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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:21 pm
by hetfield
Ok so how old is the earth through the christian's eyes? My Christian Science book says 10,000 to 15,000 years. Yet evolution states much more than this, obviously. Stars are millions of Light Years away. So therefore shouldn't the earth be millions of years old in order for the light to travel here? Light does travel at a certain rate, just as much as sound does, I'm sure that it didn't change after the fall, and if so then it's giving a negative aspect to God, and his creation, not positive at all.

Re: Stars

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:04 am
by Gman
hetfield wrote:Ok so how old is the earth through the christian's eyes? My Christian Science book says 10,000 to 15,000 years. Yet evolution states much more than this, obviously. Stars are millions of Light Years away. So therefore shouldn't the earth be millions of years old in order for the light to travel here? Light does travel at a certain rate, just as much as sound does, I'm sure that it didn't change after the fall, and if so then it's giving a negative aspect to God, and his creation, not positive at all.
I believe the earth to be about 4.6 billion years. This would also factor in the speed of light which hasn't changed since the fall... In no way does this give a negative aspect to God.

Or speed of light...

Re: Stars

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:03 am
by hetfield
Gman wrote:
hetfield wrote:Ok so how old is the earth through the christian's eyes? My Christian Science book says 10,000 to 15,000 years. Yet evolution states much more than this, obviously. Stars are millions of Light Years away. So therefore shouldn't the earth be millions of years old in order for the light to travel here? Light does travel at a certain rate, just as much as sound does, I'm sure that it didn't change after the fall, and if so then it's giving a negative aspect to God, and his creation, not positive at all.
I believe the earth to be about 4.6 billion years. This would also factor in the speed of light which hasn't changed since the fall... In no way does this give a negative aspect to God.

Or speed of light...
but doesn't this go against the grain of genesis?

Re: Stars

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:54 am
by bizzt
hetfield wrote:
Gman wrote:
hetfield wrote:Ok so how old is the earth through the christian's eyes? My Christian Science book says 10,000 to 15,000 years. Yet evolution states much more than this, obviously. Stars are millions of Light Years away. So therefore shouldn't the earth be millions of years old in order for the light to travel here? Light does travel at a certain rate, just as much as sound does, I'm sure that it didn't change after the fall, and if so then it's giving a negative aspect to God, and his creation, not positive at all.
I believe the earth to be about 4.6 billion years. This would also factor in the speed of light which hasn't changed since the fall... In no way does this give a negative aspect to God.

Or speed of light...
but doesn't this go against the grain of genesis?
Read the links and you will notice that it does not :)

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:10 am
by John T
bizzt wrote:
Read the links and you will notice that it does not

I have read the links and am not entirely convinced.


Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:39 am
by hetfield
I just read the links. OK so I still don't get it, God created the earth in 6 days, yet the earth has been here over millions of years (in accordance to meet with light). Since God created man then has man been here for millions of years? I thought the multi million/ multi billion year theory would go against Scripture, or so my school try to convince me. Explain it to me with your own words.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:16 pm
by Turgonian
I'm not sure if OEC goes against Scripture, though I still adhere to YEC (Young Earth Creationism), mainly out of nostalgia. ;) I haven't done extensive research.
However, people here have convinced me that OEC (O = Old) is biblically defensible.
It means the earth wasn't created in 6 days. However, humans in any case were created separately. I'm not sure how long ago (I'd say no more than 10,000 years, although Puritan Lad extends it to 60,000 years), but God created humans with a soul. They didn't evolve from apes.

If you are interested what YECs offer as a solution to the 'far stars' problem, while still maintaining that God doesn't deceive anyone even in Nature, see:

How can we see distant stars in a young universe?

Another article claiming that the host of stars actually points toward YEC:

Exploding stars point to a young universe

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:55 pm
by hetfield
Turgonian wrote:I'm not sure if OEC goes against Scripture, though I still adhere to YEC (Young Earth Creationism), mainly out of nostalgia. ;) I haven't done extensive research.
However, people here have convinced me that OEC (O = Old) is biblically defensible.
It means the earth wasn't created in 6 days. However, humans in any case were created separately. I'm not sure how long ago (I'd say no more than 10,000 years, although Puritan Lad extends it to 60,000 years), but God created humans with a soul. They didn't evolve from apes.

If you are interested what YECs offer as a solution to the 'far stars' problem, while still maintaining that God doesn't deceive anyone even in Nature, see:

How can we see distant stars in a young universe?

Another article claiming that the host of stars actually points toward YEC:

Exploding stars point to a young universe
ok so the OEC goes against scripture because of the 6 days, and obviously the other seems to not, i'm at a loss of words, break both theories down, and is there another website other than those 2 which can explain this theory

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:50 am
by faithinware
Why is this so difficult. It seems that we struggle I mean really struggle to try and fit our world view with scripture, when we know that scripture didn't know about cellphones, airplanes, Microwave ovens, speed of light, Gravity, Electrons, the power of the atom, the silicon chip, the microprocessor, the lcd monitor, the radio transmissions, fiber optics, optical disk -- should I go on?

Why struggle to fit our universe with what scripture has to say? Why not just have Faith and let it go at that? Do we actually think that if it doesn't fit somehow that it gives us a reason to stop believing?

My grandfather was a wondrous Doctor, he was a Faithful Methodist believer. And on top of it, he still believed in science and all that it involves. It is because he loved truth. He believed Darwin. Something Thomas Huxley said about Darwin: "Why didn't we think of this before?"

So why didn't we think of it before? Were we that arrogant back then?

It is a wondrous universe, much bigger than religious men in the past previously thought. I mean back then, they thought the world had corners.

Consider the awe that is our universe, and be grateful.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:05 am
by Turgonian
The difference being, the universe existed 3000 years ago. 'Cellphones, airplanes, Microwave ovens, speed of light, Gravity, Electrons, the power of the atom, the silicon chip, the microprocessor, the lcd monitor, the radio transmissions, fiber optics, optical disk' did not, and therefore the Bible has nothing to say about them.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:58 am
by hetfield
faithinware wrote:Why is this so difficult. It seems that we struggle I mean really struggle to try and fit our world view with scripture, when we know that scripture didn't know about cellphones, airplanes, Microwave ovens, speed of light, Gravity, Electrons, the power of the atom, the silicon chip, the microprocessor, the lcd monitor, the radio transmissions, fiber optics, optical disk -- should I go on?

Why struggle to fit our universe with what scripture has to say? Why not just have Faith and let it go at that? Do we actually think that if it doesn't fit somehow that it gives us a reason to stop believing?

My grandfather was a wondrous Doctor, he was a Faithful Methodist believer. And on top of it, he still believed in science and all that it involves. It is because he loved truth. He believed Darwin. Something Thomas Huxley said about Darwin: "Why didn't we think of this before?"

So why didn't we think of it before? Were we that arrogant back then?

It is a wondrous universe, much bigger than religious men in the past previously thought. I mean back then, they thought the world had corners.

Consider the awe that is our universe, and be grateful.
well the whole corner thing is discussed on this site. evolution states that the earth wasn't created in six days, which contradicts scripture, so now scripture has to have support for everything, if your willing to admit that the philsophers of the bible and such were wrong they what is there to believe if i have no cornerstone of belief?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:17 pm
by Gman
hetfield wrote:I just read the links. OK so I still don't get it, God created the earth in 6 days, yet the earth has been here over millions of years (in accordance to meet with light). Since God created man then has man been here for millions of years? I thought the multi million/ multi billion year theory would go against Scripture, or so my school try to convince me. Explain it to me with your own words.
Please explain why you are confused by the links.. I don't get it...

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:29 pm
by Byblos
hetfield wrote:well the whole corner thing is discussed on this site. evolution states that the earth wasn't created in six days, which contradicts scripture, so now scripture has to have support for everything, if your willing to admit that the philsophers of the bible and such were wrong they what is there to believe if i have no cornerstone of belief?

Hi Hetfield,

Have you at all looked at the many articles posted on the main page? You are aware that this very site is founded on reconciling God with science and that the two are very much compatible and no contradiction exists between scripture and science? If you haven't checked out the articles, I would advise you to do so, and while you're at it, please read the board purpose found here.


Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:04 pm
by sandy_mcd
Turgonian wrote:The difference being, the universe existed 3000 years ago. '...speed of light, Gravity, Electrons, the power of the atom...' did not, and therefore the Bible has nothing to say about them.
Of course these things all existed 3000 years ago, didn't they?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:56 pm
by Swamper
sandy_mcd wrote:
Turgonian wrote:The difference being, the universe existed 3000 years ago. '...speed of light, Gravity, Electrons, the power of the atom...' did not, and therefore the Bible has nothing to say about them.
Of course these things all existed 3000 years ago, didn't they?
Turgy meant that people had no concept of these things 3000 years ago.