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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:11 pm
by Zander
I come from a atheist family but believe in God myself. I cant go to church as I have no way of getting there since I'm only 14. I used to be a skeptic but I'm not any more and I pray every night. I was wondering if I would still be able to get into heaven?

p.s I'm not trying to make my parents sound bad, they are very nice people just atheists.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:26 pm
by missangel
My mum and step dad are atheist as well, but they take me to church when I need it. I guess you would still go to heaven, if you follow God and Jesus. You know read the bible and pray, belive, try not to sin, and repent ext.

If you want to go to church, maybe you could find some friends who go who are willing to pick you up and take you.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:50 pm
how far is the closest church to your home?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:13 pm
by Zander
About 9 kms even if its not that it would take about the same cause of the traffic and such.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:03 am
by Kurieuo
I've never read Christ saying "you must attend a church...", so you are fine. Infact if you have accepted Christ you are apart of the Church.

It is still important to receive encouragement and nourishment in your faith though, so if you don't attend a church then you will need other avenues (e.g., Christian books, apologetics, friends with similar beliefs, etc). If you have friends who are active Christians than that would make things easier.

Anyway, welcome to this board. Hope you stay.


Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:01 am
I was also gonna mention that, if you cant go to a church, perhaps you can view a mass or service on television or something? I know there a few Christian channels that show this. Or maybe this forum can act as a church, in a way?



Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:11 am
by bluesman
Welcome and its great that you have made the choice to believe!!

You say your parents are nice people and its good to honour them.
Since they are "very nice", would they honour your choice and maybe help to get you to a church?
What do they think of you being Christian?

Just because a Church is closest doesn't make that the right choice for you.
You have to have an idea of what that Church denomination is and what that means.
If its non-denominational that would be fine. I am just saying there are some denominations to stay clear of until you clearly know what they stand for.

Clear this with your parents first, but you could also phone that church and arrange something through them. Maybe there is a member of that church living close to you that might drive you.

If you are praying every night your well on your way to getting to heaven.

God Bless You


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:38 pm
by kateliz
I'd like to make more of a reply than I'm going to now, but... hello people! Assurance of salvation is huge!

You don't get into heaven by doing good things, by praying, by repenting, by reading your Bible or by attending a church. You get in by faith in one who died instead of you. His Blood covers the guilty blood on your hands, and you trust in it to do that. That's the ticket in. Your hands are clean because of the holes in His.

Attending a church can be both good and also harmful. It's good if they teach straight from the Bible with inspiration from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's activity in the members are what gives it life and creates fruit. But don't get confused as to what's the Holy Spirit and what's not. Churches abound that fake the Holy Spirit. Those are deathly dangerous. Pray for God to lead you to the right church and to get you there. He owns all the cars and buses in the world, and can put it in someone's heart to take you. The right person to take you is also important.

Took me years for God to send me the right one. In the mean time He guided my growth by keeping me near Him, in His Word, and in good books I believe He had Christians that formerly walked this earth write. That time just Him and I, (well, I did attend several Bible studies, visited other churches occassionally, and went to a few Bible camps... hehe,) really had a profound affect on our relationship. It taught me that I need to get teaching straight from Him, His Spirit, and His Word, and not to trust anything that I was taught by other Christians, no matter how "good" or "trustworthy", unless I knew that the Bible supported what they were saying. Test everything. That's infinitely important. When He did finally, (after many, many prayers and tears,) bring me to the right place with the right people, I was able to bring perspectives to the group that they maybe would never have thought of otherwise because they depend on eachother so much for what they see as truth. And this isn't just me saying this, my pastor especially, but many people there have told me that they really benefit from it. Remember, Moses was in Midian for forty years getting his training before being called back to his people, and Paul was alone in the desert for three years after his conversion and before he started preaching and planting churches.

But, it is important to be with other Christians, (hence my tears over wanting it). The Holy Spirit moves amidst the members, using one to benefit the other, and the other to benefit the one. However, pray about it until you get an answer. Just be sure you're not deceived in what appears to be an answer but isn't. Don't trust appearances, trust God. Pray for His peace regarding it.

works vs faith

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:10 am
by bluesman
You don't get into heaven by doing good things, by praying, by repenting, by reading your Bible or by attending a church. You get in by faith in one who died instead of you. His Blood covers the guilty blood on your hands, and you trust in it to do that. That's the ticket in. Your hands are clean because of the holes in His.

I do agree in the above, but I would like to clarify something about it.
Having faith in and belief in the above also means you believe in what
Jesus taught. It means you want to pray, you want to repent, you want to read your bible and you want to attend the right Assembly of Christians.
It also means that you will want to do good works like helping the poor, etc.
Your going to want to better your behavior. Now that all something directed by his word and his holy spirit.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 6:52 am
by miller
I'd like to make more of a reply than I'm going to now, but... hello people! Assurance of salvation is huge!
You said what I was thinking the whole itme I'm reading this thread.

I've never read Christ saying "you must attend a church...", so you are fine.
Hebrews 10:25 "Let us not give up meeting togather as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
It's not Jesus saying it, but this comes from the Word of God.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:57 am
by jakelo
Couldn't that also be Christians praying together in a group (ex: family prayer)? I really doubt that people would have to go to a building designated as a place of worship to be saved. I would think that any home where the Holy Ghost is present would be a church in some way.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 6:57 am
by miller
jakelo wrote:Couldn't that also be Christians praying together in a group (ex: family prayer)?
Isn't that part of what a worship service is?
jakelo wrote: I really doubt that people would have to go to a building designated as a place of worship to be saved.
I know that nobody is saved by going to any building.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:04 am
by jakelo
Well that was the impression you gave me. You responded to what Kurieuo said about going to church with something biblical that seems to say that you must attend a church.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:59 pm
by bluesman
This thread was started by Zander , a 14 year old , new christian.
I would really like to hear back from Zander, before we get into a debate
amongst ourselves.

How about it Zander, is any of this a help?


Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:18 am
by jakelo
No debating from me :) I was just offering my own input.