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Why Are You Christian?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:15 am
by Birdie
Haven't seen a post like this if there is one sorry but just wanted to see some of the reasons why Christians are Christians, or what made you have faith in God. I think some said personal experiences from God or not being able to answer a question about the beginning of time or other reasons. So... anyone want to share? :)

Re: Why Are You Christian?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:55 am
by FFC
Birdie wrote:Haven't seen a post like this if there is one sorry but just wanted to see some of the reasons why Christians are Christians, or what made you have faith in God. I think some said personal experiences from God or not being able to answer a question about the beginning of time or other reasons. So... anyone want to share? :)
I like the way you worded that..."what made you have faith in God?". Growing up I was raised to believe that God existed and was forced to go to church whether I wanted to or not. To me God was some mystical being that just sort of sat up there in heaven and passively watched things unfold. He weighed your good and your bad and depending on which way you leaned determined your fate when you died.

What finally persuaded me to have complete and total faith in God, aside from Him drawing me, was the witness of a young Christian who was totally sold out to the God of the bible. His passion for Christ, and his desire to live completely for Him no matter what the cost made me want the same thing. So I cried out to God to save me and in faith surrendered myself to Him to use me as He saw fit. I believed his promise in John 3:16 that if I really believed in him I could have everlasting life and not go to hell. It really was scary because I didn't know what He was going to require of me, but it didn't take long for me to see that anything He asked me to do He gave me the strength and grace to accomplish.

I still sin and I still have doubts at times, but when I do I go back to the bible and read his promises and see that it's not about anything I could ever do or accomplish, it's about what He, God through Jesus, already did and accomplished at Calvary.

Re: Why Are You Christian?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:26 pm
by Birdie
FFC wrote: It really was scary because I didn't know what He was going to require of me, but it didn't take long for me to see that anything He asked me to do He gave me the strength and grace to accomplish.
What do you mean? How does he ask you to do stuff? I'm pretty sure you're not seeing messages in the sky from him. Is it a feeling or something like that?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:57 pm
by Gman
Hi Birdie,

I think I may have answered this question in other posts before, but if I were to choose a single reason why I believe in Christianity, I believe that it promotes an unconditional love. Now you might not think that when you look at Christians (like me as an example)... but I think the whole concept promotes love in it's purist form. We've got everything here... Equality of the sexes, equality of the races, the preservation of the environment, the respect for all human life, the respect for all animal life, the meaning of life, a future, a furture life, a future without war, respecting your neighbor, loving your neighbor, peace, joy, happiness, sorrow, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, faithfulness, thankfulness... Oh, somebody stop me... Did I get everything here? :lol: :wink: :roll: :D

Thanks for the question, you are the best...

G -

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:51 pm
by Byblos
I am Christian because I believe in Christ.

(the reader glances over to see who the poster is; it must be Jac. No, it's Byb ... Byblos? Wait a minute, isn't he Catholic? There's gotta be more.)

(a feeble attempt at humor, sorry).

In Christ,


Re: Why Are You Christian?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:00 pm
by FFC
Birdie wrote:
FFC wrote: It really was scary because I didn't know what He was going to require of me, but it didn't take long for me to see that anything He asked me to do He gave me the strength and grace to accomplish.
What do you mean? How does he ask you to do stuff? I'm pretty sure you're not seeing messages in the sky from him. Is it a feeling or something like that?
Not as much a feeling as a thought that comes into my mind to say or do something. Like an urge out of the blue to ask someone if they know if they died would they go to heaven... knowing that I could get blasted for being a holy roller, Or maybe to swallow my pride and apologize to someone for being harsh even though they deserved it. Loving hateful, ignorant, hypocritical, two faced, etc, etc, people. I know it's from God because before I was saved I could hate them and let them be dead to me, but now I have no peace until I obey and love them. Sometimes it's the answer to a hard question that I know came from God because I'm not smart enough to come up with something that good. :?

Does that make sense?

Re: Why Are You Christian?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:29 pm
by Birdie
FFC wrote:Not as much a feeling as a thought that comes into my mind to say or do something. Like an urge out of the blue to ask someone if they know if they died would they go to heaven... knowing that I could get blasted for being a holy roller, Or maybe to swallow my pride and apologize to someone for being harsh even though they deserved it. Loving hateful, ignorant, hypocritical, two faced, etc, etc, people. I know it's from God because before I was saved I could hate them and let them be dead to me, but now I have no peace until I obey and love them. Sometimes it's the answer to a hard question that I know came from God because I'm not smart enough to come up with something that good. :?

Does that make sense?
Err... kind of. But you know the whole 'God has plans for you' or something how do you know what plans? I mean if I was in a job I really liked and then I had some thought from God to quit it and do something I hate. I probably wouldn't listen to Him, because I would be thinking more than likely it was just a voice in my head... :? How did you know your 'plans'?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:06 am
by Kerux
Everyone who is a Christian is a Christian because of one reason and one reason only: God chose them before the creation of the world.

Ephesians 1:

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-- 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace 8 that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. 9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment--to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ. 11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will....

"or what made you have faith in God."

God did.

Ephesians 2:

1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins......4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.

Dead men can't do anything for themselves.

Re: Why Are You Christian?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:36 am
by FFC
Birdie wrote:
FFC wrote:Not as much a feeling as a thought that comes into my mind to say or do something. Like an urge out of the blue to ask someone if they know if they died would they go to heaven... knowing that I could get blasted for being a holy roller, Or maybe to swallow my pride and apologize to someone for being harsh even though they deserved it. Loving hateful, ignorant, hypocritical, two faced, etc, etc, people. I know it's from God because before I was saved I could hate them and let them be dead to me, but now I have no peace until I obey and love them. Sometimes it's the answer to a hard question that I know came from God because I'm not smart enough to come up with something that good. :?

Does that make sense?
Err... kind of. But you know the whole 'God has plans for you' or something how do you know what plans? I mean if I was in a job I really liked and then I had some thought from God to quit it and do something I hate. I probably wouldn't listen to Him, because I would be thinking more than likely it was just a voice in my head... :? How did you know your 'plans'?
Birdie, if you are in a trusting relationship with God and you know He loves you and has your best interests in mind... no matter what He asks you to do he gives you the grace to handle it. When Jesus is the Lord of your life you will know when He is leading or prompting you in an area. It really is hard to just know that you know it's from God. Knowing it's not from God is easier, especially when it goes against what is written in His word.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:50 pm
by Kerux
.....or what made you have faith in God?
Great to ask questions. "A wise man will listen and increase learning."

I could sense God's dealings in my innermost being even when a young child. I just 'sensed' there was God despite contrary things in the world, like evil.

But what drew me the most I think was Creation.

Romans 1

"20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

What about you?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:36 am
by Turgonian
I was taught to believe in God. Nowadays I believe in God because I've read about how the only sensible explanation of Christianity is that Christ really existed, that everything He said was true, and that we still accurately have His words. It's history.
'Faith' was formerly understood to be based on evidence, not feelings. Mark Twain said, 'Faith is believing what you know ain't true.' That's not what faith means. Faith is not blind, but rational.
And how do I know what God asks of me? I read it in the Bible... I see it in Christ's life.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:34 am
by godslanguage
"'Faith' was formerly understood to be based on evidence, not feelings. Mark Twain said, 'Faith is believing what you know ain't true.' That's not what faith means. Faith is not blind, but rational"

You make a solid point there

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:02 pm
by djbryson
I'm was Christian because i was forced to be. Forced to believe fables and mythology that defy science, like people rising from the dead. Prove to me that happened. You can't. Stories that there is no proof of except a 2000 year old book. The church and religion was created to control. On a positive note religion keeps people civil. Don't get me wrong, you were designed, but you don't afterlife. That is fairytale stuff. What is the perfect thing that could happen when you die? You have an immortal soul! Think about that. You really think that's true? That's a little too good to be true. Humans fear death and therefore there would be a belief in god(s) and afterlife either way. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" We would believe in god even if there wasn't one. I can't understand how people can believe in supernatural stuff with no proof. It blows my mind. How can we control people? Lets offer them the ultimate; Immortality. Follow these rules and you'll go to heaven. It's so ridiculous that people believe it. Death sucks, but you have to except it. You should live your life as if there's no afterlife anyway. Don't count on afterlife, be happy now. Depressed thiest's waiting for their savior. Kinda sad. Just cause we can't explain the universe doesn't mean you have an afterlife. That's so egotistical. We're just smart animals. I don't know why i'm even posting this because fundamentalists NEVER have an open mind. You're all brainwashed. I had an open mind. I believed for many years, mostly because I was taught to. But then i started to read and learn. I still would love to believe in afterlife but i can't. My logical mind won't allow it. Call me doubting Thomas. I need to see to believe. Believe in a creator but the bible aint real. No one knows how we were created, and humans cannot except the unknown. We have to have an answer for everything so we made up a great story... with dual purpose. To control and to have an answer. I would love to be wrong on all this, but sadly i don't think i am. It sucks too... i can't say i told you so if i'm right either.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:37 pm
by Canuckster1127
djbryson wrote:I'm was Christian because i was forced to be. Forced to believe fables and mythology that defy science, like people rising from the dead. Prove to me that happened. You can't. Stories that there is no proof of except a 2000 year old book. The church and religion was created to control. On a positive note religion keeps people civil. Don't get me wrong, you were designed, but you don't afterlife. That is fairytale stuff. What is the perfect thing that could happen when you die? You have an immortal soul! Think about that. You really think that's true? That's a little too good to be true. Humans fear death and therefore there would be a belief in god(s) and afterlife either way. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" We would believe in god even if there wasn't one. I can't understand how people can believe in supernatural stuff with no proof. It blows my mind. How can we control people? Lets offer them the ultimate; Immortality. Follow these rules and you'll go to heaven. It's so ridiculous that people believe it. Death sucks, but you have to except it. You should live your life as if there's no afterlife anyway. Don't count on afterlife, be happy now. Depressed thiest's waiting for their savior. Kinda sad. Just cause we can't explain the universe doesn't mean you have an afterlife. That's so egotistical. We're just smart animals. I don't know why i'm even posting this because fundamentalists NEVER have an open mind. You're all brainwashed. I had an open mind. I believed for many years, mostly because I was taught to. But then i started to read and learn. I still would love to believe in afterlife but i can't. My logical mind won't allow it. Call me doubting Thomas. I need to see to believe. Believe in a creator but the bible aint real. No one knows how we were created, and humans cannot except the unknown. We have to have an answer for everything so we made up a great story... with dual purpose. To control and to have an answer. I would love to be wrong on all this, but sadly i don't think i am. It sucks too... i can't say i told you so if i'm right either.
Sorry you feel that way. I'll continue to look through your post for evidence of an open mind. I suspect your assessment of us as "fundamentalists" is rather rooted in your own inflexible comments and that who's been indoctrinated is open to debate in that regard.

Please read the discussion guidelines for this board if you wish to continue to post and follow them


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:00 pm
by Gman
djbryson wrote:I'm was Christian because i was forced to be. Forced to believe fables and mythology that defy science, like people rising from the dead. Prove to me that happened. You can't. Stories that there is no proof of except a 2000 year old book. The church and religion was created to control. On a positive note religion keeps people civil. Don't get me wrong, you were designed, but you don't afterlife. That is fairytale stuff. What is the perfect thing that could happen when you die? You have an immortal soul! Think about that. You really think that's true? That's a little too good to be true. Humans fear death and therefore there would be a belief in god(s) and afterlife either way. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" We would believe in god even if there wasn't one. I can't understand how people can believe in supernatural stuff with no proof. It blows my mind. How can we control people? Lets offer them the ultimate; Immortality. Follow these rules and you'll go to heaven. It's so ridiculous that people believe it. Death sucks, but you have to except it. You should live your life as if there's no afterlife anyway. Don't count on afterlife, be happy now. Depressed thiest's waiting for their savior. Kinda sad. Just cause we can't explain the universe doesn't mean you have an afterlife. That's so egotistical. We're just smart animals. I don't know why i'm even posting this because fundamentalists NEVER have an open mind. You're all brainwashed. I had an open mind. I believed for many years, mostly because I was taught to. But then i started to read and learn. I still would love to believe in afterlife but i can't. My logical mind won't allow it. Call me doubting Thomas. I need to see to believe. Believe in a creator but the bible aint real. No one knows how we were created, and humans cannot except the unknown. We have to have an answer for everything so we made up a great story... with dual purpose. To control and to have an answer. I would love to be wrong on all this, but sadly i don't think i am. It sucks too... i can't say i told you so if i'm right either.
Djbryson, wow, after reading this I feel sorry for you... If that is how you view Christianity then perhaps someone taught you the wrong message or maybe you interpreted something wrong.. There is nothing new you have stated here that hasn't been said before.. If anything I think it takes more faith to believe that God didn't help in the creation of the world. Maybe you have more faith than us in that respect...

I hope you can work it out...

G -