Well, my old self never had a buffet approach. Now, i have no choice. Plus, literally, i love buffets. :9
Yes, i'm aware that God will always be one.
Well, it is an exception, because there are many parts in the Bible that says, Jesus cannot be God (literally or not), and there are also parts that say he is. Which one is it? Well, if you're a Christian, of course you're gonna take the parts that you believe in. Buffet approach
Gen 1:1, true.
John 1:1, false. Only true, if you consider the true translation. If you want the true translation of this verse, look into, what you guys call, "the JW's Bible" (New World Translation).
John 1:3, well after taking "care" of John 1:1, it would seem weird to continue thinking that the word "him" in this verse is still "Jesus", rather than "God".
John 1:14, somewhat true. I'll agree that the Word (Logos) did become flesh. But, not that God became flesh. If you consider the footnote, you'd be better off with that. Rather than the way it is now.
Yes, i'm well aware that Col 1:16 used John 1:3 as "backing". Though, i wouldn't say "all things", as in "the heavens and the earth". But, rather every miracle that Jesus "performed". You know, like every other prophet.
As for the stuff on the Holy Spirit, all those verses doesn't say "Holy Spirit", but rather "Spirit". Now, we're assuming, unlike the NT where it actually says "Holy Spirit". Now, i'm not denying that God is Holy. And i'm not denying that God is omnipresent. But, those verses is more assuming that that's what they meant by "Spirit". The Jews wrote the OT, didn't they? Would they agree that it means, "Holy Spirit"?
Well, there's more than one cookbook, and i found better recipies in the others.
I tell people i used to be a Christian. Does this not imply that i used to believe that the whole Bible was true? Maybe i'm not specific enough. And faith comes in many forms. Unforutnately, people like to hear more than they like to read. Because of which, they should really study the Bible, rather than let someone else do it for them. Faith brought me to the truth. Believe you and me, i defend the Bible whenever necessary.
Hi, August.
Well, God is Most Merciful and Savior. Through Him alone we find salvation (no need for Christ Jesus).
Well, you'd be amazed at the similarities between certain religions. How can two things be wrong about something? -- a new phrase i like to say xD. In fact, God said there should be at least two witnesses for something to be declared true. Well, truly one religion can use another religion to prove itself on something. But, not for everything. The thing about Muslims, they not only have their Bible (the Holy Qur'an) as one witness, they have other scriptures as another witness. And they have the Christian Bible, as half a witness. The [Christian] Bible seems to have only itself as one witness, and the Qur'an as half a witness. Maybe if so many things weren't banned from the Bible, it'd have lots more. And, maybe if, back then, there weren't so many burnings of scriptures, the Bible may have more witnesses.
Because of the case of witnesses. I lean towards the one that has more witnesses. The arguement i've received from this is, "where would faith be with proof?", well i responded, "Um,
Oh, btw, August, your signature is proof that Jesus cant be God.
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
[24]"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."