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The bible and evolution

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:40 pm
by godslanguage

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:27 pm
by Judah
Godslanguage, what question or comment do you have to make in relation to those websites? It is better if you make some comment too rather than just post links to sites.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:14 pm
by Canuckster1127
Answers in Creation is a good site for Old Earth Creationism.

If you want to link to sites you've found that are good like this, the better place to do it is the Reviews and Resources topic area and give a brief blurb as to why you're linking it.

We remove spam. But references from active posters is fine within the board guidelines. Just give us something so we know it isn't spam.


Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:37 pm
by godslanguage
Thanks and sorry for posting the links up without my input on it.
All I wanted to say is that it is a good OEC website like this one and Reasons To Believe. It is scientifically and biblically sound and anyone who is looking for other sources that share common traits with this one (ie: god and science), I think Reasons To Believe and this one are by far share the most common information between each other and have a very good basis for what they believe in.

I will do what you suggest Canukster and post these up on the Reviews and Resources topic thread from now on.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:30 pm
by archaeologist
i find a lot of problems with their theology in the first link. if you noticed throughout the article the terms, 'and the evening and the morning were the...' what they wrote was just convenient to their argument and they omitted facts which limit what they want to see in the creation account.

the logic used in this article is full of holes. first, they point out that certain words were missing thus creation could not have happened as stated by YECers. such thinking sparks the question, does God have to say it each time to be implemented?

second, they look at the event of creation and say, 'God spoke but it was the land that...' well were they expecting the plants to appear in mid air and God take on the role of a gardner? no, of course the land would produce the vegetation because God made the land with the power to do so.

if God doesn't have the land do it from the beginning, how would the land produce vegetation millenia later. the land was given the necessary tools to produce what God wanted to produce.
They are not instructed to multiply "according to their kind."
we know that they were for throughout history, each plant and tree has produced after their kind and have not switched. the results of creation speak volumes.
The Scripture references for the creation of plants and animals seem to support evolutionary theory better than it does fiat creation
not at all because if it did, throughout scripture we would get reference to an evolutionary process and not the references which explicitedly state that God created all things.

i do not have my Bible with me at work so i can't check their references, and i am curious to know which translation they used for this article.
Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles,
they haven't shown anything except how to mis-read and mis-use scripture. their explanations are shallow and do not dig deep enough. it sounds like they are out to prove their way of thinking despite what the rest of the Bible says.

when dealing with passages like creation or the flood, you cannot limit your research to just the passage but must take into account the words of the prophets, david, Jesus and the apostles as well.

if you don't then you end up misrepresenting what the Bible teaches.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 5:27 am
by archaeologist
i finally found time to gothrough the creatrion account and it is very explicit that God did the work and not the oceans plus it is very clear that each reproduced after their kind, if you read the text, you will see several occassions where God said, after their kind.

there is no instance in the creation account that allows a foothold for evolutionary beliefs.