Astral Projection

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Astral Projection

Post by Anonymous »

Anyone know anything about this?, experienced it? or can explain it?
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Post by Mastermind »

I have experienced it briefly(a good % of people do it at least once in their lifetime). Basically, your mind(and supposedly, your spirit or soul) can leave the body. Travel occurs somewhere between our world and another, so you cannot influence things in the real world. The book I read stated that there are many different worlds that vary from ours and the author dubbed them "wavelengths". The closer the wavelength is to our world, the closer it resembles our world(when you first leave you are basically in a shimmering replica of our world). We are still attached to our bodies through a sort of string. It's not that easy to explain since the experience is personal, and at higher level, the worlds simply become metaphors of the practitioner's own problems, convictions, etc. However, people have met and verified the meeting upon awakening so it is not simply a personal illusion.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

I think it's an evil power given to people by Satan. The husband of one of my teachers worked with people who had been or still did drugs. One of the guys there was a really big drug dealer. One night, in the middle of the night, screaming was heard. When they found the screamer, he said that the drug dealer had just been crouched over him with a knife in hand. They rushed to the guy's bed to find him asleep, and they woke him up. Later, the guy became a Christiand and divulged the secret. One day, while he was in business, he had a dark power asking for admittance, and he accepted it. That was one of his many abilities. Satan has a lot of power (but only when God allows him (Job)).
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i know two peole who have done it. they don't know how they did it.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


it started another thread on the possibility that satan might be sort of an ally to God. i noticed that you said, "Satan has a lot of power...but only when God allows him." do you have any thoughts on this? do you know of any other instances besides job where this is mentioned in the bible?

bringing the topic back to astral projection...what about regular people who experience this? how is it then satan-related?
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

No no no no....God is Light, and Satan is Dark. Just like Darkness can only dwell where no Light exists, Satan can only be where God lets him. God is supreme, but He lets Satan have the world, since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. God can do whatever He wants (as long as it's not against His will). The same teacher and her husband were missionaries in Africa. One day on the road, a boy ran out in front of them, very close. She quickly prayed that they wouldn't hit the kid, and they didn't. She explained her story better of course, but what God did was break the natural laws (He who makes the rules breaks the rules?). That car, she said, stopped faster than it should have, and they could feel something stopping them, and it wasn't the brakes.

Re 20:7 When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison,
A consideration of several passages of scripture forces one to the conclusion that God has allowed Satan to exert his influence upon nations as well as individuals. The devil is characterized as the “ruler of this world” (Jn. 12:31), and the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). ... estion.htm

That has some stuff, don't wanna quote it all.

God allows Satan to tempt us. It's free will. We are given two choices-follow God, or follow Satan (knowingly or blindly).

And about the regular people. You've seen Matrix right? Everyone in the system is a potential agent (everyone under Satan's dominion can be possessed and use his powers in other words). Though the little old lady in the apartment doesn't know it, through her the agent is throwing knives at Neo.[/quote]
Last edited by AttentionKMartShoppers on Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mastermind »

What does all of this have to do with astral projection? It doesn't give you any special benefits whatsoever, so I fail to see how Satan can corrupt with it.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

I was just ansering a question above me.

You know how Satan tempted Jesus, right? He offered Him POWER! INSANELY LARGE AMOUNTS OF POWER! He doesn't need to do that with regular people, because, heck, we'll take what we can get....and it does have benefits, long range killing for example.
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Post by Deborah »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:I was just ansering a question above me.

You know how Satan tempted Jesus, right? He offered Him POWER! INSANELY LARGE AMOUNTS OF POWER! He doesn't need to do that with regular people, because, heck, we'll take what we can get....and it does have benefits, long range killing for example.
Satin did not temp jesus, Jesus said be gone and satin left. (more or less)
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Read the verses before that...he tempted Jesus to turn rocks into food (after 40 days of fasting), to fall off the temple in Jerusalem (I think that's the city) and test God, and then he brought Jesus to a high mountain and offered to give Him the whole world if He would bow down and worship him.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

thanks attentionkmartshoppers. i'll read that stuff. it seems like it might help in this discussion i've been having with a close friend.
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Post by Deborah »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Read the verses before that...he tempted Jesus to turn rocks into food (after 40 days of fasting), to fall off the temple in Jerusalem (I think that's the city) and test God, and then he brought Jesus to a high mountain and offered to give Him the whole world if He would bow down and worship him.
he only tempted jesus if jesus turned the rocks into bread.
When satin said through yourself of the miuntain or temple ( can't remember witch) and see if god will save you, did not Jesus say I will NOT tempt my father?
Satin attempted to tempt jesus but Jesus said No did he not ?
if he did anything satin told him to please provide scripture reference.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Oh now we're talking about the other evil spirit, Satin? (Knights in White Satin). ok ok I'm just kidding. I'm looking up tempt to make sure I don't mangle it.

Tempt-To try to get (someone) to do wrong, especially by a promise of reward.

Jesus was tempted according to that definition-the tempting of course was never a success though.

The first reward: food/prove Himself
The second reward: I'm not sure at the moment
The third reward: Pretty obvious-I wouldn't mind ruling the world myself.

Wow we're off topic :!: Gotta look at that heading every once in a while :idea:
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Post by Mastermind »

Satan did not tempt Jesus with Satan's power. Satan tempted Jesus to use His power as God to break his 40 day fast, and to show off. Jesus refused and Satan failed.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

I understand everything except the "Satan did not tempt Jesus with Satan's power." I don't get that one part.
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