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jesus had the power to heal is it true that some christians

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:12 am
by jezzer
we all now that jesus could heal the sick so it told in the bible but i remember seeing a programe where true dedicated christains had the ability to heal, for me its hard to belive that,but it starts to make you think when its a true christain who is helping,and not asking for money do you think god is passing his good powers through to show he does exist

if someone said have alook at this man he can heal and he was showing everyone in the street then i might think it was a clever con, but when its a christian who is doing it in the church making no profit i would belive it

Re: jesus had the power to heal is it true that some christi

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:59 am
by Canuckster1127
jezzer wrote:we all now that jesus could heal the sick so it told in the bible but i remember seeing a programe where true dedicated christains had the ability to heal, for me its hard to belive that,but it starts to make you think when its a true christain who is helping,and not asking for money do you think god is passing his good powers through to show he does exist

if someone said have alook at this man he can heal and he was showing everyone in the street then i might think it was a clever con, but when its a christian who is doing it in the church making no profit i would belive it
Well, Jesus did heal, further his disciples were given authority to do so as well.

Further, instruction was given in the New Testament in the book of James on how to pray for the sick.

James 5:14-16

14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

I believe God still heals today. I am very careful about attributing any special gift to an individual in this area, as I believe that God provides healing as a loving gift to His children subject to His sovereignty. Often, people claiming such a gift draw more attention to themselves than God.

But , I don't deny that God heals. It is subject to Him however, not any man. That's why I believe James demonstrates the pattern for today.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:20 am
by jezzer
sorry are you saying that some people have that gift? just as jesus healed by his hands

ive seen it where the christain will place their hands on the person after that the person is healed

or is it a very clever trick=that person was never ill

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:33 am
by godslanguage
jezzer wrote:sorry are you saying that some people have that gift? just as jesus healed by his hands

ive seen it where the christain will place their hands on the person after that the person is healed

or is it a very clever trick=that person was never ill
The only person that can heal is either God or the person from which the spirit of God flows through, the God given ability by God himself. In the case of Jesus, who was God and therefore is unquestionable whether Jesus has the possibility of healing.
I am not sure whether someone has this ability, many claims and many doubts in my mind, but Jesus is no exception to this in my opinion, the scripture is very clear in this regards, so I would'nt try to re-evaluate clear written text such as which the davinci code tried to do and failed.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:35 am
by Canuckster1127
jezzer wrote:sorry are you saying that some people have that gift? just as jesus healed by his hands

ive seen it where the christain will place their hands on the person after that the person is healed

or is it a very clever trick=that person was never ill
I don't believe anyone has the "gift" of healing.

There's no basis in the Bible that I find convincing.

There are Christians who believe people have that gift and people, like Oral Roberts for instance, who believe God has given them that gift. I actually spent 4 years at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa OK in the 80's so I've been pretty exposed to that teaching.

I believe there are several explanations to healings in such ministries:

1. There can be fraud.

2. There is a great deal that is attributable to the power of suggestion. Most of the "healings" claimed are of a nature that only the person making the claim can confirm or deny. Loss of headaches, improvement of vision etc. For me, the proof of such healings is not what is claimed in the height of the moment where emotions are high and the person is receiving a great deal of attention, (which in itself is a motivation) It is a week later when they see a doctor and the healing is confirmed.

3. God can choose to heal and does at times.

I've personally seen many claimed healings that a short time later were obviously not true. I've also seen healings that I believe were true.

Only God knows.

Most modern healing ministries in my opinion, focus more on the person with the "gift" than God and I find that inconsistent.

I won't make an absolute statement about all healings in that regard however.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:03 am
by jezzer
its a strange one ive not seen any programes like this for ages,im sure i saw one where i women was in a weelchair then she was touched and could walk,this was all in a church

may be the person as himself cant heal but god follows him around and when that person touches that person to heal its god who is passing it through the christains body to the sick

i would love to see these kind of programes again