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How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Crunch?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:23 am
by Cobolev
Cosmology told us that the world is going to end in heat death because of the increasing of entropy or in big crunch. Although it is not 100 percent certain, it's quite reasonable. So, my quesion is how we can escape the end of the universe if without the saving of God. If the end of universe is also the end of human being or other intelligent beings( what ever they are), there will be no beautiful feelings or arts or musics ........
what a tragedy it will be!

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:01 am
by bizzt
Cobolev wrote:Cosmology told us that the world is going to end in heat death because of the increasing of entropy or in big cruch. Although it is not 100 percent certain, it's quite reasonable. So, my quesion is how we can escape the end of the universe if without the saving of God. If the end of universe is also the end of human being or other intelligent beings( what ever they are), there will be no beautiful feelings or arts or musics ........
what a tragedy it will be!
I will probably dead on this earth and in glory with God. So that is of no concern. God Said that he will create a New Heavens and Earth. I have no worries! What about you though do you know the Messiah as your Saviour?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:32 am
by acrossandasong
wow chicken little, i think that we dont have to worry about a big crunch, what we have to worry about is being left behind and having to experience that death heat when God distroyes the earth with fire. be concerned with your soul and where your heart is at and leave the end of the world to those of the world

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:32 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
It's not death heat, it's heat death, where the expansion of the universe and entropy reduce the average temperature of the universe to close to 0 degrees kelvin(absolute zero).

Physical beings cannot escape this fate, are you a purely physical being?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:56 pm
by puritan lad
Preach it BGood :wink:

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:53 am
by Cobolev
bizzt wrote:I will probably dead on this earth and in glory with God. So that is of no concern. God Said that he will create a New Heavens and Earth. I have no worries! What about you though do you know the Messiah as your Saviour?
If there is God, no problem, I will be very calm facing the end of universe. In fact, I am still curious about the existence of God. U see, that is my problem. I want to solve the problem of excaping through a way of pure physics. Could I expect such a way ?

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:03 am
by FFC
Cobolev wrote:
bizzt wrote:I will probably dead on this earth and in glory with God. So that is of no concern. God Said that he will create a New Heavens and Earth. I have no worries! What about you though do you know the Messiah as your Saviour?
If there is God, no problem, I will be very calm facing the end of universe. In fact, I am still curious about the existence of God. U see, that is my problem. I want to solve the problem of excaping through a way of pure physics. Could I expect such a way ?
If God is truly Lord over all of His creation and holds all things together, including physics, then you would still have to go through Him. When all is erased and there is nothing left to work with it will only be us and God. Where you go from there depends on the decision you make now.

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:07 pm
by bizzt
FFC wrote:
Cobolev wrote:
bizzt wrote:I will probably dead on this earth and in glory with God. So that is of no concern. God Said that he will create a New Heavens and Earth. I have no worries! What about you though do you know the Messiah as your Saviour?
If there is God, no problem, I will be very calm facing the end of universe. In fact, I am still curious about the existence of God. U see, that is my problem. I want to solve the problem of excaping through a way of pure physics. Could I expect such a way ?
If God is truly Lord over all of His creation and holds all things together, including physics, then you would still have to go through Him. When all is erased and there is nothing left to work with it will only be us and God. Where you go from there depends on the decision you make now.
Totally Agree!

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:55 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Cobolev wrote:
bizzt wrote:I will probably dead on this earth and in glory with God. So that is of no concern. God Said that he will create a New Heavens and Earth. I have no worries! What about you though do you know the Messiah as your Saviour?
If there is God, no problem, I will be very calm facing the end of universe. In fact, I am still curious about the existence of God. U see, that is my problem. I want to solve the problem of excaping through a way of pure physics. Could I expect such a way ?

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:10 pm
by Cobolev
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Cobolev wrote: If there is God, no problem, I will be very calm facing the end of universe. In fact, I am still curious about the existence of God. U see, that is my problem. I want to solve the problem of excaping through a way of pure physics. Could I expect such a way ?
Did u read the book "Physics of immortality" by Frank Tipler? There u can find some suggested ways of pure physics to achieve immortality. But, in my point of view,those are not guaranteed.

Re: How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Cruch?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:18 pm
by Gman
Cobolev wrote:Did u read the book "Physics of immortality" by Frank Tipler? There u can find some suggested ways of pure physics to achieve immortality. But, in my point of view,those are not guaranteed.
I hate to break the news to you Cobolev, but God already did that for you... And it IS guaranteed... :P

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:17 pm
by Cobolev
Thanks a lot for ur good news :) .These days I was keep thinking about the ways that could help us overcome the end of the universe and civilizaion. There are many ways of sicence, but not guaranteed, in my point of view. So, I came to an idea that maybe our salvation is not a problem of sicence but of theology. Only belief in a highpower which is different of science could guarantee the immortility of our great civilization .That Highpower should be an incarnation of truth ,love ,and goodness. Through this way of thinking, I thought I came to realize the existence of God. Did anybody ever think such problems like me? :)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:13 pm
by FFC
Cobolev wrote: So, I came to an idea that maybe our salvation is not a problem of sicence but of theology. Only belief in a highpower which is different of science could guarantee the immortility of our great civilization .That Highpower should be an incarnation of truth ,love ,and goodness. Through this way of thinking, I thought I came to realize the existence of God. Did anybody ever think such problems like me? :)
Actually, Cobolev, I don't think these are problems at all. You seem to be trying to dance around something that is right in front of your eyes. The incarnation of God is truth, love and goodness and much more... and His name is Jesus. Do you understand that God sent Him to die on the cross for you so that if you believe in Him you could live forever and not go to hell?

I see no better solution to the end of the world scenario than that, do you? because if you believe and God gives you everlasting life, the end of the world will be of no importance to you, you will be with God in paradise.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:10 pm
by Cobolev
FFC wrote: I see no better solution to the end of the world scenario than that, do you? because if you believe and God gives you everlasting life, the end of the world will be of no importance to you, you will be with God in paradise.
I admit that is not a problem to those in God as u said. But as to me ,it is really a big problem,since I accept my education in a country(PRC) of atheism.When I found such a problem, I tried to slove it in knowledge background of atheism. For u, I think , the existence of God is quite natural,but the things are not the same to me. So, in order to slove the problem through God, I have to persuade myself that the God exists truely. Fortunately, I began to realize the existence of God is reasonable.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:00 pm
by krynn9000
Hey guys! I haven't posted in a while sorry. Cobolev, I was very interested in your comment about living in the PRC. How is it a country of atheism? I have heard of Christianity being banned there, it is true? Sorry off topic. Anyway yes, the best part of life is that this universe, though immense and spanning many years, is still temporary. Jesus gives us the pathway to eternal life with God. Awesome!