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Hi again from Skoobs

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:23 pm
by Anonymous
Once again, I find myself here. I can hear a few disgruntled sighs from the other end of the cable line (hi, Jac!) However, I am the new-and-improved model 2005-1A-1675 Agnostic as opposed to the outdated 2004 model you may have met a while back. My frontal lobe chip has been upgraded to include some new software, such as "acceptance of others' views, ver. 3.56," "Searching for Answers, ver. 6145.45," and "New Year Resolution, ver. 45.365." These packages, when combined, create an interesting array of personality changes since last we met. Now, I am equipped with some of the most amazing technology ever conceived by man, monkey, or God.

I am still located in Georgia, though I will be spending a while in Mississippi in the coming weeks, so there will once again be a gap in writing time. This is good news to me, as I am closed off to another trip to the desert during this time frame.

It's great to be back. (Handshakes all around. Hugs to a particular few friends. Many 'good to see you's' and 'glad to be back's' and so on. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:45 pm
by Kurieuo
Welcome Skoobie,

I can't remember whether we spoke much previously, but things have changed quite a bit with this new discussion board. So I just wish to bring your attention to the purpose of this board, and some reasons why it was changed. You have come across rather respectful so far in your current posts. So just as long as you are aware to these things, and you are perhaps willing to continue walking a tight rope, then I don't really see any problems ;)


Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:51 pm
by Jac3510
Hey skoob. WB. It's always good to see familiar SN's. :)

Also, I just want to echo K's post . . . I'm looking forward to discussions, but do remember the guidelines.

Oh, and good "hey again" post . . . mine have never been that creative ;). What have you been up to in your absence, by the way?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:29 pm
by Anonymous
Hiya, Jac! Sorry about the long wait before my reply. Kurieuo and I have been getting into a very interesting discussion, so I've neglected this post. He has some very interesting philosophies, and I've learned quite a bit in this short amount of time I've been back.

Why the absence from before? I've just bought a house in lovely Georgia, and the home wasn't equipped with internet capabilities prior to my fixing it up a little. No trips to the desert, thank God! Not since January-May 2003. I'm not looking forward to going back, but if need be...uh...there's no such thing as refusal.

I did get to take a trip home to Michigan (that dirty city of Flint depicted in all of Michael Moore's films...he's not well-liked, though it is interesting to see the hometown on the big screen) for Christmas, which was really nice. My family is well, and that's usually my biggest concern through daily life.

How about you? How is the pulpit? I've been debating taking a trip to see you someday, but you would never know if I was there! Heh heh heh! I'd listen attentively, and I'd shake your hand at the end of the service and congratulate you on a job well done, but I don't wear any signs on my shirt that say "hello, my name is SKOOBIESCHNAX." :D Although that would be interesting as well! Hmm...

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:22 pm
by Jac3510
np on the wait. i see how it is . . . ;)

Gratzies on the new house, and double for the move to GA. Obviously, I'm a bit biased, but hey. I'm allowed to be. I have a couple of friends who have moved down here from various parts of the north, and most of them have liked it a lot for various reasons. "Southern hospitality" is a real thing, as I'm sure you've noticed if you've been here long.

As for me, life is absolutely outstanding. :D At the moment, the ministry is even better. When I started in Jan. of '03 there was a regular attendance of maybe 18. This week, we had almost 50, with three visitors who are excited about coming back. It's a blast, because even though I'm the youth minister (so I'm supposed to just be preaching to youth), the age range in my congregation is from 10 up to 29. Feel free to drop by some Sunday, but forget any thoughts of ambiguity ;). 1) With 50 people, we notice and talk to every vistor, and 2) you aren't Korean, so that'd be a huge give-away, hehe. Besides that, I alternate weeks with another guy in the pulpit. So, yeah . . .

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you. Now, just give your life to Christ and you'll really be on the right track (couldn't resist, hehe).

fakeedit: I've seen two of Moore's films: Bowling for Columbine and Rodger and Me, but I refused to watch F. 9-11. I make it a point to listen to the other side straight from their own lips, but he just takes things too far for me. I imagine, though, that it would be kinda neat to see places you grew up with on film.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:59 pm
by Anonymous
Hello again, Jac! :D Glad to hear things are going well for you in the ministry. That's quite an amazing leap in attendance! Whew! Are you overwhelmed, or is there a way of taking it in small strides? Also, I heard you post in other sections that it's somewhat hectic dealing with the skeptics...was that you who wrote that? :? I don't recall. If so, could you handle another?
In reality, I would never open my mouth if I entered your church, with the exception of singing...I like choir and when I was a Christian, it felt great to sing to God. I often felt the presence of His hand on me as I sang, but I have slowly slipped away from that. There are times when I regret it, but the move was necessary for me...even when I did believe in God, there were plenty of people who told me that I made up my God for myself and that it wasn't the Christian God, so I have moved toward something different--hedonism! :lol: (Just kidding!) I still feel God's presence, Jac, but I just attribute it to something besides the God most people worship. Whatever it is that I am feeling, I am trying to get to know it (Him or Her or It) from an unbiased perspective--the God I feel seems to be the same force that controls all of nature, so I am continuing my persuit of God through science. I never would have found this website if I had never typed into a search engine "Evidence for God from Science," so you should be able to acknowledge that I am truly in search of meaning, rather than the persecution I am sometimes accused of.

As for Michael Moore--he has this problem with taking facts and skewing them for his own personal benefit. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who are unable to look at things from an unbiased perspective, and Moore definitely does that. However, I did enjoy 9-11 (for the artistic quality of it--I take his words with a grain of salt and was not convinced one way or another politically...being in the military, most of us favored George W. anyway. I just like the way Moore shows the things that the news refuses to show, such as the pain the American soldiers are going through in Iraq--that is a message that, I feel, should not be overlooked, and it's easier to say "I'm glad so few people have died in this war compared to other wars" than it is to say "holy cow! That's a lot of young boys who are dying over there! I always pictured giant Arnold Swarzenegger look-alikes!") I am just worried that this website might be taking a Moore-like twist in the right-winged direction as opposed to Moore's left-wing direction. :( It used to be kind of a "fair and balanced" look at things, but the new discussion guidelines have me typing nervously, awaiting the boot from the ranks of people who enjoy honest discussion and different viewpoints. I am learning, however, to control my impulses of typing what I am often feeling--that's kind of a Christian perspective, I think, as I've read how homosexuality "isn't wrong so long as you don't act upon the urge," and I kind of figured my thoughts were not bad so long as I didn't type them out. :P Sorry about the goofy analogy, but I thought it worked well.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you. Now, just give your life to Christ and you'll really be on the right track (couldn't resist, hehe).
I've given my life to Christ before, Jac! I just think he might be a different Christ than the one most of the people on this website take refuge in! Anyway, I'm glad to see we've gotten to the point where good-natured ribbing (perhaps you've seen that exact quote from one of my posts) is enjoyable rather than something to take offense to. :P I look forward to reading your posts.

Oh--I'll be in Mississippi for a couple weeks starting Sunday, so there will be another period of inactivity coming from me for just a short time. Ah, the military life...always moving around, never knowing where you live, and not knowing very many of the people you encounter daily. I love this lifestyle! :P Can an account become inactive if it isn't used for a while?