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Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:01 am
by Poetic_Soul

You are Holy, oh so Holy
What a privilege and an honor to worship at your Throne.
To be called into your presence as your own.

I was allowed to see your left hand
Dangle the moon and stars from your fingertips.
While the right hand gripped the surface of the sun.

You who spit out solar systems
So that the angels can play marbles within their pastime
Who presently wait for your finishing touch called man.
So you accommodate them while preparing your completion.

Your sorrow cried pain
Tears leaving four oceans and seven seas
Because in due time, you would have to prove your love.

As your hands molded mountains chipping off hills
Your thumbs indented valleys.
Seeing your index finger tracing out rivers of fresh water.

You are Worthy, oh so Worthy
What a privilege and an honor to worship at your Throne.
To be called into your presence as your own.

I was privileged to see the ingredients that were held in your palms.
From assorted organic materials to rock sediments.
Blending the soil to finish the epitome of your creation.
As it lies still on hollow ground
You inhaled deeply until both lungs were filled.

Suddenly this lifeless body coughed out breath.
Giving him life from your ways and wonders.

Who am I?
I was that lifeless body born into His Covenant
Who now walks with the breath of God.
Dormant for the moment.
Sleeping off slumber.
Awakened by a voice of beauty.
Mother of all living.

You are Faithful, oh so Faithful
What a privilege and an honor to worship at your Throne.
To be called into your presence as your own.