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An Open Live Discussion

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:23 pm
by Atticus Finch
A lot of ideas and thoughts that I get often vanish within minutes and hours. It's difficult for me to feel ready for discussing things when it may take the other people 12 hours or more to respond to a post of mine.

For this reason I'm wondering whether anyone would like to set a time and place (like an AIM chat room where it's continuous rather than stop-start posting on forums) to discuss a topic and share all of our views? We could decide on a particular subject by a quick vote and then get straight into the discussion.

The only reason I bring this up is that it's much more comfortable in that situation to discuss these things. It's somewhat comparable to an employee and boss meeting for lunch, carrying the needed formalities, and then two friends meeting and just chatting together.

It might take a little confusion in organizing but once that's done it should be nice. Let me know if this sounds like a good idea or not.

Good idea

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:17 pm
by madscientist
Well thats an excellent idea however i think it will cuase many problems. Same with me - something gets me - often related to philosophical qyuesis, bothers me for a day or so and disapperas. It may come later, but, if i dont post it or so it may disappear. Yes i know. Moreover, there are unanswered questions from november to which i think ill never get an answer. ANother problem is that the newest posts are up at default set, and so the newest will be the "hottest" subjects whereas oldest ones will die out. :cry: It happened e.g. that i replied to an old post which has been forgotten for a year and then immediatelyt someone replied... Coz it was on the top! And - this might have been of topic kinda... - but that is the problem with forums etc. And yes a chatroom woud be great, but who would join? Lets say ppl from G&S forum - there are mostly about 4-5 online at a time, and this is the hugest porblem i think - ppl are not online a lot of time, and at the same time. Thats why post & wait is the better way in this way i think.
Well at least my opinion on this...
But sure if you could get a bunch of people together and a chat room i wouldnt be against it!! :wink: :wink: