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Books not in the canon?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:10 pm
by hetfield
What do you people think about books not in the biblical canon? I have yet to read one, but do they bear any significance to the Bible, or relate to any stories?

A friend gave me this link, enjoy.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:17 am
by Turgonian
They are not infallible nor authoritative.

However, 'sacred' literature from other cultures does sometimes relate to the Bible, since all cultures spring from the same source. The website Ancient Days tries to link the biblical accounts to stories from other cultures. This article may be of interest:

Correlating the Texts of Ancient Literature with the Old Testament

An article I found extremely intriguing is Who was Nimrod?, which claims Nimrod is actually a derisive name ('the Rebel') for Gilgamesh!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:38 pm
by Metacrock
Turgonian wrote:They are not infallible nor authoritative.

However, 'sacred' literature from other cultures does sometimes relate to the Bible, since all cultures spring from the same source. The website Ancient Days tries to link the biblical accounts to stories from other cultures. This article may be of interest:

Correlating the Texts of Ancient Literature with the Old Testament

An article I found extremely intriguing is Who was Nimrod?, which claims Nimrod is actually a derisive name ('the Rebel') for Gilgamesh!

that link it terrible. he says "just as biological evolution has not been validated with real evidence..." so its just a creationist trying to transur creationism to social sicences.

Re: Books not in the canon?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:40 pm
by Metacrock
hetfield wrote:What do you people think about books not in the biblical canon? I have yet to read one, but do they bear any significance to the Bible, or relate to any stories?

A friend gave me this link, enjoy.

Most ancient texts which purport to be Christian religious documents, especially those of Gnsotic vent such as the one's found at Nag Hammadi, where not known to the early chruch and were not considered for the cannon. But of those that were most agree with the Orthodox faith.

The assumption that all kinds of mouth wattering documents that disprove the one's that were chosen were burned and kept out cannot be backed up with any real evidence.