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Old Testament God

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:28 pm
by Mastermind
Why does God seem to be so sentimental in the Old Testament? When I'm reading it, sometimes, it's almost as if He is no different than the greek pantheon. For example:

Numbers 25:11 "Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:53 am
by Anonymous
I'm betting thats a translation error or of the sort. You probably feel that way because the Old Testament really brings God to the human level so perhaps us and people at the time could understand. I believe the bible transitions and reveals God's true character and power slowly all the way to Jesus who is the final representation of God and his Word.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:49 am
by Mastermind
It's not necessarily that it brings God to a human level, but rather that it makes God look like a sentimental wreck. I don't like that idea.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:14 pm
by Mastermind
Nobody? I'm starting to wonder whether the old testament isn't utterly corrupt.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:58 pm
by Kurieuo
Again... fish for your answers, and if you will, please paste a response to your own question once to find it. There are many responses to this to be found across the Web, I know, because I remember reading a few some time ago to gather the best responding points.

Click here to start your search... ;)


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:18 pm
by Mastermind
Thanks for the oh so generous help. :roll:

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:28 pm
by Kurieuo
Stop being lazy and fulfilling the mindless mold Atheists often have of Christians Mastermind. Sorry if that sounds rough, but I even provided a link, which if you click on, will lead you straight to a response perhaps better than anyone here could give.


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:30 pm
by Mastermind
I was joking, and I am reading on my own. At any rate, I've earned my right to be lazy after a lifetime of hardwork and dedic... wait, no I didn't.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:54 pm
by Kurieuo
The joke didn't come across ;). Please also, don't take offense (if you did in anyway)—my patience just sometimes becomes tried when I see people always asking questions, but never taking the time to use their own mind to discover answers. Good questions, but I think people often don't give their own ability enough credit.


Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:54 am
by Mastermind
The problem is, I hate research. I have no passion for the mechanical gathering of evidence that every scientist seems to cling to as if it were God incarnate. I simply want all available information present so that I may make logical deductions as to what is and is not true.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:36 pm
by Anonymous
Dont we all! :P

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:25 pm
by Anonymous
The problem is, I hate research. I have no passion for the mechanical gathering of evidence that every scientist seems to cling to as if it were God incarnate. I simply want all available information present so that I may make logical deductions as to what is and is not true.
That's unfortunate. I don't attribute the hatred of research to any type of person, but it seems to be a prevailing attitude in a culture of "GIMME! I WANT I WANT! GIMME IT NOW!" With microwaves cooking full meals in minutes (and people still hovering over them with anxiety as though they will never get their food), computers that give information in mere seconds (still considered 'slow' by the always-advancing technologies), people who drive extremely fast (to prove a point, or just to arrive at their destination fifty seconds early?), or those "long" waits in the grocery line with countless people sighing and constantly gazing at their watches, it isn't incredibly surprising that so many are in dire hatred of doing research to arrive at conclusions...that seems to be a problem, as so many people seem satisfied with just one website promoting just one idea as a solution to something that probably requires much more research.

Some people still believe patience to be a virtue. Many are those atheistic scientists I keep hearing so much about. :twisted: