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A new chapter

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:32 am
by August
Friends, the time has come for me to enter a new chapter in my life.

Beginning in January, I will curtail my online activities except for my blog, including my participation here. The reason is that I am embarking on a mission to translate, and comment on, the works of one of the greatest Christian philosophers of all time, Prof HG Stoker, to ensure his insights are preserved for future generations. He is in the same class as Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd and Tom v Vollenhoven, the great Dutch philosophers.

I want to leave you with a couple of ideas.
1. Rational enquiry does not end with the question of whether something makes sense, but why it makes sense. It is often said that religion and science are two different areas of inquiry that stand independent of each other. However, they cannot be seperated. Ultimately rational enquiry leads us to the question of origins and organization, both of which are questions that are being addressed from science and religion.
2. Remember that God stands above all. He is the begnning and the end, the creator and redeemer. If you do not know Him, please get to do so. Everyone will one day meet God, either while on earth or in the afterlife. Meet Him now, so your life is not wasted.

I pray that the mission of this website and board will continue to bless many as it blessed me.

God bless.


Re: A new chapter

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:59 pm
by Byblos
August wrote:Friends, the time has come for me to enter a new chapter in my life.

Beginning in January, I will curtail my online activities except for my blog, including my participation here. The reason is that I am embarking on a mission to translate, and comment on, the works of one of the greatest Christian philosophers of all time, Prof HG Stoker, to ensure his insights are preserved for future generations. He is in the same class as Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd and Tom v Vollenhoven, the great Dutch philosophers.

I want to leave you with a couple of ideas.
1. Rational enquiry does not end with the question of whether something makes sense, but why it makes sense. It is often said that religion and science are two different areas of inquiry that stand independent of each other. However, they cannot be seperated. Ultimately rational enquiry leads us to the question of origins and organization, both of which are questions that are being addressed from science and religion.
2. Remember that God stands above all. He is the begnning and the end, the creator and redeemer. If you do not know Him, please get to do so. Everyone will one day meet God, either while on earth or in the afterlife. Meet Him now, so your life is not wasted.

I pray that the mission of this website and board will continue to bless many as it blessed me.

God bless.


Good luck and much success with all your endeavors, John. Please do drop in from time to time to say hello and update us on your progress. I'll do the same on your blog. Do you intend to write the translation in a book or will it be available online?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:19 pm
by August
Thanks for the good wishes. I hope to have a website up in the next week or so where I will publish articles from time to time.

The actual translation will be published in book form, and I am currently investigating the alternatives for that along with the rights holders of the work.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:49 pm
by bizzt
Have fun August!!! I pray that your endeavours will be a Huge Success. How can they not BE!!! If God is for you WHO can be against you! Bless you and drop in from time to time for a quick update!

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:03 pm
by Judah
Oh noooooo!

I will really miss your input here when you go. :(

But so long as I can talk with your sometimes via your blog, that won't be so bad.

All the best for your new venture anyway, John. :)

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:57 am
by Turgonian
Yes, August, all the best and good strength in your translations and commentaries!

It's nice to hear about three Dutch philosophers, without any reserve labeled 'great', but I have somewhat of an itch where Kuyper is concerned. I only read something written by him once -- an article on the relationship of Religion and Art. He said that Religion and Art were like twins: they had grown up together, but now they were both mature and were past the stage where they could be blended -- otherwise the church was returning to the playthings of its infancy. As I have a rather higher view of Art, I don't think you can separate it from Religion that way...

But on the other hand, Kuyper did great things, like founding the Free University and a political party. I hope that Prof Stoker will prove both edifying and fun to translate! Take care! :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:26 pm
by August
Turgy, as I study these guys more, I am more impressed with their depth of thought. I also do not agree with all that they say, but I have come to realize that you have to study them in great detail. If not, one can easily find soundbytes to disagree with, without understanding the context.

I have not yet seen that particular part of Kuyper, since I have been concentrating on Stoker and Dooyeweerd. I have just started on the first part of Kuypers:"Work of the Holy Spirit".

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:26 am
by Turgonian
Yeah, I know...sound advice. ;) I've heard the name of Dooyeweerd thrown around, but I haven't heard of the other two philosophers you mentioned (Stoker, van Vollenhoven). Maybe I'll read them once...

The thing by Kuyper was just an article floating around on the Internet...not a whole book.