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Archaeological proof of child sacrifice in Israel-a warning

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:50 am
by repaulling
On Nov 9, the Supreme Court will either hold the ban on Partial Birth Abortion or not. This is a fight against Satan himself.
If you read the Bible, you will see what happens to cultures that destroy the innocent. An internet search of Molech which was the god that post- Solomon Israel worshipped by sacrificing their children in the fire. The altars in Israel were destroyed but the ones from other cultures that did the same thing (burned up their children in a fire) still exist. Look up Molech and tophet (the altar) in archeology. There are PICTURES of places in Carthage of these altars. There are little white vases with childrens' bones in them there. The altars are still there.
All of the Kings of Israel and Judah were punished with WAR because of killing the innocent and a promise is in Habbakuk that the same thing will happen to anyone who kills the innocent. The punishment will come from a place where the Chaldeans lived. Guess where they lived? Clue: Our military is already there!!!
If we don't stop killing the innocent, we will NEVER get out of Irag!

Re: Archaeological proof of child sacrifice in Israel-a warn

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:15 pm
by phoney
[quote="repaulling"]On Nov 9, the Supreme Court will either hold the ban on Partial Birth Abortion or not. This is a fight against Satan himself.
The will be there