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New Board. Why?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:14 am
by Anonymous
The old board has been disabled, but we have currently kept them up out of courtesy for anyone who has posts that they would like to retain a copy of -

Why the change in boards?
Evidence for God from Science (G&S) is a Christian website which serves to provide a defense and persuasive case for Christianity, as well as encouragement and instruction for Christian people. Originally an open discussion board was decided upon where Christians and non-Christians could debate and voice their arguments for and against Christianity. In hindsight, it is doubtful whether this option was the best way of helping G&S fulfill its purpose. Instead it seemed that the previous board served as much a place for those against Christianity to propagate their beliefs and go on the attack, as it did for those sincerely seeking responses to questions, and for Christians to be strengthened in their faith. As such, the previous discussion board did not match up with the desired purpose of the G&S website. So after thoughtful consideration, it was decided to create a new board in order to better fulfill the purpose of the G&S website.

What are the differences between boards?
To highlight the difference further--the major difference is that the previous board was more open to everyone promoting their own beliefs, which would often include outright attacks being made on Christianity. This new board has been created with the purpose of the G&S website in mind, and as such will be more heavily moderated to exclude anti-Christian posts.

A foreseen objection is that some might view this as being "unfair." Yet, imagine if a Christian person registered on forums that belonged to a Jewish website. This Christian began posting how the Jews persecuted the early Christian Church, killed Jesus, and so on they went pointing out any fault they could find with the Jewish faith irrespective of whether it was backed or not. I think it becomes readily apparent that the administrator(s) of that board would have every right to ban that Christian and remove their posts. It is simply not a board for the Christian to propagate their beliefs nor tear into Judaism--it is a Jewish board. So while it would be more appropriate for that Christian to ask for responses to certain questions, it would be wrong of them--as I'm sure most would agree--to constantly attack, show contempt for and disrespect Judaistic faith.

To provide another illustration, imagine if a Muslim entered your home and hung up the Koran above your door (or if you are Muslim substitute someone of another religion entering your home and doing something similar). Such a seemingly unacceptable action highlights the point that it isn't always true that divergent faiths and beliefs should be given the same priviledges, freedom, and level of acceptance everywhere. To say it is always true would be not respect anothers personal domain. So just like a Muslim would have no right to hang their Koran in your home without permission, simply because the home becomes "virtual" doesn't change this principle. This board is a Christian home, and so while very open to honest questions, it is "not" a place where others of differing beliefs can promote their opinions while throwing any argument and complaint they can find against Christianity. The current forums have been developed to better reflect their purpose. If you think this still unfair, then you are quite welcome to find and join some of the many other boards across the Internet.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:04 pm
by Chris Moore
I am new to this form and I would kike to know if Marvin Rosenthal is part of this web-site or does he have is own web-site and is he still living. thanks, :D

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:37 pm
by Preach
I was just checking out the link to the old forum and I have to say I like the new one much better-- much more focused and purposeful. I come here to strengthen my faith, not be the target of insults by those who simply disagree with my beliefs as would have been the case if the old forum was still in effect.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:44 pm
by Felgar
Preach wrote:I was just checking out the link to the old forum and I have to say I like the new one much better-- much more focused and purposeful. I come here to strengthen my faith, not be the target of insults by those who simply disagree with my beliefs as would have been the case if the old forum was still in effect.
Glad to hear that Preach. In general I think most of the people here would agree with you - I know I certainly do! :)

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:02 am
by sweden78
"moderated to exclude anti-Christian posts."

does that include atheists posting their belif (or the lack of it)?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:20 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
sweden78 wrote:"moderated to exclude anti-Christian posts."

does that include atheists posting their belif (or the lack of it)?
I am not a Christian and I have been welcomed here. This board is moderated against hateful attacks and attempts to break down the human spirit. Thoughtful posts seeking to reach the truth are welcome I beleive.