This "gospel" should not be taken seriously.