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a few questions

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:05 am
by Kyle E
hey, first time poster, and i have a few questions:

1) what happens if you die before the "end of times", do you (assuming you followed christ) go to heaven, or wait somewhere until after the "end of times" and then go to wherever?

2) what if you die during the tribulation? what if you live through the whole tribulation?

3) would it be dishonoring God if during the tribulation you just hid in a hole until it was over? or should you go out and get killed?

4) whats the "alter of souls"?

5) what if you arent taken by the rapture, are you pretty much screwed at judgement or can you still be found not-guilty?

6) could you kill non-believers during the tribulation who try to kill you?

thanks in advance!!


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:28 am
by puritan lad
I'll take Question #1.

At the death of the believer, the Body goes into the ground, while the Spirit goes to the Lord ...

Ecclesiastes 12:7
"Then the dust (body) will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it."

...until the last day, when "all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation" (John 5:28-29).

As for the remainder of your questions, I find them to be built on some faulty end times theology (As a postmillennialist, I do not believe in the "rapture" as currently defined, or a future "tribulation period", but you'll find that out the more you read here.)


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:21 am
by Kyle E
thanks for answering one of my questions :)

but on a side note, how can you not believe in the rapture and tribulation, i have read a bit here and seems you are a preterist (or hoever you spell it), but it doesnt seem like that belief has any biblical backing

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:47 pm
by puritan lad
Kyle E wrote:thanks for answering one of my questions :)

but on a side note, how can you not believe in the rapture and tribulation, i have read a bit here and seems you are a preterist (or hoever you spell it), but it doesnt seem like that belief has any biblical backing
It seems like you are a classic Dispensationalist. Let me first say, Welcome Aboard. I'll start with a few questions in regard to your view. Once you get the answers here, you may change your view.

1.) Where does the Bible mention a "pre-trib" rapture?
2.) Where does the Bible say that Jesus Christ will reign "on earth" for 1,000 years?
3.) Where does the Bible mention a 7-year tribulation period?
4.) Where does the Bible mention a third Jewish temple?
5.) What is the "First Resurrection" (Rev. 20:4-5)? Explain this in light of 1 Thess. 4:16-17 and John 5:28-29. Read these and you'll see what I mean.

God Bless.


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:12 pm
by Kyle E
1) there is no pre-trib rapture, rapture is AFTER tribulation

2) i don't care how long or if Jesus ever reigns on earth, from my reading of the revelations book doesnt it say that the devil will reign on earth or somethin?

3) dunno, dont care, all I know is that there is a tribulation for christians in the future

4) no clue what you're talkin about :P

5) I'm guessing that these may be occuring at different times. maybe first some dead rise, reign with jesus for 1000 years, then the rest of the dead plus trib. survivors then go up to join? Just a specualtion, I have no idea about this nor do I really care

and what is a Dispensationalist? As far as I know im just a Pentacostal (or however you spell it). I believe Jesus will have his second coming in the future, with a tribulation before the rapture. I dont care about all the little details

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:23 pm
by puritan lad
Kyle E wrote:1) there is no pre-trib rapture, rapture is AFTER tribulation
OK. Where does the Bible teach a "post-trib" rapture? That would solve the "First Resurrection problem". However, you still have at least two resurrections 1,000 years apart, whereas Jesus has them at the same time (John 5:28-29).
Also, would a "post-trib" rapture not defeat the purpose of the rapture to begin with? Jesus comes to earth to "rapture" His saints into heaven, only to turn right around and bring them back to earth so that He can reign over them from Israel for 1,000 years.
Kyle E wrote:2) i don't care how long or if Jesus ever reigns on earth, from my reading of the revelations book doesnt it say that the devil will reign on earth or somethin?
Don't think so.
Kyle E wrote:3) dunno, dont care, all I know is that there is a tribulation for christians in the future
OK. Where is this in the Bible?
Kyle E wrote:4) no clue what you're talkin about :P
Good enough. We'll drop this one.
Kyle E wrote:5) I'm guessing that these may be occuring at different times. maybe first some dead rise, reign with jesus for 1000 years, then the rest of the dead plus trib. survivors then go up to join? Just a specualtion, I have no idea about this nor do I really care
And yet you're convinced that Preterism has no biblical backing? Have you ever taken time to honestly study it?
Kyle E wrote:and what is a Dispensationalist? As far as I know im just a Pentacostal (or however you spell it). I believe Jesus will have his second coming in the future, with a tribulation before the rapture. I dont care about all the little details
If you are Pentecostal, then you are probably a Dispensationalist. It is the details that cause your view problems.

God Bless,


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:44 pm
by Kyle E
puritan lad wrote:
Kyle E wrote:1) there is no pre-trib rapture, rapture is AFTER tribulation
OK. Where does the Bible teach a "post-trib" rapture? That would solve the "First Resurrection problem". However, you still have at least two resurrections 1,000 years apart, whereas Jesus has them at the same time (John 5:28-29).
Also, would a "post-trib" rapture not defeat the purpose of the rapture to begin with? Jesus comes to earth to "rapture" His saints into heaven, only to turn right around and bring them back to earth so that He can reign over them from Israel for 1,000 years.
Kyle E wrote:2) i don't care how long or if Jesus ever reigns on earth, from my reading of the revelations book doesnt it say that the devil will reign on earth or somethin?
Don't think so.
Kyle E wrote:3) dunno, dont care, all I know is that there is a tribulation for christians in the future
OK. Where is this in the Bible?
Kyle E wrote:4) no clue what you're talkin about :P
Good enough. We'll drop this one.
Kyle E wrote:5) I'm guessing that these may be occuring at different times. maybe first some dead rise, reign with jesus for 1000 years, then the rest of the dead plus trib. survivors then go up to join? Just a specualtion, I have no idea about this nor do I really care
And yet you're convinced that Preterism has no biblical backing? Have you ever taken time to honestly study it?
Kyle E wrote:and what is a Dispensationalist? As far as I know im just a Pentacostal (or however you spell it). I believe Jesus will have his second coming in the future, with a tribulation before the rapture. I dont care about all the little details
If you are Pentecostal, then you are probably a Dispensationalist. It is the details that cause your view problems.

God Bless,

if you look at (hmm..... how ironic?) you should see proof from the bible of post-trib rapture

also regarding your quote:

"Also, would a "post-trib" rapture not defeat the purpose of the rapture to begin with? Jesus comes to earth to "rapture" His saints into heaven, only to turn right around and bring them back to earth so that He can reign over them from Israel for 1,000 years."

God raptures after the tribulation because the devil reigns for a bit on earth, if i am correct, then new israel is made.

ALSO there would be no such thing as a christian tribulation if they are already raptured away prior to the tribulation. no christians, no-one to tribulate, no tribulation, not what the bible says....

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:09 pm
by puritan lad
Kyle E wrote:if you look at (hmm..... how ironic?) you should see proof from the bible of post-trib rapture

also regarding your quote:

"Also, would a "post-trib" rapture not defeat the purpose of the rapture to begin with? Jesus comes to earth to "rapture" His saints into heaven, only to turn right around and bring them back to earth so that He can reign over them from Israel for 1,000 years."

God raptures after the tribulation because the devil reigns for a bit on earth, if i am correct, then new israel is made.

ALSO there would be no such thing as a christian tribulation if they are already raptured away prior to the tribulation. no christians, no-one to tribulate, no tribulation, not what the bible says....
I'm aware of the position, I just happen not to agree with it. I'm curious about your earlier statement the Preterism lacks a biblical basis. Would you care to expand on that?



Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:00 pm
by Kyle E
haha its just my opinion, since i believe my views are correct, and bible-bound, I didnt think your views would have biblical backing, i guess I'm wrong tho, and sorry for that.

lets just agree to disagree :D besides, the improtant thing here is that Jesus is our savior, not the little nic nac details!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:39 pm
by puritan lad
Good Enough.

Someone once sharply asked me, "Do you think that your views are the only ones that are correct?"

I answered, "Yes. If I thought they were incorrect, I wouldn't hold them". I think anyone would honestly have to answer the same way.

God Bless,