i feel betrayed...by God almost

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i feel betrayed...by God almost

Post by Shaded~ »

i have been recently been with a highly devout christian girl for quite some time and i myself am a little more reserved to christian faith and beliefs...and for an im window i had a picture up of an indirect pentagram but me not knowing much on religious matters did not notice it and this girl whom i felt i loved decides to never want to speak to me because of the choice i made. she said she is afraid of people that make a decision that pictures like this are half way decent knowing what it is and means or not. now from what i think i know of christianity and God...God loves everybody and i would guess he wants everyone to know him and his word and give people the chance right? and now a very respectable christian whom has clearly put god number one in her life feels that i should not be spoken too...i am shocked and let in amazement at how a girl of god who claims she does things for him decides that i am not good enough and that i should not be spoken too because of this. i clearly need God and one of the few people that can convince me or talk to me about him decides i should not be spoken to because she said her religion frowns on people like me??!?!?! and the only conclusions i have been able to come up with is that her faith or understanding is not correct though i should not judge her relationship with God and at the same time i know feel betrayed by God. please help me. and i warn you that i am stubborn and am hard to convince on certain matters that there is little physical evidence of. so i thought what better then this website where there should be plenty of people to help me. thank you
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Satan star?

Post by bluesman »

I take it that you had a picture of this so called star of satan?

What is this girls denomination?

I think this girl more than over-reacted. Certainly there is a mismatch in faith
in this relationship and maybe it won't work. However, you and her should
be talking this out and come to decision if the relationship is worth saving.

You need to spend a little time to think it through wether this girl is even right
for you.

You both will need to compromise for the relationship to work. You will need to give up this pictures and she needs to understand your faith needs time to

If you both decide to try and save the relationship then find out exactly where her beliefs run.

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Re: i feel betrayed...by God almost

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Shaded~ wrote:i have been recently been with a highly devout christian girl for quite some time and i myself am a little more reserved to christian faith and beliefs...and for an im window i had a picture up of an indirect pentagram but me not knowing much on religious matters did not notice it and this girl whom i felt i loved decides to never want to speak to me because of the choice i made. she said she is afraid of people that make a decision that pictures like this are half way decent knowing what it is and means or not. now from what i think i know of christianity and God...God loves everybody and i would guess he wants everyone to know him and his word and give people the chance right? and now a very respectable christian whom has clearly put god number one in her life feels that i should not be spoken too...i am shocked and let in amazement at how a girl of god who claims she does things for him decides that i am not good enough and that i should not be spoken too because of this. i clearly need God and one of the few people that can convince me or talk to me about him decides i should not be spoken to because she said her religion frowns on people like me??!?!?! and the only conclusions i have been able to come up with is that her faith or understanding is not correct though i should not judge her relationship with God and at the same time i know feel betrayed by God. please help me. and i warn you that i am stubborn and am hard to convince on certain matters that there is little physical evidence of. so i thought what better then this website where there should be plenty of people to help me. thank you

Welcome to the site.

Sorry to hear of your difficulty.

Of course, I can only go by what you are saying, and she may have a different perspective and frankly, I can't really solve your problem for you in terms of your relationship with this girl.

But, I will say this.

There is Biblical teaching that indicates that Christians and Non-Christians should not marry, and therefore good reason for Christians not to date non-Christians. So, if this girl is a Christian and you are not, then she may be making a decision to draw away from you in that regard and frankly, if I were counselling her, that is what I'd be telling her.

That doesn't mean however, that Christians should shun non-Christians. She may not be the person to talk with you about some of these issues because she doesn't want to complicate things as there has been more to your relationship.

I think it is great that you are here and that you are asking questions and I want you to know that you are welcome and that I am sincerely glad you are here.

Please feel free to look around the boards at the other threads that deal with issues that you are interested or have questions about or ask some questions here and we'll do our best to help.

Welcome again,

Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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Post by Shaded~ »

well i consider myself christian...at least id like to but at the same time i make alot of so called mistakes liek that picture which was a one time deal which also was promptly deleted. she is a catholic and i was confirmed lutheran. just to clear some things up but thank you for responding =)
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

Shaded~ wrote:well i consider myself christian...at least id like to but at the same time i make alot of so called mistakes liek that picture which was a one time deal which also was promptly deleted. she is a catholic and i was confirmed lutheran. just to clear some things up but thank you for responding =)
Thanks for clearing it up Shaded.

If you were to stand before God and He were to ask you why He should allow you into heaven, what would your answer be?
Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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Post by Shaded~ »

Because i believe that he sent his son to earth to die for our sins and that he loves us and that he is the creator of all.
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Post by FFC »

Shaded~ wrote:Because i believe that he sent his son to earth to die for our sins and that he loves us and that he is the creator of all.
Good answer, shaded. Not to sound judgemental or harsh to your girlfriend but if she would react this strongly to such an innocent act on your part maybe she did you a favor. after all a solid relationship is based on trust and communication and she doesn't seem to want to engage in either one right now. Don't blame God, thank Him that He revealed this early to you.

Just my opinion.
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Post by Shaded~ »

thank you...the trust part of it is trumendously great..its communication
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

Shaded~ wrote:Because i believe that he sent his son to earth to die for our sins and that he loves us and that he is the creator of all.
That is a good answer as far as it goes and maybe you mean this by it too, but just believing this is not enough. There is an act of trust and faith where you beleive this and then act on it by agreeing with God about what he says of your sinful state apart from Jesus Christ, repent of your sin and admit your need for Christ as your personal savior and then place your trust and faith in Christ for your salvation.

Intellectual belief is good and important, but it is not enough.

It any event, I am glad you are here and I am sorry for your pain. It is hard to have a relationship end where you feel rejected. God didn't do that to you. He's given you and her free will and with that comes the risk that decisions will be made by others that can hurt you.
Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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interdenominational marriages

Post by bluesman »

Yeah I had a feeling I had reason to ask her denomination.

Catholic is one of those that don't easily mix with othe Christian denomination. Although, if I remember right Lutheran has some beliefs that
are a little different too.
A very serious Catholic probable needs to marry another Catholic?

It seems to me that your say your Lutheran because maybe your parents were?
If so thats not a good reason to pick that denomination.
Best to just say your Christian until you understand more.

Anyways I think God somewhere has created the right woman for you.
I know he did for me . I went through a few wrong ones before I found her though.

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Post by Shaded~ »

I tried to say i was confirmed lutheran but i dont consider it to be my denomination because like you said theres different things about it hat i dont like.
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