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How can you ever truly believe? How can you be Christian?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:13 am
by andersonmi
How can you ever truly believe? Unless you're extremely simpleminded you're going to question the concept of religion. You will come to the conclusion that it's never possible to be completely sure. This problem never used to apply to many people, they were just bred into the religion, they went to church ever sunday and from a young age most of the doubt has been driven out of their mind and most people aren't willing to give up a religion once they have devoted years of their life to it. There's also the argument which initially sparked off religion, that non-believers go to hell so people are scared into the religion and wouldn't dare question the origins of the religion.
There's now a new breed of people, causing a shadow of doubt to be cast over religion generally. People like me, i have been baptised, but i have only been to church a few times my whole life, this leaves me having to make my own mind up about religion, completely unbiased. Therefore i have become an agnostic, as the majority seem to be, unable to commit themselves towards one side of the argument, but i am more inclined towards the science side of argument seeming more logical therefore probable, but there is still the undeniable fact that everything had to come from somewhere. Something had to begin it all.
This leaves me with a dilemma, i can never truly believe, i would never be able to say i believed religion completely, i could say it, but i would know i didn't mean it, therefore making the whole concept of religion useless to me. As to be a Christian you have to truly belief with no trace of doubt, after all this is what gains you entrance to heaven apparently.
Therefore religion is pointless to me and i will never start going to church simply because of the threat of hell, that argument is ridiculous. You should be Christian because you believe in the Holy Trinity and in what jesus did, not because you are threatened into a religion with image of hell. It makes me angry when i look back at adults asking me whether i believed and i replied saying i wasn't sure, and then i was told i would then go to hell. What ignorant people, anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows thats not a reason for following a religion for the whole of your life.
Sorry for my ramble.
so i desperately ask for help, how can i truly believe in God with no trace of doubt?

From a fifteen year old boy desperately searching for answers

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:29 am
by Birdie
This site talks something about that right here

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:23 am
by FFC
Birdie wrote:This site talks something about that right here
Very nicely stated! I don't think it could be said any better.

How to believe...

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:15 am
by madscientist
Well because it's called belief it means you have to believe and not to search proof. But of course belief without any evidence is blind. But i agree that believing just not to going to hell is dumb. You can believe just for that but that is not the correct reason. Well interesting. But i think one should believe because he agrees with god's ideas, love etc. If one sees the love, wants to go to heaven, be happy and is taught to believe then he will do it. But to truly believe of course one must want to ask all those questions etc...
So i believe it is to be affected y all the people surrounding you and wanting to believe. If you want to belive then you will...