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I'm Starting the Diet Tomorrow .....

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:57 am
by Canuckster1127 ... 1088012006

I debated where to post this link and settled on Moral and Ethical affairs.

I have to confess that I am overweight. I am 6' 5" and weigh about 285 lbs.

Note that this article is outside the US.

I wonder, for those of us in the US and Canada, if we really realize how the rest of the world sees us? Missionary friends of mine tell me regularly that the rest of the world is acutely aware of the fact that so many American's are overweight and fat and that they see this as evidence of America's moral laxity and selfishness. When there is so much of the world hungry, and while America touts the benefits of democracy and our moral leadership, this stereotype just feeds their perception that it is more talk than substance.

Whether you accept that view as relevent or not, I can't help but notice that over time, we seem to cycle through social sins that come in and out of vogue in terms of their relative seriousness.

The Christian community is pretty quick to jump on sexual sin and deal with it in our communities, at least when it becomes public. We seem to be better now than at times in the past in speaking against alcoholism etc.

What would happen if we began addressing gluttony in the same manner? Aside from the fact that I'd personally be involved in the group so judged and rightly so, I wonder if this is elevating in importance and if it isn't time for the Church to begin addressing this more seriously, not from a viewpoint of legalism but rather as a national sin which we should be in the lead addressing?

Just mulling some of this over and pointing the finger at me first .... It is a "weighty problem" I think ......

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:47 am
by Live@theLevelOfChoice
A very self-actualized thing to do.

It gave me the spring to share something....This was from yesterday's LLC info I sent out.

I fully expect you to loose weight. :wink:

Those of you that know me also know that a theme of "Live at the Level of Choice" is near and dear to my heart. This morning I want to share something personal, I believe the message here is a great reminder that my God is in complete control of my life, and for this reason I am willing to share.

I have been excited about attending an early morning class "Authentic Manhood" ever since the invite last week. I think I was excited most about being able to share some things with regards to the LLC theme, now that I think about it. This morning I woke up at 4:40am and turned off the alarm, knowing I would get up in just a few, and be off to the 6:00am meeting. It did not happen that way at all, I must have nodded off, and when I awoke it was 6:20am. I was so angry my foot still hurts from kicking my bed. I was angry for being a "No Call...No Show" which I simply can not stand. I was angry because I felt I had let the few down in the group that I had committed to being there. I was embarrassed because it makes me look bad by not doing what I say I will do...not practicing what I preach. I was just plain upset.

God only let me wrestle with these emotions for about 45min though. After I got out from under the bus He was hit me. The class on Authentic Manhood is just that...not a class on LLC. I am certain God showed up and blessed the attendees personally this morning without me.

God does not need me....I need Him!

The next class I will show up and let God show out.

I take pride in being punctual, and this morning's quote was inspired by this mornings events.

Steven R. Lewandowski

"Live at the Level of Choice"

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:36 pm
by identity_in_development
Yes. Though I don't consider myself Christian, I do however consider myself spiritual.

I've long held that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected; that the discipline of maintaining the body and a sound mind are essential to harmony within ones spirit. When the body and mind are fit in this fashion, all unhealthy passions and fears can be driven out.

I'm would definitely like to see more synchronism between actions and corresponding beliefs regarding health within Christianity (and not being glutonous).