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Want to Make God Laugh?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:46 pm
by Kerux
Tell Him your plans.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:47 am
by Gman
Plans, what plans? :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:54 pm
by Kerux
Assume you understand prophecy.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:28 am
by Turgonian
Assume you understand God!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:34 am
by Gman
Now you are making ME laugh...

G -

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:53 pm
by godslanguage
Turgonian wrote:Assume you understand God!
You make a very good point here, seriously.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:21 pm
by kateliz
lol I get your point... but let me tell you my own plans.

First of all I would like God to use my life however He might want to. I desire for Him to use me as a vessel through which He can glorify Himself, and that for the purpose of showing everyone, (people, angels, demons,) just who He is! :D Under those I would like for Him to use me to reach people so as to first help them with their spiritual lives, (their relationship to God,) secondly help them with emotional or psychological issues, (Christ can heal those, you know,) and lastly help them with their physical needs, though I don't sense a specific calling for that in particular. Underneath that I would like to serve God as the wife to whichever vessel He has plans for me to marry, (lol, I want to marry a vessel more than a man! lol,) and in that to primarily aid him in his own service for God, and secondarily to aid him as a Christian and a man himself. Then I'd like to raise up little ones for God with this man, with the main goal being to send them out as servants for Him, (they're already consecrated to God in my heart!). Underneath that I'd like to help raise this man's children, just as that by itself! lol

Specifics now: I have a special desire for God to use me to show other Christians and non-Christians after that who God is and how He truly would like to work with us in our lives. There's just so much He wants to do for us and in us! :) And that would include the particulars of proving by the example of my own life that He can be trusted to provide for His Children and that we need not worry about our necessities if we have faith in Him for that and a at least partially right-heart towards Him regarding that! lol And also that He's capable and desirous of freeing us from the power of sin, and not just the punishment for it, and so let them see what kind of vicorious life we can live through Christ. Those are the main areas where God has been leading me in the training and prepatory work that He's doing in my life, and I believe He might chose those to be the main goals of my life service for Him.

lol And then as a means to accomplish all of that, I have a preference for Him to have my future husband, (whoever he is! :) ,) and I begin a Christian commune! :lol: My desire for this was awoken by a book that God specially gave me maybe six years back, and the desire has remained, probably grown, but has developed more. I have so many ideas and desires for the place, if God lets me have it as part of His plan! lol It would be a complex set in a secluded, picturesque land, (ideally,) and it would be there for people to come to and stay for however long they liked, (a weekend, the rest of their lives, lol,) with the express purpose of growing in their relationship with God and in their knowledge of Him and how He'd like to work in our lives. We'd of course have fellowship and study be the main activities there, and we would also aid one another in raising up our families for the glory of God, and our children as servants for His use.
I am already very eager and excited to design the whole layout of the complex, the buildings in all of their details, (earth-friendly materials and whatnot as well as layouts and architecture and features,) and the interior decorating. I'd also have there an awesome library for study, growth, and and as a positive leisure activity. And of course we'd have a children's section with awesome books for them, (I've already boughten two books that I plan to keep not only for my future children but also for myself, their so awesome! :) I'd also have the whole place landscaped to showcase God's handiwork in nature, with gardens and things specifially designed to teach the observers lessons about God such as by way of analogy. And of course, we'd have to have pets around! lol Dogs, cats, rodents, (domesticated ones, that is! :lol: ,) birds, fish, reptiles... you name it! lol That would be part of again showcasing His awesome handiwork as well as providing the best toys in the world for the residents, (pets, lol,) and teaching the residents a little of responsibility, (mainly the children,) and caring for others in practical ways. lol And also we'd have super cool technology there, not only to use, but also to, again, showcase what wonderful things God has given us (brains! lol). Oh, and of course art as well, and music, and who knows what else! :)

Then I would like to, preferably out of selfishness most likely, see my husband write some awesome books on spiritual growth and who God is and all of that! lol I so respect the authors of the awesome books I've been reading for years, and I also know how much good having the insights God has given down on paper is for people. Books are a truly remarkable tool in that way. lol And who knows, maybe I myself would even write a few if God had me do so, in His power! *humble smirk* lol.

But, so, there are my plans! lol And I do tell them to God... and He doesn't laugh! :lol: I encourage all of you to place your hearts and your lives before God, willing to give Him all of yourself for Him to use as He pleases. :) lol God knows how much selfishness I have in me regarding my own ideas and plans though! But, He's merciful, and I trust Him to answer my prayer to keep my heart and mind in check... at least eventually! :lol:

Sorry if I shouldn't have posted this here, (it's, as I see it, not especially humorous,) or whatever. lol

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:28 pm
by kateliz
Oh! And culinary pleasures! :lol: Can't forget the awesome food He's provided for us to enjoy and... eh hem... benefit nutritionally from! :lol: ...I guess along with that we'd also have excercises sorts of things. Tennis courts, swimming, disc golf... but I'm not into sports so I'll leave a chunk or chunks of land for those who are to deal with. lol Okay, I think that might be all! lol

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:57 am
by Turgonian
The Christian community sounds like a great idea...