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What difference

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:49 pm
by johnnyboy08 the between all these religions that we have? Why Jesus and not buddha? Or Mohammed? Or Osiris? etc.

Re: What difference

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:23 pm
by Gman
johnnyboy08 the between all these religions that we have? Why Jesus and not buddha? Or Mohammed? Or Osiris? etc.
Hi Johnny,

Biggest difference is salvation.. Salvation in NOT obtained by good works but by faith alone... No other religion comes close to this .. Other differences is that God dies for his followers. Buddha, Mohamed or Osiris did not die for their believers... These are just a few of the differences...

Re: What difference

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:47 pm
by johnnyboy08
Gman wrote:
johnnyboy08 the between all these religions that we have? Why Jesus and not buddha? Or Mohammed? Or Osiris? etc.
Hi Johnny,

Biggest difference is salvation.. Salvation in NOT obtained by good works but by faith alone... No other religion comes close to this .. Other differences is that God dies for his followers. Buddha, Mohamed or Osiris did not die for their believers... These are just a few of the differences...
Good works? What about Buddhism, where the point is to empty all emotions and desires? There wouldn't need to be a savior then?

How do you know the others (Buddha, Mohamed, Osiris) did not die for their believers?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:58 pm
by johnnyboy08
Once again, I must ask, What difference does it make? Numerous Christians have approached my from many sects and I am pretty much confused about your "theology"; I have never attended a Church or so much as to have even touched a Bible. You might have to fill me in here.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:22 am
by Enigma7457
The difference is truth. I wasn't always a Christian. I researched. Look into all of the religions. Don't try to find the one you agree with most, or the one that seems the most convenient. Life isn't like that.

My first step was accepting there was a creator of the universe (whomever that may be). Next, try to find out which one it is. I don't trust the bible because it is the bible (though i should). I trust the bible because the bible is true. No other book from any other religion, creed, cult, nation, or empire is as well documented as the bible. No other person in the world is as well recorded as Jesus Christ. I trust the bible because it is true, not because the bible tells me to trust the bible.

I hope this helps. If you still have doubts, read the Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. Also, Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. He points out that Christianity isn't popular or convenient or anything like that. It is truth.

Grief = happiness = Christianity but not other religions?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:06 am
by Ashley
Hi, I think I am not quite welcome given some threads I've posted.. but thank you if i am allowed to say something because the question is interesting.

I only know Christian faith more than other religions; so what I can say is always coming from bible so you would find I am biased. I know very little about other religions like Buddha's, Mohammad's, etc. so quite difficult to compare these religions before giving you a correct answer. However, my relatives believe in Buddha and they said that their religions bring them happiness and enlightenment. Buddha, as they said, is some philosophical meditation that alleviates our suffering by finding out why we would suffer etc etc.

The only reaction to this in comparison with Buddha, Christian faith does not bring the same type of happiness. On the contrary, Christian faith (following the Christ) is not a happy thing. It is grief, persecution, solitude and threat. Christians usually are not happy on outward appearance, but at the same time, the grief is true happiness.. Grief is happiness, that is one of the huge difference that i think between Christianity and Buddha.

It is difficult to undrestand: why is grief actually happiness? I have vague idea..but find it hard to describe ... hm..


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:09 pm
by johnnyboy08
Enigma7457 wrote:The difference is truth. I wasn't always a Christian. I researched. Look into all of the religions. Don't try to find the one you agree with most, or the one that seems the most convenient. Life isn't like that.

My first step was accepting there was a creator of the universe (whomever that may be). Next, try to find out which one it is. I don't trust the bible because it is the bible (though i should). I trust the bible because the bible is true. No other book from any other religion, creed, cult, nation, or empire is as well documented as the bible. No other person in the world is as well recorded as Jesus Christ. I trust the bible because it is true, not because the bible tells me to trust the bible.

I hope this helps. If you still have doubts, read the Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. Also, Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. He points out that Christianity isn't popular or convenient or anything like that. It is truth.
LOL :lol:

You sound like a mindless zealot, no offense.

You say you "looked" into the religions? Well, I've "looked" into Christianity as well, and I judge by actions. I'm sure you've heard of the Dark Ages, The Inquisition, etc.

By looking, I don't think I got too good an idea of Christianity, did I? You have to actually spend many years before you really know something. I've been Buddhist for many years, and I can just as easily say that Buddhism is the truth, and that Buddha's teachings are the only true ones.

I've read the Chronicles of Narnia... just a side note, even though I've never read the other books Lewis has written :wink:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:09 pm
by Enigma7457
Here i must whole-heartedly disagree. The Christian faith isn't about Grief. It isn't about one thing. It is about everything. I don't feel grief as a christian. Yes, often times my beliefs bring me grief, but only from outside. i sometimes get grief from non-christians, from other christians, and even myself when i am not the christian i should be.

And the bible teaches that we should be happy in our grief. When we are persecuted, or grieved, by non-christians for our belief in christ we should be proud since that is proof of our belief. We aren't to be happy due to the grief but be happy because of why we receive the grief.

I remember the first day i "gave myself to christ." I didn't have a sudden epiphany like a lot of people. Instead, mine was a culmination of a long process of studying and researching. But there was one day, after i finished one of the many books i read, that i felt different. I was driving home from work and i felt happy, relieved, comforted, free. I wasn't exactly sure what it was, but i felt safe. I knew that nothing could get me down.

Let me give you a real life example of what i mean. Very often in my current situation, i have money troubles. I am struggling a lot right now and it is very frustrating. But, even when it is really bad, i don't care. What's the worst that will happen to me? I die poor and then...go to heaven. Doesn't sound so bad to me. Now, non-christian will see this and say something about me using it as a comfort, or struggling for whatever. But i must remind you that i am not a christian for that comfort. I searched whole-heartedly and only AFTER i discovered the truth did i receive the comfort. And man does it feel good.

Re: Grief = happiness = Christianity but not other religions

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:17 pm
by johnnyboy08
Ashley wrote:Hi, I think I am not quite welcome given some threads I've posted.. but thank you if i am allowed to say something because the question is interesting.

I only know Christian faith more than other religions; so what I can say is always coming from bible so you would find I am biased. I know very little about other religions like Buddha's, Mohammad's, etc. so quite difficult to compare these religions before giving you a correct answer. However, my relatives believe in Buddha and they said that their religions bring them happiness and enlightenment. Buddha, as they said, is some philosophical meditation that alleviates our suffering by finding out why we would suffer etc etc.

The only reaction to this in comparison with Buddha, Christian faith does not bring the same type of happiness. On the contrary, Christian faith (following the Christ) is not a happy thing. It is grief, persecution, solitude and threat. Christians usually are not happy on outward appearance, but at the same time, the grief is true happiness.. Grief is happiness, that is one of the huge difference that i think between Christianity and Buddha.

It is difficult to undrestand: why is grief actually happiness? I have vague idea..but find it hard to describe ... hm..

Suffering is caused by desire. If you lose that desire, you will lose the source of your pain.

Yes, from what I've heard, most Christians talk to me as if I was some uninformed atheistic twit (I am uninformed, actually :lol: ), and seem to think that their religion is the only one that makes sense. Religion is suppose to comfort people, and sometimes, an illusion is much better than the truth, because if the ends justify the means, it does not matter what you believe in. Personally, I don't care what anyone believes in, as long as you do good for mankind. However, I am uncomfortable with what Christian believers kept telling me and demonstrating; they use fear (Hellfire :? ) and ignorance (disrespecting any other faiths, even their own if they are not aligned with their denomination, and label them as "lies and deception") to win converts. I just get the feeling that this seem too like a cult and don't really trust this whole Jesus thing.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:21 pm
by johnnyboy08
Enigma7457 wrote: Let me give you a real life example of what i mean. Very often in my current situation, i have money troubles. I am struggling a lot right now and it is very frustrating. But, even when it is really bad, i don't care. What's the worst that will happen to me? I die poor and then...go to heaven. Doesn't sound so bad to me. Now, non-christian will see this and say something about me using it as a comfort, or struggling for whatever. But i must remind you that i am not a christian for that comfort. I searched whole-heartedly and only AFTER i discovered the truth did i receive the comfort. And man does it feel good.
Thank you, that is a wonderful testimony :D

I'm sorry to hear that you have money troubles, but even non-Christians can have money troubles, feel down, but still find comfort in knowing their own faiths and beliefs. It's the fact that you find something higher than yourself to believe in that makes you feel secure, be it Jesus, Buddha, or what/whoever.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:14 pm
by Enigma7457
I'm sorry to hear that you have money troubles, but even non-Christians can have money troubles, feel down, but still find comfort in knowing their own faiths and beliefs. It's the fact that you find something higher than yourself to believe in that makes you feel secure, be it Jesus, Buddha, or what/whoever.
Thanks for your concern. I don't doubt that some people get a sense of security from their beliefs. However, if you're still searching, you're going to have to find the truth for yourself. Just because others feel a sense of security (which i don't feel secure, by the way. At least, not here on Earth. I have no idea what's going to happen to me tomorrow) doesn't mean that what they feel is the truth. I have many agnostic friends who won't commit to Christianity (or any religion) because of the vast amount of religions. They don't even do the homework to see. They claim agnostic instead. All of us can talk until we're blue in the face but you have to try to find the truth for yourself.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:19 pm
by Enigma7457
You say you "looked" into the religions? Well, I've "looked" into Christianity as well, and I judge by actions. I'm sure you've heard of the Dark Ages, The Inquisition, etc.
This isn't "looking into Christianity" This is looking into Christians. I agree with you one hundred percent that the people from the inquisition, the crusades, all of the other atrocities committed in the name of christ were not Christians. You wouldn't judge the muslim faith on the few extemists (And if you do, you shouldn't).

The problem with Christianity is that it is populated with people. Sinful people. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god. This is the biggest piece of Christianity. That doesn't excuse the people who did those atrocities, but it doesn't condemn Christianity.

I have to go, but i will try to finish up when i can.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:31 pm
by Enigma7457
Yes, from what I've heard, most Christians talk to me as if I was some uninformed atheistic twit (I am uninformed, actually ), and seem to think that their religion is the only one that makes sense. Religion is suppose to comfort people, and sometimes, an illusion is much better than the truth, because if the ends justify the means, it does not matter what you believe in. Personally, I don't care what anyone believes in, as long as you do good for mankind. However, I am uncomfortable with what Christian believers kept telling me and demonstrating; they use fear (Hellfire ) and ignorance (disrespecting any other faiths, even their own if they are not aligned with their denomination, and label them as "lies and deception") to win converts. I just get the feeling that this seem too like a cult and don't really trust this whole Jesus thing.
Sorry to reiterate, but you are judging Christianity by the Christians. Unfortunately, this is what most do (and i can't say i blame them. I am a christian to and i hate to think that my misdeeds will cause others to not put their faith in Christ)

Anyway, try reading up on things. If you are uninformed (as you say) inform yourself. The hellfire and disrespecting other faiths is unfortunate. I don't have the answer to hellfire. I don't fully believe in the eternal punishment thing (mainly because i don't feel the bible states that) but i do NOT want to find out. I'm very good not finding out.

Again, all i can say is read up. If you don't trust the bible yet (which i didn't when i started) then read other sources. DON'T judge christianity by what someone says unless they can prove it. Including me. I urge you again to read Mere Christianity or even the entire "The Case for..." series (Three books by Lee strobel: The case for Faith, Christ, Creator). Excellent, excellent books.

THere is also a book titles God: A Debate Between and Atheist and an Christian (Or something like that). It is a written account of a debate held between a christian and an atheist. Very helpful and tells both sides.

Hmm...Can't think of any else right now. I hope some of this proves helpful.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:34 pm
by Enigma7457
You sound like a mindless zealot, no offense.
Sorry for responding so late to this quote. I missed it the first time. Trust me when i say that i am NOT a mindless anything. I may be mistaken a great deal of the time, but not mindless. And this is exactly my point with my other posts. I am not mindless. I researched and came to my conclusion.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:43 pm
by zoegirl
Interesting questions.

Johnny, you look at the Dark Ages and the can also look at all of the charity work Christians do and the many scientists and philosophers who were Christian.

Point is, byt looking at human activity, you will always find problems, because we are corrupted by sin.

Interesting that you bring up losing desire. One thing that I find a great comfort in my God is that He created such wonderful things. He created all of the things we enjoy in life. Things we desire, such as food, companionship, intimacy, sex, creating. I know many people think that Chrisianity is about denying pleasure (shows ignoracne with scripture), but God created us to have relationships with each other, with husbands and wives, with His creation, and ultimatley with HIM.

We rejcted GOd in His garden and we are corrupted by sin. That means that everything is tainted. Our sexual desire (a desire that is good) becomes corrupt, our relationship with our body becomes corrupt (overeating, gluttony), our relationships with each other become corrupt (jealousy, pride, anger), and our relationship with God becomes corrupt (we cannot have a relationship with Him in our sinful state).

Now, I am single. I will be blunt...wish I wasn't. Desire for an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual relationship with a spouse is a good desire, one God has placed within all our hearts (most of us anyway). Liking food is not a bad thing. Denying this desire is not an answer. It is only correcting the corruption that will ease the desire.

The correction comes with a God that loved us so much that He was willing to take the punishment for our rejection of HIm. A wonderful great and awesome sacrifice.

As for the hellfire. I know the Bible speaks of a physical place, but far more devastating is the idea that we do not have a relatioship with Him for eternity. "Get away from me, for I never knew you" must be the most terrifying words ever in the Bible. Our rejection of Him means that we cannot have a relationship with a Holy and Righteous God.

I would also ancourage you to read Mere Chrisianity. It is a well-written book.

Anyway, yes, unfortunately, we can be brutal we we try to convert. It is sad.