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Christian Life Questions

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:31 pm
by Aurora
I've been browsing the God and Science site (brilliance! absolute brilliance!) and came upon one article -- Brownies with a Difference.

I've been a Christian...pretty much all my life. As well as having faith, I try to stay on the right path; I don't go to wild drunken parties, or hang out with people who do drugs, or curse and swear and all that. I ask Jesus for forgiveness for what I do wrong and try to avoid most situations that would push me to walk off the path.

But then I saw that Brownies article, which makes life sound...incredibly isolated and impossible. After all, unless you stick to strictly Christian music and G-rated movies, it's near-impossible to avoid secular influence in the world. I'm a huge science fiction fan -- read it, watch it, write it, even -- and I've seen a few Lord of the Rings showings in my life. I listen to modern music, within strict limits (without sexually explicit themes, mass swearing, that sort of thing), and most of my friends -- by virtue of similar interests and such -- are not believers. I have Muslim, agnostic, atheist, everyone friends. I do have Christian friends as well, of course.

So is the general view that I have to give up movies, music, friends, books, and even my passion for writing, or else I'm only living "halfway"? Some people have made it sound like you're not a real, bona fide, living-the-Word Christian until you do. I know that all the fiction I see and read and write is just that -- fantasy, nothing real. I don't mistake it to be otherwise. But I'm obviously going to encounter some undesirable language, and inevitably violence, no matter where I go or what I see.

Also, how does one manage to live a peaceful and happy life (within the world's limits, of course) and not think constantly about the fate of everyone else? I mean, most people I know aren't Christian, and sometimes it's hard for me to even think about them, because I know what's going to happen to them if they don't change. It's downright depressing. Any advice (besides prayer, which I'm working on there) for living a fruitful, upbeat life in this kind of world? I'm just going off to college, and I'm wondering...this is the start of my life, really. My life away and on my own. So how can I last 50-odd years of watching all this happen? (I'm not suicidal; don't get me wrong. I have no intention of killing myself.)

Re: Christian Life Questions

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:41 pm
by Canuckster1127
Aurora wrote:I've been browsing the God and Science site (brilliance! absolute brilliance!) and came upon one article -- Brownies with a Difference.

I've been a Christian...pretty much all my life. As well as having faith, I try to stay on the right path; I don't go to wild drunken parties, or hang out with people who do drugs, or curse and swear and all that. I ask Jesus for forgiveness for what I do wrong and try to avoid most situations that would push me to walk off the path.

But then I saw that Brownies article, which makes life sound...incredibly isolated and impossible. After all, unless you stick to strictly Christian music and G-rated movies, it's near-impossible to avoid secular influence in the world. I'm a huge science fiction fan -- read it, watch it, write it, even -- and I've seen a few Lord of the Rings showings in my life. I listen to modern music, within strict limits (without sexually explicit themes, mass swearing, that sort of thing), and most of my friends -- by virtue of similar interests and such -- are not believers. I have Muslim, agnostic, atheist, everyone friends. I do have Christian friends as well, of course.

So is the general view that I have to give up movies, music, friends, books, and even my passion for writing, or else I'm only living "halfway"? Some people have made it sound like you're not a real, bona fide, living-the-Word Christian until you do. I know that all the fiction I see and read and write is just that -- fantasy, nothing real. I don't mistake it to be otherwise. But I'm obviously going to encounter some undesirable language, and inevitably violence, no matter where I go or what I see.

Also, how does one manage to live a peaceful and happy life (within the world's limits, of course) and not think constantly about the fate of everyone else? I mean, most people I know aren't Christian, and sometimes it's hard for me to even think about them, because I know what's going to happen to them if they don't change. It's downright depressing. Any advice (besides prayer, which I'm working on there) for living a fruitful, upbeat life in this kind of world? I'm just going off to college, and I'm wondering...this is the start of my life, really. My life away and on my own. So how can I last 50-odd years of watching all this happen? (I'm not suicidal; don't get me wrong. I have no intention of killing myself.)

Welcome to the site. Glad you are here with us.

I had to go to the main site and look up the "brownies" article.

For those who don't know what it is, here is the link.

I understand some of your questions. I wrestle with a lot of it myself.

As a father with kids, I think I may actually try the brownie routine and see if it works! ;)

Legalism is a heavy burden to carry and frankly, while I don't recommend the opposite extreme, which is no discernment and absolute permissiveness, there are some questions.

First, the example given relates to something over which we have choice. Choosing to go to see a movie when you know it is not consistent with your principals in a blatant way presents a question of what is the best use of your time.

That being said, I reject the idea that you cannot engage with the culture of this world in a beneficial manner.

First several of the books you mention are great books, in my opinion. Lord of the Rings is fanatastic literature and is written by a passionate Roman Catholic who was good friends with CS Lewis. I enjoy science fiction and read it, while attempting to be discerning of what the messages are. Frank Herbert, of Dune fame is a favorite of mine.

Some will disagree with me and that is fine, but I've read the DaVinci Code that is making a huge splash again with the movie coming out. I recognized when I read it that there were Gnostic themes involved and that there was a purpose underlying how it was written. Should I have ignored it? Maybe. As it stands I am equipped to discuss it with people and help them to see where those influences are and how the contradict history and Christianity.

Every person has to find that line and frankly, you will make mistakes in both directions.

I chose not to live my life legalistically. I choose to love Christ and make my decisions for Him rather than against other things although that obviously is involved.

In terms of how you balance your love for your friends against you fear that they will not know Christ, that is the risk of loving and it is painful.

Unfortunately, far too many Christians choose to build all their relationships through Church and Christians and over time they come to a point where they no longer interact with non-Christians. In fact, it is a well known principal of evangelism that new Christians lead more people to Christ than Christians who have several years of faith.

I frankly think that is wrong. The Bible tells us to be in the World and not of it. Salt is only Salty to things (think people) who have no salt of their own.

What I remind myself is that God never charged me as responsible for the fate of other people ultimately. He charged me to spread the good news, and give the message. God gave those people choice (or if you're heavy into predestination, then God made that choice for them - something I don't completely embrace by the way ;) ) I can't take responsibility for what I cannot control. I control my actions and words. It is up to God and that other person to work out their response. That doesn't mean you don't grieve. It should mean that you pray and seek to be a testmony without driving people away trying to force them to a decision that God gave them the right to make, not you.

Anyway, glad you're here! Hope you interact more and become a part!



Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:42 am
by bluesman
I'm just going off to college, and I'm wondering...this is the start of my life, really. My life away and on my own.

Ah college ! I remember long ago my first time away from Mom and Dad.
Its a great experience , but temptation abound. I never thought I would bend
to the pressure. At college I strayed from christian ways, although my faith was not so strong before then either. If you go to a big enough place I hope there would be a Christians on Campus for you.

I think you have to examine the word for yourself to figure what is acceptable behavior. They use to say Blues, and Rock and Roll were the devils music.
Ever seen the movie Footloose ? They thought dancing was evil too.
Now they think these Harry Potter books are bad.
There is nothing wrong with any of these.

I have seen some movies and even kids movies that are just terrible in what they show and teach the kids. I am afraid of what this X-Box generation will come to.


Re: Christian Life Questions

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 1:47 am
by Silvertusk
Aurora wrote:I've been browsing the God and Science site (brilliance! absolute brilliance!) and came upon one article -- Brownies with a Difference.

I've been a Christian...pretty much all my life. As well as having faith, I try to stay on the right path; I don't go to wild drunken parties, or hang out with people who do drugs, or curse and swear and all that. I ask Jesus for forgiveness for what I do wrong and try to avoid most situations that would push me to walk off the path.

But then I saw that Brownies article, which makes life sound...incredibly isolated and impossible. After all, unless you stick to strictly Christian music and G-rated movies, it's near-impossible to avoid secular influence in the world. I'm a huge science fiction fan -- read it, watch it, write it, even -- and I've seen a few Lord of the Rings showings in my life. I listen to modern music, within strict limits (without sexually explicit themes, mass swearing, that sort of thing), and most of my friends -- by virtue of similar interests and such -- are not believers. I have Muslim, agnostic, atheist, everyone friends. I do have Christian friends as well, of course.

So is the general view that I have to give up movies, music, friends, books, and even my passion for writing, or else I'm only living "halfway"? Some people have made it sound like you're not a real, bona fide, living-the-Word Christian until you do. I know that all the fiction I see and read and write is just that -- fantasy, nothing real. I don't mistake it to be otherwise. But I'm obviously going to encounter some undesirable language, and inevitably violence, no matter where I go or what I see.

Also, how does one manage to live a peaceful and happy life (within the world's limits, of course) and not think constantly about the fate of everyone else? I mean, most people I know aren't Christian, and sometimes it's hard for me to even think about them, because I know what's going to happen to them if they don't change. It's downright depressing. Any advice (besides prayer, which I'm working on there) for living a fruitful, upbeat life in this kind of world? I'm just going off to college, and I'm wondering...this is the start of my life, really. My life away and on my own. So how can I last 50-odd years of watching all this happen? (I'm not suicidal; don't get me wrong. I have no intention of killing myself.)
Hi Aurora

Welcome to this site.

First thing Jesus made it very clear that life should be enjoyed. Some christians seem to miss this point entirely. Jesus went to parties. There are obvious things you should stay away from - yes. But sci-fi, writing, meeting with non-christian friends - these are what makes you - don't give any of it up. If you like writing - then God has given that gift to you. I love sci-fi, fantasy, horror. I am a big fan of Lord of the Rings, Vampire movies and Harry Potter.

It is all about moderation and realising these things for what they are. Granted there are some people that should be guarded from certain things until they are old enough to make the decisions for themselves but as long as you realise that these are just films - then personally I do not see problem.

Concertrate more on what matters and that is being a witness for Christ to your friends by being a good friend to them all. Which I am sure you are and don't get bogged down with the other stuff too much.

As for your last comment - well I agree with you - it can get depressing. But that is why we all need to be effective witnesses with good theology.

THis is all of course my humble opinion.

God Bless


Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 11:23 am
by lissy
good thoughts, everyone. in my own life god has shown me what it really means to live for him even though i have always had very conservative values and loved god very much. i have dramatically changed my way of thinking, asking the right questions when i decide what is best for how to live. we are not honoring god and really focusing on him when we say, how much bad language, violence, suggestive content is too much, and so on... focus on making the ONLY question you ask yourself in all aspects of your life, "how far can i go to honor god and be a good witness to other?" you will be amazed at how this changes your perspective and can draw you even closer to god. if you heart is truely desiring to honor god, he will take away the desire to compromise, so many things we all try and hang on to just won't matter at all anymore anyway if you give it to god. the more i give up, the happier and more peaceful i am. just keep in tune with god's voice. that article says it well. "just a little" does ruin the whole thing. you would only have to give up any of those things if they are drawing you away from god. i have become even much more conservative, and i do not feel the least bit isolated, or like i'm being legalistic because my choices draw me closer to god, they are not just a set of rules. i also think it is a good thing to be thinking about everyone's fate, that shows that you really care. just actively do someting about it and do what you can to witness to people. that is why it is important to face those thoughts, even if it is sad to think about.

Re: Christian Life Questions

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:15 pm
by FFC
Aurora wrote:I've been browsing the God and Science site (brilliance! absolute brilliance!) and came upon one article -- Brownies with a Difference.

I've been a Christian...pretty much all my life. As well as having faith, I try to stay on the right path; I don't go to wild drunken parties, or hang out with people who do drugs, or curse and swear and all that. I ask Jesus for forgiveness for what I do wrong and try to avoid most situations that would push me to walk off the path.

But then I saw that Brownies article, which makes life sound...incredibly isolated and impossible. After all, unless you stick to strictly Christian music and G-rated movies, it's near-impossible to avoid secular influence in the world. I'm a huge science fiction fan -- read it, watch it, write it, even -- and I've seen a few Lord of the Rings showings in my life. I listen to modern music, within strict limits (without sexually explicit themes, mass swearing, that sort of thing), and most of my friends -- by virtue of similar interests and such -- are not believers. I have Muslim, agnostic, atheist, everyone friends. I do have Christian friends as well, of course.

So is the general view that I have to give up movies, music, friends, books, and even my passion for writing, or else I'm only living "halfway"? Some people have made it sound like you're not a real, bona fide, living-the-Word Christian until you do. I know that all the fiction I see and read and write is just that -- fantasy, nothing real. I don't mistake it to be otherwise. But I'm obviously going to encounter some undesirable language, and inevitably violence, no matter where I go or what I see.

Also, how does one manage to live a peaceful and happy life (within the world's limits, of course) and not think constantly about the fate of everyone else? I mean, most people I know aren't Christian, and sometimes it's hard for me to even think about them, because I know what's going to happen to them if they don't change. It's downright depressing. Any advice (besides prayer, which I'm working on there) for living a fruitful, upbeat life in this kind of world? I'm just going off to college, and I'm wondering...this is the start of my life, really. My life away and on my own. So how can I last 50-odd years of watching all this happen? (I'm not suicidal; don't get me wrong. I have no intention of killing myself.)
Hi Aurora,
I think somebody should have told Jesus that brownie story and maybe He wouldn't have hung out with prostitutes, drunkards and tax collectors. :wink:

The only way to live your christian life without the slightest exposure to sin would be to lock yourself in a room alone and read your bible and pray...but even then you would have to deal with your own sinful thoughts and actions.

We definitely should not engage in anything that causes us to be a bad testimony for Christ or hurts our walk with Christ in some way but I don't think God wants us to constantly look over our shoulders for lurking demons. There are enough of them in plain sight.

We are to walk in the Spirit and put on the armor of God every day. It is God who will guide you in all things as you put your trust in him. and it is His supernatural power that protects us from evil...not our choices. This includes your testimony to your friends. Thinking about your friends and loved one going to hell can depress you to the point that you would rather not be with them...I've been there. I have also learned that we can not save anybody! No amount of our words or actions can do that. Only God can get a persons attention and open their eyes and our only duty is to be available to Him so that He can use us. Also remember that God is love, and despite what some think, He loves all of His creations and doesn't want any of them to perish. We don't know how He is working in their inner beings but He is. Just try to remember back before you were saved if you can and i'll bet you can remember at least one or two times that God was trying to get your attention. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the same thing is happening to your friends and that someday you will be there at the right time to answer a question for them.

Continue to trust in Him and let Him guide you...and then relax. It's all about God... and as far as the opinions of other christians regarding your walk with Him... they know nothing about your heart.

Answer + my opinions

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:30 am
by madscientist
I think it si not wether u read and engage in such things if it wont birng u away from god. Me 2i lisen to sort of random music with lots of swearing and the ideas they have are not the best. But i am young and this is the music ppl of my age listen 2. Even christians (from my christian school in SK) listen such music. Then shud i consider it wrong? If i like it and sometime improves my mood... then i go read bible or so and i feel better even if music is about all those bad things...
SO am i doing right? Not 2 sure... but prob im not wrong eother
And ya it must feel awful whern u kno som1 who love wont b saved... but i think if u do wat u can then it wont b uour fault. ANd i think this is the proof of loving som1. That wen he/she is sad so r u, u fel the same way. I consider this being the love. U feel bad bcoz somthugn bad hapens to som1. Althoghu it deosnt affect u directly, it makes u feel bad wen u realize that a person, a spirit wil (or may) suffer in hell. A god's creation... really sad. But if u have this view then this shows nothing but love.!