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Thoughts on my Salvation

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:31 pm
by krynn9000
You know, I have often been thinking of my own personal salvation and had some questions. One of the central points of Christianity has of course always been that of "being born again" and this seems to me to be a sigular event. The problem I have is pinpointing that EXACT moment moment when I was saved. Personally, my best guess is that it occurred my freshman year in college when I was thinking about God, picked up my New Testament, and signed my name under the profession of faith on the inside cover. Really ever since then I feel I am a much better person and have a deeper concern for my relationship with God (im just looking for some outward signs that the Holy Spirit is with me)

The discouraging (and scary) part is simply that it wasn't the extremely profound conversion experience I hear so much about. It feels so gradual...

I just wonder how other people feel about the "moment of salvation" and how you think my experience compares.

What makes a good story

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 9:32 pm
by bluesman
My guess would be that most conversion to faith are of the gradual type.
The extremely profound conversion experience makes a better story so thats
what you hear about.
I can pick certain moments and times in my life when my faith became stronger.

When a person is going thru more extreme times then more profound conversions become more probable. For example a drug addict converting or
faith in moments of sickness.

I would say my feeling of the Holy Spirit have been strong at times of sickness, etc.

If you don't experience the Holy Spirit , I have to ask if you are going to church or being around other christians.
