Bible had exactly described DNA and ATP

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Dongsheng Zhang
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Joined: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:40 pm Bible had exactly described DNA and ATP

Post by Dongsheng Zhang »

I have read the article “God vs. Science” by David Van Biema on the current issue of Time. I think that is the continuation of the debate that started hundred of years ago. Why weren't they able to end? Because both of them don't have incontestable evidences to confirm whether the Bible was the Words come from God or not. They contain a lot of biological knowledge to let them to believe what is the power behind the origin of the organism in the world. I am sure they completely know the detail of the structure and functions of the DNA molecule. But they have not read the articles published on the at Oct. 5, 2006: “The Concordance of Ezekiel's Vision with DNA” and “Ezekiel's Vision and ATP Synthesis System”. The articles indicated that the Bible had exact description of the structure and functions of the DNA molecule and ATP Synthesis System that were discovered within the last hundred years in science laboratories. So I hope WHO can send the two articles to Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins, their commentary of the articles will reveal the final winner of the hundred-year debate: whether God existed.
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Post by Turgonian »

It looks like eisogesis.
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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