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I just saw a Joan of Arc movie.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:51 pm
by Mastermind
I hate crying. :?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:09 pm
by Anonymous
What did you think of that movie? I dont recall reading that her parents where ever murdered like that. I thought the movie painted her as having a blackheart and having revenge on herself.

I liked the movie but that thought according to history did her an injustice.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:16 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Yeah, for some reason movie makers have to mar reality. In the movie based on CS Lewis' book, Surprised by Joy, at the end they have him say, "I don't have any of the answers," giving the connotation he has blind faith, when in fact he said he didn't know ALL the answers. And Schaeffer points out that in a play on Martin Luther (the white guy, of course), they have him say at the end, in response to someone he used to be under asking if he's doing what he ought, if what he did was right, and instead of saying yes or something like that, they went against history and he said, "Let's hope so," giving the connotation there is no such thing as real right or wrong...that it's relative.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:44 pm
by Felgar
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:And Schaeffer points out that in a play on Martin Luther (the white guy, of course), they have him say at the end, in response to someone he used to be under asking if he's doing what he ought, if what he did was right, and instead of saying yes or something like that, they went against history and he said, "Let's hope so," giving the connotation there is no such thing as real right or wrong...that it's relative.
Yeah, that's nice considering that Luther put his life on the line to stand up for his beliefs in an audience with the Pope... So after having the conviction to face death, he simply says "I hope so." LOL. Hollywood can be brutal sometimes.

Documentaries by Deceitful Liars

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:35 pm
by kateliz
I saw a very old silent Joan of Arc movie once where there were no words, (?, or few?) during the whole thing. It was dramatic music and facial expressions for the most part, anyway. That was a powerful movie on her! And I couldn't help but cry as well, MM. It was Dutch, and had to be put back together somehow after remaining in pieces for most of it's life-span.

On the Luther movie, the people in my Bible study spoke on what seems to be that same line, but said that it was something like, "I cannot go against my convictions unless you can prove them wrong by Scriptures." It was a very powerful statement the way he worded it, and could incorrectly be translated "Let's hope so," by unbelieving movie makers. Could this be the same thing, Kmart?

I have a growing beef with the producers of TV documentaries on Christianity for the same reason you guys are talking about. They go to all this trouble to get interviews, (at least half are of biased, unbelieving pessimistics who report inaccurate information,) their own research info, (questionable sources?) graphics of everything, and then they fudge-up the truth in presentation, (which they get away with because of the general ignorance of those watching,) and at the end of their "honest quest for the truth," ALWAYS conclude that "we just don't know!" UGGGH!!! :x How maddening! I used to watch them when I was less educated on those things, and so find them "beneficial," but have since come to the place of the anger and frustration you see me in now. How damaging!!! How deceitful!!! What liars!!!

In regards to those documentaries, I have no respect for the people who work on them. How can you as an educated Christian participate in that? They may be good people otherwise, but no Christian should contribute to such a thing.

Who agrees with me? Let's picket! :D

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:11 pm
by Mastermind
No, the one I saw did not portray her as vengeful. in fact, they had a few supernatural moments(Joan seeing saint catherine flying around)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:10 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Could this be the same thing, Kmart?
No, Francis even sites a critic who realizes what the line really meant-it pointed to moral relativity (right and wrong determined by each individual, which really means there is no such thing as right and wrong...and this philosophy is so flawed it's not even funny). "Let's hope so" means Martin didn't know if what he was doing was wrong or right or anything...what you're saying he said means "unless the Bible says otherwise, I won't change my beliefs."

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:19 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I have a growing beef with the producers of TV documentaries on Christianity
And whenever I see something about Christianity, and they're asking a priest or someone who should know about Christianity, they seem to find the most liberal and compromising wimp in the world. The Christian they ask always waters down the Gospel it seems.