The cities in the Book of Joshua

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The cities in the Book of Joshua

Post by AndrewK »

I recently came across some information that I haven't been able to find an answer for. This is that the cities listed in the second part of the Book of Joshua, those listed as the boundaries for the territories of the tribes, are in fact the boundaries from the time of Josiah. From what I've read, some of the cities listed were not even inhabited yet during the time of Joshua. I came across this site during my research and found it very helpful. Could anyone here explain this apparent anachronism for me?
Also, is it possible that Josiah or someone else may have ordered the rewriting of scriptures from earlier sources? Could Josiah, as part of his reforms, have been trying to make the scriptures more relevant for the Jews of his time? For example, it is generally agreed that the first five books were not written by Moses, based on the fact that they use different styles and Moses couldn't write about his own death, but do you think Moses left writings that were edited into these books (and the same for Joshua in the case of the sixth book)? Thanks.
Last edited by AndrewK on Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fortigurn »

There's an extensive writeup on the authorship of the Pentatuech and its accuracy here.

I find Alan Montgomery's evaluation of the archaeological record with regard to the Joshua narrative particularly compelling. You can find it here.
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Post by AndrewK »

Thank you very much for the links.
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The Cities of Joshua

Post by meforevidence »

This is probably my favorite site for Historical Accuracy, critique, lingistics, and archeology. It is made up of some of the finest scholars in the field and supply ample evidence for the research. There is reference to the cities of Joshua.

Here is the site:

also see my site for more references at: ... um-13.html
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