Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Post by godslanguage »

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Taken from this website:


" “Does a computer networking expert have something new and important to say about the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Debate?”

by Perry Marshall

I'm author of the book Industrial Ethernet published by ISA, now in its 2nd edition, and have written many dozens of magazine articles and white papers on communication networks. Now you may ask, what does computer networking have to do with DNA and all those endless arguments about intelligent design? Actually, a lot.

Just like all those 1's and 0's that make our modern world go 'round, DNA is also a digital communication system. All the same formulas and communication theory that created our modern digital age apply to DNA too. In fact many methods that are commonplace in the information technology field have been adapted and applied to genetics research and the Human Genome Project.

Now, discover what our knowledge of modern communication systems now tells us about the Origins Debate.

Listen to “If you can read this, I can prove God exists” by Perry Marshall

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Executive Summary:

Part 1: Language, Information, and the Origin of DNA (Read Transcript)

Most arguments about evolution and intelligent design offer only anecdotal evidence and are inherently incapable of actually proving anything. We must get better evidence in order to get to the bottom of this! Fortunately, the science of modern communications easily provides us with the tools we need to get answers. Although the details are complex, the concepts are easily grasped by anyone with a high school education.

Patterns occur naturally - no help required from a 'designer'. Many patterns occur in nature without the help of a designer — snowflakes, tornados, hurricanes, sand dunes, stalactites, rivers and ocean waves. These patterns are the natural result of what scientists categorize as chaos and fractals. These things are well-understood and we experience them every day.

Codes, however, do not occur without a designer. Examples of symbolic codes include music, blueprints, languages like English and Chinese, computer programs, and yes, DNA. The essential distinction is the difference between a pattern and a code. Chaos can produce patterns, but it has never been shown to produce codes or symbols. Codes and symbols create information, which is not a property of matter and energy alone. Information itself is a separate entity on par with matter and energy.

Proof that DNA was designed by a mind: 1) DNA is not merely a molecule with a pattern; it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism. 2) All codes we know the origin of are created by a conscious mind. 3) Therefore DNA was designed by a mind, and language and information are proof of the existence of a Superintelligence.

Part 2: A Christian and an Atheist Go the Zoo (Read Transcript)

“Did the Antelope evolve into the Giraffe?” According to Darwinian evolution, the necessities of the environment, random mutation and natural selection working together caused the antelope to grow a longer neck and become a giraffe. OK, then what does communication theory say about that hypothesis?

Natural Selection is perfectly valid and has been proven time and time again. But most people will be very surprised to discover that no one has ever actually demonstrated that random mutation can create new information. Information theory shows us why this is so: In communication systems, Random Mutation is exactly the same as noise, and noise always destroys the signal, never enhances it.

In communication systems this is called information entropy, and the formula for information entropy is exactly the same as thermodynamic entropy. Once lost, the information can never be recovered, much less enhanced. Thus we can be 100% certain that random mutation is not the source of biodiversity. A tool is provided, http://www.RandomMutation.com, that allows you to experiment and see for yourself that random mutation always destroys information, never enhances it.

This observation is also confirmed biologically by Theodosius Dobzhansky's fruit fly radiation experiments, Goldschmidt's gypsy moth experiments, and others. Decades of research were conducted in the early 20th century, bombarding fruit flies and moths with radiation in hope of mutating their DNA and producing improved creatures. These experiments were a total failure — there were no observed improvements — only weak, sickly, deformed fruit flies. Giraffes may have evolved from antelopes - I never said that couldn't happen, and I remain open to the possibility that it did. But it certainly wasn't because of Random Mutation!

We have proof that life on planet earth was designed by a mind - and that if life did evolve, the capacity to evolve had to be designed in. The word “Evolution” in the English language always refers to an intelligent process (in business, society, technology etc.) and the only usage in which it allegedly doesn't is naturalistic Darwinian evolution. But communication theory shows us that Evolution by Random Process is a hypothesis without proof.

Finally this presentation concludes with a brief observation: There is an interesting correspondence between Judeo-Christian theology and modern information theory, the statement words and language are the essence of creation: “And God said… In the beginning was the WORD;” that the worlds were spoken into existence.

Download the full presentation in MP3 (74 minutes, 13 Meg)

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Other Articles

The Intelligent Evolution Quick Guide - Proof that DNA was designed by a mind; a 21st century update to Paley's design argument, and 3 kinds of evolution - all on a single sheet of paper

Q&A about DNA and Information Theory - Frequently Asked Questions on what the information sciences tell us about God

The Atheist's Riddle - "So simple, any child can understand; So complex, no atheist can solve." An airtight inductive proof for the existence of a Superintelligence

New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God - a landmark presentation by Dr. Hugh Ross on the convergence of modern astronomy with ancient theology

Perry Marshall vs. 30+ Skeptics: From August to December 2005, I successfully defended the Information Theory argument for Intelligent Design on Infidels, the world's largest atheist discussion board.

Software Tool:

The Random Mutation Generator - Paste text into the box and MUTATE it! A useful tool you can play with that visually demonstrates that random mutation can only destroy information, not create it"[/url]
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Post by godslanguage »


This is just the extension of the link I gave

Parry Marshall debates many skeptics here:

What are you opinions on this, nothing new?
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Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

godslanguage wrote:http://www.cosmicfingerprints.com/ifyoucanreadthis3.htm

This is just the extension of the link I gave

Parry Marshall debates many skeptics here:

What are you opinions on this, nothing new?
DNA doesn't work that way at all. See here to learn more about DNA and how it works. Once you have a better grasp of DNA then perhaps you can revisit this information and see where he goes very wrong.
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