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Good conquers Evil: BAD!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:00 am
by Turgonian
What do you say to fundamentalists like this?
There seems to be a concerted effort being put forth on the part of the movie industry to move ours and our children's thoughts away from Jesus Christ. This movie is typical of its other anti-Christian counterparts, like Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc; in that it has "good" triumph over "evil." All these kinds of stories are anti-Christian because they deny or obscure the Cross of Christ. We are often left to think that man can solve world problems, which subtly purveys the idea that he doesn't need Jesus.

Re: Good conquers Evil: BAD!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:18 am
by Canuckster1127
Turgonian wrote:What do you say to fundamentalists like this?
There seems to be a concerted effort being put forth on the part of the movie industry to move ours and our children's thoughts away from Jesus Christ. This movie is typical of its other anti-Christian counterparts, like Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc; in that it has "good" triumph over "evil." All these kinds of stories are anti-Christian because they deny or obscure the Cross of Christ. We are often left to think that man can solve world problems, which subtly purveys the idea that he doesn't need Jesus.
It usually doesn't matter what you say to them. Their minds are already made up. But were I to engage much, I would focus on Narnia and CS Lewis and help them understand the concept of allegory.

Tolkien and Lewis both were very strong Christians.

The concept of imagination and fantasy are a reflection of the image of God within man that allows for creative activity, in my opinion.

That which doesn't glorify evil (which some literature and Fantasy does) is not wrong in my estimation. But each person has to make that decision for themselves in terms of what they read or watch.

Re: Good conquers Evil: BAD!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:37 am
by Gman
Canuckster1127 wrote:It usually doesn't matter what you say to them. Their minds are already made up. But were I to engage much, I would focus on Narnia and CS Lewis and help them understand the concept of allegory.

Tolkien and Lewis both were very strong Christians.

The concept of imagination and fantasy are a reflection of the image of God within man that allows for creative activity, in my opinion.

That which doesn't glorify evil (which some literature and Fantasy does) is not wrong in my estimation. But each person has to make that decision for themselves in terms of what they read or watch.
Nicely put Bart... It's a concept of allegory... Some of the Bible is written this way too.. :wink:

G -