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Guardian Angels?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 7:21 am
by Enigma7457
Listening to the radio today, heard an interesting story:

Three year old boy says to his daddy while at the beach: "When i was an old man i liked to fish."

Says to his mommy: You used to be my sister. Why are you my mommy?

Says to his mommy while out: I died there

Now, that may not have all been said by the same boy, but certainly looks like reincarnation, which i don't at all believe in (or a loony little boy) But somethine else has been suggested to me.

Someone said to me (leaving the name out) that perhaps the boy is simply confused. This person said that she believed in guardian angels, and that those guardian angels are people from earth who had died. Maybe the boy is talking with his guardian angel (who was an old man who liked to fish or was the brother of the mom or died where the last boy pointed) and gets confused. After all, he was only three. But why don't i talk to my guardian angel? This person believed that babies and toddlers can see things we can't.

Example: Her nephew crawled into her room. He looked into the corner (where nothing is) and freaked out. Started to cry and kept looking back as if he was scared. Demon?

I must admit i do not really believe in Guardian angels. Not sure why. Don't really believe in ghosts either. (Don't want to say i don't believe in demons, but it would take a lot for you to convince me you saw one).

Anyway, some help here.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 10:29 pm
by Judah
Regarding angels...

J.I. Packer, a prominent theologian, wrote in his book, Concise Theology, the following:
Angels (their name means "messengers") are one of the two sorts of personal beings that God created, humankind being the other. There are many of them (Matt. 26:53; Rev. 5:11). They are intelligent moral agents, not embodied or ordinarily visible, although they are able to show themselves to humans in what appears as a physical forms (Gen. 18:2-19:22; John 20:10-14; Acts 12:7-10). They do not marry, and they are not subject to death (Matt. 22:30; Luke 20:35-36). They can move from one point in space to another, and many of them can congregate in a tiny area (Luke 8:30, where the reference is to fallen angels).

Like human beings, the angels were originally set under probation, and some of them fell into sin. The many who passed the test are now evidently confirmed in a state of holiness and immortal glory. Heaven is their headquarters (Matt. 18:10; 22:30; Rev. 5:11), where they constantly worship God (Pss. 103:20-21; 148:2) and whence they move out to render service to Christians at God's bidding (Heb. 1:14). These are the "holy" and "elect" angels (Matt. 35:31; mark 8:38; Luke 9:26; Acts 10:22; 1 Tim. 5:21; Rev. 14:10), to whom God's work of grace through Christ is currently demonstrating more of the divine wisdom and glory that they knew before (Eph. 3:10; 1 peter 1:12).

Holy angels guard believers (Pss. 34:7; 91:11), little ones in particular (Matt. 18:10), and constantly observe what goes on in church (1 Cor.11:10). It is implied that they are more knowledgeable about divine things than humans are (Mark 13:32), and that they have a special ministry to believers at the time of their death (Luke 16:22), but we know no details about any of this. Suffice it to pinpoint the relevance of angels by saying that if any wime we stand in need of their ministry, we shall receive it; and that as the world watches Christians in hope of seeing them tumble, so do good angels watch Christians in hope of seeing grace triumph in their lives.
I wont quote further (there is more) but that, at least, gives you some idea of the Biblical basis for believing in the existence of angels and that they are in the world to minister to us in need - and look after children!

I have not personally seen a ghost, but I have most certainly had the repetitive experience of being somewhere that I knew I should leave as I was invading that "thing's" space. This occurred in an old house which was turned into classrooms and where I taught during the day. If I stayed back into the evening, on my own, this experience occurred as a growing feeling that was far from comfortable and I simply had to pack up and go. I discovered that others also had that same experience when they stayed back alone in the evening. We were all amazed by this when we finally compared experiences and discovered them to be identical. None of us ever saw anything, but none of us stayed around too long to "test the spirits" to see what, if anything, would happen next.

It would make sense to me that such an experience could be a "fallen angel" or an evil spirit - a demon? It was not my imagination, as confirmed by others who separately experienced the same thing, and it was pretty real. The building had been used in the past as a ward for disturbed female psych patients. It has since burnt down, razed to the ground. I don't know if the experiences still occur should someone wait on the ground where the building once was as evening progresses. I don't feel inclined to try it.

One of my brothers, as a small child, used to stare into a dark corner and freak out at whatever he saw. I was a year older than him (quite little myself) and could not see whatever he was seeing. My mother was blind and simply had to trust that nothing was there in order to comfort my brother, but he sure freaked us all out by his insistence that there was something - and it moved around too as he kept pointing to it. Scary! Funnily enough, it seemed to stop bothering him when he climbed in to my bed for the rest of the night. Maybe it took both our guardian angels to send it away. Oh, I don't know... I really don't.

Re: Guardian Angels?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:29 am
by phoney
Enigma7457 wrote:Listening to the radio today, heard an interesting story:

Three year old boy says to his daddy while at the beach: "When i was an old man i liked to fish."

Says to his mommy: You used to be my sister. Why are you my mommy?

Says to his mommy while out: I died there

Now, that may not have all been said by the same boy, but certainly looks like reincarnation, which i don't at all believe in (or a loony little boy) But somethine else has been suggested to me.

Someone said to me (leaving the name out) that perhaps the boy is simply confused. This person said that she believed in guardian angels, and that those guardian angels are people from earth who had died. Maybe the boy is talking with his guardian angel (who was an old man who liked to fish or was the brother of the mom or died where the last boy pointed) and gets confused. After all, he was only three. But why don't i talk to my guardian angel? This person believed that babies and toddlers can see things we can't.

Example: Her nephew crawled into her room. He looked into the corner (where nothing is) and freaked out. Started to cry and kept looking back as if he was scared. Demon?

I must admit i do not really believe in Guardian angels. Not sure why. Don't really believe in ghosts either. (Don't want to say i don't believe in demons, but it would take a lot for you to convince me you saw one).

Anyway, some help here.
Heb 9:27 says humans die one time
Heb 1:13-14 says angels are ministering spirts
Heb 2:7 man created lower than angels
Matt 12:50 says you become a brother to jesus, higher than angels
when you die

Re: Guardian Angels?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:04 pm
by FFC
phoney wrote:
Enigma7457 wrote:Listening to the radio today, heard an interesting story:

Three year old boy says to his daddy while at the beach: "When i was an old man i liked to fish."

Says to his mommy: You used to be my sister. Why are you my mommy?

Says to his mommy while out: I died there

Now, that may not have all been said by the same boy, but certainly looks like reincarnation, which i don't at all believe in (or a loony little boy) But somethine else has been suggested to me.

Someone said to me (leaving the name out) that perhaps the boy is simply confused. This person said that she believed in guardian angels, and that those guardian angels are people from earth who had died. Maybe the boy is talking with his guardian angel (who was an old man who liked to fish or was the brother of the mom or died where the last boy pointed) and gets confused. After all, he was only three. But why don't i talk to my guardian angel? This person believed that babies and toddlers can see things we can't.

Example: Her nephew crawled into her room. He looked into the corner (where nothing is) and freaked out. Started to cry and kept looking back as if he was scared. Demon?

I must admit i do not really believe in Guardian angels. Not sure why. Don't really believe in ghosts either. (Don't want to say i don't believe in demons, but it would take a lot for you to convince me you saw one).

Anyway, some help here.
Heb 9:27 says humans die one time
Heb 1:13-14 says angels are ministering spirts
Heb 2:7 man created lower than angels
Matt 12:50 says you become a brother to jesus, higher than angels
when you die
Heb 13:1-2 says be careful how you treat strangers because you could be dealing with an angel without knowing it.

I wonder how many times we have done that?

Re: Guardian Angels?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:35 pm
by phoney
FFC wrote:
phoney wrote:
Enigma7457 wrote:Listening to the radio today, heard an interesting story:

Three year old boy says to his daddy while at the beach: "When i was an old man i liked to fish."

Says to his mommy: You used to be my sister. Why are you my mommy?

Says to his mommy while out: I died there

Now, that may not have all been said by the same boy, but certainly looks like reincarnation, which i don't at all believe in (or a loony little boy) But somethine else has been suggested to me.

Someone said to me (leaving the name out) that perhaps the boy is simply confused. This person said that she believed in guardian angels, and that those guardian angels are people from earth who had died. Maybe the boy is talking with his guardian angel (who was an old man who liked to fish or was the brother of the mom or died where the last boy pointed) and gets confused. After all, he was only three. But why don't i talk to my guardian angel? This person believed that babies and toddlers can see things we can't.

Example: Her nephew crawled into her room. He looked into the corner (where nothing is) and freaked out. Started to cry and kept looking back as if he was scared. Demon?

I must admit i do not really believe in Guardian angels. Not sure why. Don't really believe in ghosts either. (Don't want to say i don't believe in demons, but it would take a lot for you to convince me you saw one).

Anyway, some help here.
Heb 9:27 says humans die one time
Heb 1:13-14 says angels are ministering spirts
Heb 2:7 man created lower than angels
Matt 12:50 says you become a brother to jesus, higher than angels
when you die
Heb 13:1-2 says be careful how you treat strangers because you could be dealing with an angel without knowing it.

I wonder how many times we have done that?
Many people believe when we come into this world as a baby we have
some ability to see things like spirits and demons, I do not know if this is correct. As a toddler you have not been inundated with this worlds thoughts, views, and beliefs as yet so it may be true, because you would be more open to everything around you. Now that you are older and have been taught the ways of this world a sure fire way to know if angels and demons exist is to get saved and read the Bible and
search for Christ and you will start knowing things exist that at one time
in your life may have seemed far fetched and hard to believe.

Re: Guardian Angels?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:42 pm
by phoney
FFC wrote:
phoney wrote:
Enigma7457 wrote:Listening to the radio today, heard an interesting story:

Three year old boy says to his daddy while at the beach: "When i was an old man i liked to fish."

Says to his mommy: You used to be my sister. Why are you my mommy?

Says to his mommy while out: I died there

Now, that may not have all been said by the same boy, but certainly looks like reincarnation, which i don't at all believe in (or a loony little boy) But somethine else has been suggested to me.

Someone said to me (leaving the name out) that perhaps the boy is simply confused. This person said that she believed in guardian angels, and that those guardian angels are people from earth who had died. Maybe the boy is talking with his guardian angel (who was an old man who liked to fish or was the brother of the mom or died where the last boy pointed) and gets confused. After all, he was only three. But why don't i talk to my guardian angel? This person believed that babies and toddlers can see things we can't.

Example: Her nephew crawled into her room. He looked into the corner (where nothing is) and freaked out. Started to cry and kept looking back as if he was scared. Demon?

I must admit i do not really believe in Guardian angels. Not sure why. Don't really believe in ghosts either. (Don't want to say i don't believe in demons, but it would take a lot for you to convince me you saw one).

Anyway, some help here.
Heb 9:27 says humans die one time
Heb 1:13-14 says angels are ministering spirts
Heb 2:7 man created lower than angels
Matt 12:50 says you become a brother to jesus, higher than angels
when you die
Heb 13:1-2 says be careful how you treat strangers because you could be dealing with an angel without knowing it.

I wonder how many times we have done that?
FFC, we might all have at one time or another came in contact with and Angel and not have known it. Just because we do not notice that we were helped by an Angel does not mean we haven't been. I have several
past experenices that I do not remember being helped but can attest I
had to have been to be here today.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:07 pm
by Enigma7457
One of my brothers, as a small child, used to stare into a dark corner and freak out at whatever he saw. I was a year older than him (quite little myself) and could not see whatever he was seeing. My mother was blind and simply had to trust that nothing was there in order to comfort my brother, but he sure freaked us all out by his insistence that there was something - and it moved around too as he kept pointing to it. Scary! Funnily enough, it seemed to stop bothering him when he climbed in to my bed for the rest of the night. Maybe it took both our guardian angels to send it away. Oh, I don't know... I really don't.
Do you think babies can see things we cannot?

Example: My nephew was lying in his little carseat in the house. He was sitting by a dresser. He was smiling and laughing and whatnot, then he just started to cry. His mom (my sister) came over and picked him up out of the carseat and held him. Seconds later, the face of one of the drawers fell into his empty carseat. It was a heavy dresser and probably would have done considerable damage.

I see coincendence, others see guardian angels. Not sure...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:38 pm
by FFC
Enigma7457 wrote:
One of my brothers, as a small child, used to stare into a dark corner and freak out at whatever he saw. I was a year older than him (quite little myself) and could not see whatever he was seeing. My mother was blind and simply had to trust that nothing was there in order to comfort my brother, but he sure freaked us all out by his insistence that there was something - and it moved around too as he kept pointing to it. Scary! Funnily enough, it seemed to stop bothering him when he climbed in to my bed for the rest of the night. Maybe it took both our guardian angels to send it away. Oh, I don't know... I really don't.
Do you think babies can see things we cannot?

Example: My nephew was lying in his little carseat in the house. He was sitting by a dresser. He was smiling and laughing and whatnot, then he just started to cry. His mom (my sister) came over and picked him up out of the carseat and held him. Seconds later, the face of one of the drawers fell into his empty carseat. It was a heavy dresser and probably would have done considerable damage.

I see coincendence, others see guardian angels. Not sure...
If God is soveriegn there is no such thing as coincidence, right? You have read the bible enough to know that God can use any method He wishes to work His will...including keeping a dresser from crushing a baby...or rescuing one from the Nile river. :wink: