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Prayers, what do you pray for?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:16 pm
by Anonymous
Im interested in what you guys pray for. At first when i didnt realy believed in god i thought i at least should pray for other poeple then myself. I always pray for the poor and the unfortunate. I always pray for peace. I realy feel like i dont want to bother god with my little personal insignificant problems.

How do you pray??
Do you pray for personal prosparity??? Or do you feel like me, that you shouldnt bother god with little personal problems???

What does the bible say about this???

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:15 pm
by Mastermind
My prayers usually consist of me thanking God. I rarely ask for anything because if He wants to help me, He'll do it in the way He sees best fit, and He's smarter than me anyway.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:35 am
by Anonymous
There are endless things to pray for... but here are a few of the most important:

1)Forgiveness of your sins - repent
2)The resurrection of the dead
3)Your enemies and evil people
5)Sick, the suffering, captives and their salvation
6)People of other religions that God may take the veil from their hearts
7)The people you love
8)The souls of the dead
9)Healing your disbelief

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:38 pm
by Anonymous
Hum i must say im a little dissapointed with the amount of reactions in this topic. Prayers is THE way of improving your relationsship with god.

How do you pray and what do you pray for??

Here are some rules i have when i pray:
-Keep the amount of personal favours asked for as low as possible.
-Instead of practical material favours, ask for strength, love and wisdom.
- I always pray for other poeple, the poor, the ill, the opressed, the poeple who live in the darkness.
- Always mention my love for jesus, and thank god for giving us his only son.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:46 pm
by Kurieuo
Well... I find it good listening to worship music, lying on my bed, and then just letting the things on my mind flow through, which I just present before God as they come. He knows the best way to treat the issues on my mind, so I just allow the images to present themself before God, usually without any words, or minimal words.

I don't always do this though, and will often revert to a standard prayer. But I find these kind of prayers can often feel redundant, even forced, and I don't get the same sense of closeness with God nor am I able to express everything on my heart when using words.


Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:39 am
by Anonymous
I use a mix of standard prayer, recite scripture in my mind and reflect on them and just pouring out of what i feel to him.

I think the prayer Jesus gave is an awesome one to work with as well. It encompasses what we should ask God for and that being deliverance from the Evil One, coping with temptation, and forgiveness. Otherwise I usually thank God constantly and praise him in the Holy Trinity.

Kurieuo yeah standard prayer can be a little forced but they are a great template to work with.