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Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:54 am
by blonde_kangaroo
Hey guys,
A few questions.
How come ppl were stoned in the bible, and actually why was there so much violence in the bible?

Also why do we have 2 worship god? And isnt the bible sexist? After all all the disciples were men!

Thanks in the future for ur reply.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:48 am
by Swamper
Concerning the Bible's alleged sexism, I suggest checking out this article:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:40 pm
by terry
Hello blonde_kangaroo

You asked:
A few questions.
How come ppl were stoned in the bible, and actually why was there so much violence in the bible?
A lot of people wonder about the violence in the Old Testament. But let's just think about this for a moment and put it in perspective. . . The entirety of mankind was violent back then! I don't think you'll find any records, histories, or documents about any culture of that time that say, "And they lived in harmony and peace for hundreds of years . . ." Actually, the Jews had a very "civilized" culture for the day-- providing for rest (even for servants), fairness in trade, and equality for outsiders who became Jews.

The Bible is a record of the Israelites trying to survive in the midst of people who would do more than just kill. In worship of other gods many of the people who surrounded the Israelites would do some pretty awful stuff! Some would even burn their children alive.

God was trying to keep Israel set apart from these groups and their practices so that the promised Savior (Jesus) could come through them. Until then, the law was given to them to guard them-- just like someone watches over a minor child until they are old enough to receive their inheritance.

We can say that the law seemed "tough" but ALL laws (even today) are intended to serve as a means of judging people and providing for punishment if they fail to keep them.

You also asked,
Also why do we have 2 worship god?
I don't think anyone HAS to worship God. We are instructed to worship Him, and told of the many benefits in doing so . . . but as long as we are here on this earth, we have free will . . . and can choose to NOT worship the Lord. It wouldn't really be love if we only did it because we were forced to, right?
