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asking God into your life

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:17 pm
by Prodigal Son
this year i did what i'd heard so many christians telling people to do...i got down on my knees and asked God into my life. i begged him to save me and told him i didn't want to exist without him anymore. after that i can't describe what's happened. it's been a total miracle. totally unexplainable. before :twisted: , after :D

what i wonder is does everyone have to ask God into their lives at some point? even those people raised in the church; people who have always known him? is there an unconscious asking? or does everyone have to make conscious request? do some people just "fall" into him? by accident?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:21 pm
by Anonymous
I have, a few times, and felt pretty stupid afterwards. I guess it just doesn't 'work' for some people. =P Or, hey - maybe he doesn't exist?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:29 pm
by Prodigal Son
:? sorry it didn't work for you. maybe you're just not ready for him.

i know he does exist. the change in my life is complete proof of that.

i do remember before i became christian i used to beg him for help and get nothing back. but asking for help and giving yourself to him are different things. maybe that's what you're doing?...maybe not...

but, what i wonder is, are there some people who never have to ask him into their lives?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:25 am
by RGeeB
You can ask God (or the Holy Spirit to be more precise) into your life to be born again. The real turnaround also involves your freewill in the process of repentance with the help of the HS. Then its you who lives in Christ (rather than the other way around).

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:23 pm
by Prodigal Son
yeah, but does everyone have to do this at sometime in their lives? are there some people who do not have to ask God into their lives? like people who grow-up in christian families and have always known God, do they have to be "born again" at some point?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:26 pm
by Mastermind
I never physically asked Him to. It was a half-unconscious decision, but I know what you mean.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:06 pm
by August
My personal opinion is that you have to ask Him to come into your life.

Matthew 7:7 (NIV)
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Luke 11:9 (NIV)
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:28 am
by RGeeB
What is meant by 'asking God into your life'? Maybe you can ask people who use these words what they mean?

By God's grace through faith we are imputed and imparted with Christ's righteousness. Imputed means that when God sees us, He sees us wearing the righteousness of Christ - that leads to Justification. Impartation is also a process involving grace and faith. It is where we are transformed into Christ's likeness - that leads to Sanctification. Is Sanctification asking God into your life?

..and yes, God does help those who truly want His help to turn their lives in line with His will.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:57 pm
by Jac3510
Read Jesus' discussion with ol' Nick in John 3. A man MUST be born again to be saved. To be born again is to be spiritually born, because the unsaved person is spiritually dead.

Therefore, everyone must have this experience. Some may have it very explicitly, while for others it may be more subtle. We certainly are in no position to judge the heart of any man. The simple question is this: have you been born again? You HAVE to go from a state of unregenerate to regnerate.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:13 pm
by Prodigal Son
:D yep! it's awesome!

thanks, guys!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:45 am
by seedling

I'm new to this board. I had a "born again" experience at age 17 that, I have come to believe, was totally manufactured in my head. I "asked God in to my life." It was beautiful and it met my need at the time. I think all it was, was that in my heart, I basically made a decision that I would start searching for something more meaningful in my human life. After that, I basically believed that every word in the bible was the authentic written "word of God" and I took it very literally. It helped and comforted me for a long time.

But during the past year or so, I have begun reading many things, about history and science that have turned my little world upside down so to speak, and I am re-thinking many things I just took for granted and thought I "believed." I am realizing that our Creator cannot be put into a box, or into a book. Your forum interested me, because as scientists, as it seems many of you are, I thought you would be open to discussions that go "outside the box." The only thing I can honestly say I believe right now is ... I believe there is a Creator, who got the ball rolling, sparked it up and let it fly ... it just makes sense to me that some Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient force or being lit the initial fire. It seems to me he started it, then pretty much took a hands-off approach.

I also love Jesus. I cannot so much define who he is, or anything that the bible or Christians say about him. All I know is I am attracted to him and I love him ... I love his spirit. He is a real human being. As for being born again ... I need to think about this a bit before I can write about it. I get the sense it is a very important concept, but I'm not sure how to define it yet in my experience.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:34 am
by Deborah
Don't you love it.
I asked god into my life 20 years ago when I was only 18.
I don't remember what happined but I drifted after that.
Then one day BAM, there God was at a time I needed him most.
I can now see that he never left me, I may have drifted by he never left me.
All I can say is Praise him, praise his name forever.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:00 am
by Kurieuo
Hi seedling,
seedling wrote:I'm new to this board. I had a "born again" experience at age 17 that, I have come to believe, was totally manufactured in my head. I "asked God in to my life." It was beautiful and it met my need at the time. I think all it was, was that in my heart, I basically made a decision that I would start searching for something more meaningful in my human life. After that, I basically believed that every word in the bible was the authentic written "word of God" and I took it very literally. It helped and comforted me for a long time.
What I'm getting from your words is that you've been introduced to Christianity, but you've only experienced and felt it. Have you taken a look into any rational case for Christianity? Sadly this is sometimes lacking, even frowned upon by some. However, I'd like to reassure you, take it however you may, that Christianity does infact stand on very solid rational foundations, and it is alright to have doubts, but just be sure you seek answers to them. The Internet is a great resource.
seedling wrote:But during the past year or so, I have begun reading many things, about history and science that have turned my little world upside down so to speak, and I am re-thinking many things I just took for granted and thought I "believed." I am realizing that our Creator cannot be put into a box, or into a book. Your forum interested me, because as scientists, as it seems many of you are, I thought you would be open to discussions that go "outside the box." The only thing I can honestly say I believe right now is ... I believe there is a Creator, who got the ball rolling, sparked it up and let it fly ... it just makes sense to me that some Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient force or being lit the initial fire. It seems to me he started it, then pretty much took a hands-off approach.
Actually, I'm not sure how many here are scientists ;), although many here seem able to talk on many issues. If you have any doubts or questions, don't hesitate to post them and I'm sure everyone here will try to help. But don't keep your doubts hidden, that's the worst thing possible.

Additionally, I just thought I'd mention one of my favourite defenders of the Christian faith—William Lane Craig. I'd encourage you to check out the articles on his website (, and the debates he has had on God's existence. You should also be able to find many great pages on the God and Science website.
seedling wrote:I also love Jesus. I cannot so much define who he is, or anything that the bible or Christians say about him. All I know is I am attracted to him and I love him ... I love his spirit. He is a real human being. As for being born again ... I need to think about this a bit before I can write about it. I get the sense it is a very important concept, but I'm not sure how to define it yet in my experience.
Born again simply means is that one has made the decision to ask Christ into their lives, as they want to change and desire to be with and follow Him. At such a point, the Holy Spirit comes to you, and you become spiritually born, and are able to approach God and have a relationship with Him despite your sin. That's all born again means, although the changing point can often be accompanied by strong emotions—perhaps the born again experience you are talking about?

Anyway, I hope you stay and look forward seeing more of your posts.


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:59 am
by Mastermind
There is definitely a feeling of peace and even bliss when you are born again. Rich felt it and I felt it. When it happens, you usually should realise it.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:48 am
by JBirdAngel
I grew up in a Christian home, and was taught to actually need to ask Jesus into my heart, and i have done it twice in the past, and then almost everday now all the time asking for help and to be saved. Sometimes i feel peace, but mostly not, i do believe that i fully desire to do God's will, though i fear it at times, some things i read in the Bible make me fear God, and i know the Bible says to fear God, but doesnt that mean rather to be in awe of Him rather than to be afraid of Him?

I would love to be lite up with His peace and will all the time, i am afraid to trust, afraid of what sounds so good, doesnt seem to be true, i want to feel His peace and to trust Him and i ask for faith and help many times each day i believe, so i don tknow...

I believe that I believe in God and Jesus, though sometimes i still get doubts, like on the post about end times and the second coming of Christ, a thought that came into my head was thats if He ever comes back, and that upsets me i have having thoughts like that, i do so want to believe, i want it to be true, but i am afraid, sometimes i cry and pray for God to be real... i dont know.