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Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:55 pm
by Jac3510
So I learned something today:

Always, always, ALWAYS, check and see what the formating requirements are for a paper before you type it. I'm basically finished with my eschatology research paper. All I have to do is briefly define how I use the terms "literal" and "allegorical", and then write up my conclusion. So what . . . an hours worth of work, right?

Wrong. I just found out I have to retype the whole thing from scratch. And why? Because I led Word do the footnotes automatically, and it will not allow me to set the formatting to LRS specifications. The bright side to all this is that by "retype" I just mean copy/paste into a new document and then manually set the footnotes, but that's going to take a minute :(

Oh well . . . now I know. I blame you all. You should have warned me ;)

fakeedit: maybe this should have gone into humor/jokes, lolerz

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:07 pm
couldnt you just disable footnotes?

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:18 pm
by Jac3510
No . . . it would actually delete them, and I need the info. I think I figured out a way to save some time, though. I'm going to copy/paste all the footnotes in a separate file and then delete them, and go back and retype them that way. Then, I can save a little over half the job.

Now, what would be REALLY nice is if they let me use end notes! :)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:43 am
by bizzt
Jac3510 wrote:No . . . it would actually delete them, and I need the info. I think I figured out a way to save some time, though. I'm going to copy/paste all the footnotes in a separate file and then delete them, and go back and retype them that way. Then, I can save a little over half the job.

Now, what would be REALLY nice is if they let me use end notes! :)
So that took you an entire 30 seconds instead of a Minute :wink: NICE!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:55 am
by Jac3510
Have you ever written a paper using the Turabian format? I've got, right now, just shy of forty footnotes, plus an additional eight or so coming. The paper isn't but fifteen pages long, maybe seventeen all said and done. It's going to take me more than a minute :(

I got frustrated and didn't do it yesterday afternoon like I was supposed to. I just spent about two hours reading a biography on Martin Luther, instead, lol.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:07 am
by bizzt
Jac3510 wrote:Have you ever written a paper using the Turabian format? I've got, right now, just shy of forty footnotes, plus an additional eight or so coming. The paper isn't but fifteen pages long, maybe seventeen all said and done. It's going to take me more than a minute :(

I got frustrated and didn't do it yesterday afternoon like I was supposed to. I just spent about two hours reading a biography on Martin Luther, instead, lol.
U poor Guy you :wink: