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<>< 19 worry of unforgiveability

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:51 pm
by JBirdAngel

i am again worried that i have commited this sin and cannot be forgiven, although i believe i am because in 1 John 1:19 John wrote i think he says that if we ask forgiveness God will forgive us, though im not sure i am understnading the wording properly, and i think there is a verse somewhere that says only God can call people to Him, so someone seeking Jesus and wanting to do His will is being called by God, and also that if a person believes on Christ they are saved. yet i still worry, what i did is this, you know how someone can use the Lords name in vain without actually using any other words or curse words? i did that and then i did that with the Holy Spirit, i worry that even saying this is doing it, i do not believe i was saying it about anything, i believe i was more seeing if it could be done or something but im not certain, whatever it was it was stupid and i hate that i did it and im sorry for it, though i do not think i hate it enough or am sorry enough and i am afraid, i do not want my Lord to leave me, i think i dont always put Him first and instead put my lover first, but that is not something i want to do, i do want Him to be first, and i know that He created my lover and my relationship and created us for each other, so He has the right way for our relationship to be, and of coruse that is for God to be first for both of us, and for us as one, so i mess up but i do want God to be first, and im afraid that whatever i did is blasphemeing the Holy Spirit, i think that maybe since i wasnt doing it about anythign, and i dont believe i meant it, that maybe its okay, or that whatever it is isnt blasphemeing the Holy Spirit, but i worry, and to be consistent with the Bible it does seem that any sin repented of is forgiven, and if we believe on Christ we are saved. not sure what to do, i should probably just stop worrying, but how can i not worry about this which is the most important, God must be first in our lives, so this is worry must also be first(of my worries) as it pertains to Him and His place in my life, i mean this worry must be first of my worries, not first before God, God comes first always, i want to always put Him first, even though i fail. but im afraid it seems this time i did actually say something against the Holy Spirit even though i used no other words, it was still meant in a horrible way, i dont want to have done this im so confused and messed up and dont know if im understanding verses right, im scared, i want to be saved and to go Home, but im afraid i will never go Home... that for me it doesnt exist..

thank you - jason

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:29 pm
by IRQ Conflict
i did that and then i did that with the Holy Spirit

Mat 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

When Jesus cast out demons the pharisees accused Him of doing so by the power of demons. This was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

My understanding of blaspheming the Holy Spirit is to say something was done either by man or devil that was actually a product of the Holy Spirit.

I believe that you have to have knowledge of the fact that something was done by the Holy Spirit in order to blaspheme (I could be wrong). For example, If I was to tell people Christ rose from the dead via the power of another other than the Spirit of God that is a damnable abomination.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:25 pm
by Blacknad
I always thought that the unforgivable sin was to never accept Christ. The Holy Spirit testifies to all that Jesus is Lord and those that deny this are calling the Holy Spirit a liar. They die in an unforgiven state. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is no more than refusing to accept Christ.

Kind of similar from -

"This blasphemy has to do with someone accusing Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled. There are other ways to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but this was "THE" unpardonable blasphemy. As a result, the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today. Jesus Christ is not on earth. but seated at the right Hand of God. No one can witness Jesus Christ performing a miracle and then attribute that power to Satan instead of the Spirit. Although there is no blasphemy of the Spirit today, we should always keep in mind there is an unpardonable state of existence--the state of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in unbelief. Continual rejection of the Holy Spirit's promptings to trust in Jesus Christ is the unpardonable blasphemy. Remember what is stated in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life." The only condition when someone would have no forgiveness is if that someone is not among the "whoever believes in Him.""

So do not worry Jason - you have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit in a way that cannot be forgiven.



Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:39 pm
by ruth
Just what is blasphemy?
In Numbers 15:30-31 it says that intentional disobedience of the MC Law by Israel or by gers is blaspheming God.
You cannot intentionally disobey a law you do not know.