Not evryone given same opportunity to do evil/good in life??

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Not evryone given same opportunity to do evil/good in life??

Post by madscientist »

Its interesting 2 know how, on what God judges us. For example, whether circumstances as such will b taken into account. Becauze this just doesnt seem fair: som ppl are given the chance to do more good/evil than others. Therefore, some have the ''opportunity'' to do more good/evil thyan others. excamples are leadres, such as hitler, stalin etc. those ppl did lots evil bcoz they had the opportunity. But many ppl would have done evil if they had the opportunity. shud they suffer more only bcoz the fate was that they had power? just think ofg how many ppl would be like them if they did have the opportunity.\
isnt then this just unfair?? (Question that bothers me all my life...|)
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Re: Not evryone given same opportunity to do evil/good in li

Post by Canuckster1127 »

madscientist wrote:Its interesting 2 know how, on what God judges us. For example, whether circumstances as such will b taken into account. Becauze this just doesnt seem fair: som ppl are given the chance to do more good/evil than others. Therefore, some have the ''opportunity'' to do more good/evil thyan others. excamples are leadres, such as hitler, stalin etc. those ppl did lots evil bcoz they had the opportunity. But many ppl would have done evil if they had the opportunity. shud they suffer more only bcoz the fate was that they had power? just think ofg how many ppl would be like them if they did have the opportunity.\
isnt then this just unfair?? (Question that bothers me all my life...|)
It's a good thing God judges first and foremost on what He knows to be true in terms of our hearts. Man looks on the outside. God looks on the heart.

In the end, there is only one thing that we will be judged on. What have we done with the gift of salvation offered to us through the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Everything else, including our actions and works do not accomplish this for us. Only what Christ has done.
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Re: Not evryone given same opportunity to do evil/good in li

Post by madscientist »

Um ya...
Good answer. But wat about those who are never born or die young? Will god judge on what they would have done if they were alive??? Eg many ppl who died like that could have been evil/good. And many who did not could then go directly to hevane for beoing 'lucky' to die young?? Afgain interesting question i think... Then thered b no purpose 4 this creation would there? Or...

It's a good thing God judges first and foremost on what He knows to be true in terms of our hearts. Man looks on the outside. God looks on the heart.

In the end, there is only one thing that we will be judged on. What have we done with the gift of salvation offered to us through the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Everything else, including our actions and works do not accomplish this for us. Only what Christ has done.[/quote]
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Re: Not evryone given same opportunity to do evil/good in li

Post by Canuckster1127 »

madscientist wrote:Um ya...
Good answer. But wat about those who are never born or die young? Will god judge on what they would have done if they were alive??? Eg many ppl who died like that could have been evil/good. And many who did not could then go directly to hevane for beoing 'lucky' to die young?? Afgain interesting question i think... Then thered b no purpose 4 this creation would there? Or...

It's a good thing God judges first and foremost on what He knows to be true in terms of our hearts. Man looks on the outside. God looks on the heart.

In the end, there is only one thing that we will be judged on. What have we done with the gift of salvation offered to us through the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Everything else, including our actions and works do not accomplish this for us. Only what Christ has done.

Those are good questions.

I happen to believe that God is just and loving and that those who are not afforded the opportunity to will be judged fairly.

I'm familiar with some of the different arguments regarding this. I frankly don't know what the answer would be in any given situation.

I'd like to believe God will extend salvation in those situations you cite. I believe that to be consistent with God's nature. However. I'm content to say that I ultimately don't know, but because I do know God is just and loving, I'm content to leave that question with Him.

Salvation is not by works, therefore that is not an issue.

There are other threads on this board where some debate has taken place on this.
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Post by bluesman »

The is some scriptural evidence for children who die going to heaven.
This is sometimes called the age of accountability. If you die before that age you go to heaven.

Also in the White Throne Judgements it talks about judgement according to works.

One thing about judgement by works is that in actual fact its harder for rich people. Why? Because its easy to give to the poor when your rich.
However, to share some from the little you have is giving a lot!

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Need more help with thios pls...

Post by madscientist »

Yes thx for answers.. But the questuon is still that is it that God regards this when judging us? Some people are given 10 years then they die, some are given 20, some 100. And each of us has a different personality (which i believe can be changed but still...) and differend genetic information etc. So couldnt there be a trait for having some bad characteristics from the beginning eg lust for power, or, on the other hand, are some things e.g. goodheartedness inherited? If yes then how could God us judge us? MAybe he does consider this (and that is why we are told not to judge people). But still...
Also, that some people are born into different religions or environments. It is likely if people around you are evil you will become too. E.g. if all the people around uo say to you God is good, love him etc you will be more likely to accept it than if they said bad stuff about God, and if you had no catholic parents etc whatsoever. Or when someones parents are alcoholic, then friends put peer pressure to take drugs and forget God and it goes like this, the person lives a bad life. But lets say IF THAT PERSON LIVED IN A DIFFERENT PLACE, with different people etc he hadnt been evil. Why would had God out him in a different place if he wanted us all to be saved etc?

Or another example is with the Israelites. They were considered the "elected nation" and the others were all wicked (burning their children etc). But wouldnt anyone born into those evil nations do the same? Maybe if those who were evil because of being born and affected by the surrounding people there, had they been israelites they wouldnt have been evil and would go to heaven. How can something we cannot choose affect our ETERNITY? I mean, there is unfairness in this world, but how could the only GOD judge on that? The problem is, not everyone lives in the same surroundoiungs, people etc. If you are with good, YOU ARE MORE LIKELY to turn to good, same with evil. Does God take this into account?
Is it fair that those born to an islamic, hinduistic or other world are judged to go to hell for not accepting Jesus? Althoight it is true people can change (also from atheist to religious) there is still a higher chance for those born in good families, having good environment etc. ANd that all just seems unfair.
Or is it that whether a person would be born ANYWHERE in the world, in any time, would be the same as he/she had been and so God then predestined us like that? E.g. he knew that person would be evil so he put him there to be evil and he'd be evil anywhere he'd be living? I dont think so, becuase that means people are sort of predestined and couldnt do anything (i think im wrong here but whatever.)
Anyway, arent ALL THE SOULS identical? - that when as soul, they all have, although free will, same importance before God, same power, etc...-? Hope someone could answer those questions pls...
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difficult question

Post by bluesman »

you certainly brought up a hard question.
I hope someone take a stab at answering this .
If not give me another day or two and we can figure it out.


God Bless

My short answer is that yes God will take this into account in the White Throne
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Post by Gman »

Howdy, I think you may be assuming too many things... First of all, EVERYONE is evil or has evil tendencies. NO ONE is doing good here... I don't think there is anyone in the world who would debate that. It doesn't matter where you live, whether you are rich or poor jew or gentile... We all need Christ. We have ALL broken the law and are in need of help. Sin is sin no matter how you slice it. One sin is not higher than one other sin either. It's ALL sin... You can't hide from it either since we are all under the sin umbrella... And saying I believe in God doesn't mean anything as well, unless you have taken it into heart. My guess is when we all get to heaven we will probably be shocked who else will be there as well...

I think Mother Teresa said it well, (even though I'm not Catholic). She said one of the poorest countries she has ever visited was the good ole United States. It was said it was materially weathly, but spiritually poor... :wink:

If you look at the Apostle Paul as he came closer to the end of his role in supporting Christianity, the closer he got to God, the blacker (or sinful) he saw his own soul.

As for Israel... Although they functionally had a differnet role in the world, they were still evil as well..

Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, [As] I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Notice that this is also directed towards the Israelis and calling them evil in their ways.

Hope this helps,

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Post by FFC »

I think everybody has the same oppurtunity to accept or reject Christ and that is the bottom line. No matter whether you live in the deepest darkest corner of Afrika or were raised in a Christian home the decision to believe in Christ is a huge one and offered freely to everyone. I don't care if you are a three year old child or a ninety year old retarded man with alzhiemers disease, ours is an omnipotent God that can connect with your heart no matter what the circumstances.
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Post by madscientist »

I agree with Gman and FFC but even so I am not sure all have the same opportunity to do so. MAybe, yes, same opportunity but some need to do more than others.
Or let;s look at this example - there are places on Earth where people are more wicked or less. Where there is more of Christian background in the counrty there seems to be less evil or better evil in general. I m not sayin there is none or people still dont do hoice, but the chance of becoming a christian is higher than somewhere in the middle east where islam is ruling.
ANd all those terrorists etc. Why almost all of them come from the same place and/or religion? Because it is in that part of the world. Lets say those people were brought up somewhere in a place with christians they'd be different, probabalt less wicked. I dont know God does but tht s what i thinbk. Had they been living with diffeent people, the'd have been dofferent. ANd this applies to all people. Usually if the environement around them is evil, they TEND TO become like it.
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Re: answer

Post by Byblos »

madscientist wrote:I agree with Gman and FFC but even so I am not sure all have the same opportunity to do so. MAybe, yes, same opportunity but some need to do more than others.
Or let;s look at this example - there are places on Earth where people are more wicked or less. Where there is more of Christian background in the counrty there seems to be less evil or better evil in general. I m not sayin there is none or people still dont do hoice, but the chance of becoming a christian is higher than somewhere in the middle east where islam is ruling.
ANd all those terrorists etc. Why almost all of them come from the same place and/or religion? Because it is in that part of the world. Lets say those people were brought up somewhere in a place with christians they'd be different, probabalt less wicked. I dont know God does but tht s what i thinbk. Had they been living with diffeent people, the'd have been dofferent. ANd this applies to all people. Usually if the environement around them is evil, they TEND TO become like it.
:shock: Oh, boy! I don't think I'll touch this one. I just wouldn't know where to begin. :shock:
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Post by Gman »

Madscientist dude, what I've saying here is don't fall into this evironmental judgement stuff. Ok, I will admit, I might be biased in meeting a muslim person from Iran per say. However, how do I know how that person looks in God's eyes? I'm not God, and I know that his ways are not always my ways.

How can I correctly judge a person? I think if you strip away the economic, evironmental, religious bias from a person and just look at the person as a whole, you may find that person living a more Godly life than your own. In other words, look at people in the way Christ did... Just look at them as people, like the way we would want to be treated.

By the way, even though we are not killing people over here (physically). Christ says if we have hatred in our hearts towards others, we've killed them already. So who is doing good or better here than someone else here..?

Like I said before, don't be surprised when we get to heaven that there may be muslim, hindu, buddhist, jewish people there as well. We are not God, God knows people better than us so don't fall into this trap.

Know what I mean?

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Post by FFC »

Mad wrote:I agree with Gman and FFC but even so I am not sure all have the same opportunity to do so.
Mad, I think your looking at this from a human and finite viewpoint. Don't forget how loving and merciful God is. We all know right from wrong no matter where we live in the world and no matter what degree of sin surrounds us. It is the sin inside of us that is the problem. One sin may seem worse to one person in one part of the world than another in another part of the world, but in God's eyes even the smallest of them put us in danger of eternal punishment. The effects of sin are relative...but the reality of sin in each of our lives are plain and put in us a need for a savior.
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Act 9:6
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Different view of hell

Post by bluesman »

I think you have to think about your views on "Hell" and what happens in the afterlife. Also your view of the future rule of Jesus here on earth.

Now some of what I will say is not totally my view, but some of what I read from "Tomorrow's World" .

One is that Christians will be the leader, priest, and kings in the coming reign of Christ on Earth.

So who makes up the masses if we are the Kings?

First 1,000 year reign the elect in Christ rule with Jesus.

Then the resurrection of the unrighteous to be Judged.
Judge by works. To judge then punishment is going to fit each person.

Some would believe that those needing a fair chance to accept Jesus will be given that chance. Who will teach them? Good Christians from the 1st resurrection.

Then Satan released again for a short time.

So I don't know how the majority feel about this "2nd chance" theology.

Another thing to ponder is Why is God allowing this little experiment of letting Man rule himself. Why not just have Jesus rule from the start?

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Post by madscientist »

Thx to everyboidy for answering. Its kinda clearer now.
But one thhinng.. i know there - i believe there will be not christtians only in heaven (altgough i dont think we'll remember from this world a single thing but anyway...) - but why then its said often "Christ is the only way to salvation?" Ofcourse if you were born as a hindu, for example then you'll believe hindu is the right religion etc. So unfair if it wouldnt. And bless God for that!
But why then we tend to say Jesus is the only way toward salvation? IS it only for those who KNEW about him and does this leave out those who were in other religions?
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