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I'm bothered!(Youtoube)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:51 pm
by godslanguage
I don't know about many of you here, but whoever visits Youtube or has visited Youtube there is an unexpected (or should I say expected) amount of Bias against Christianity. I am really starting to get bothered by this and I am thinking about establishing some kind of website in the future to combat these false and illogical inconsistencies.

I have heard about Blasphemy on Youtube already and I don't believe there is much being done to defend all this..
Secondly, there is hardly a way to post or respond to any of these videos as I have been intentionally blocked almost 100 percent of the time and cannot even state my opinion.

I am particularily bothered in the sense that my 12 year old Nephue visits Youtube very often and has encountered many of these videos which promote anti-christian views.

Re: I'm bothered!(Youtoube)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:12 pm
by Judah
I am not at all surprised by your observation, and I think that is a pretty accurate one.
This is a "post-Christian" age and Christianity is getting a thorough lashing wherever one looks.
You may be interested to read here an article by The Barna Group who carry out a lot of surveys and research. This article is entitled "Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians".
...{clip}... A new evangelistic movement has emerged in America. Yet this effort does not spring from those loyal to a particular faith or religious view.

The new evangelists are atheists. People who have determined there is no God or who doubt his existence (a group commonly known as agnostics) are adopting a more aggressive, intentional effort to discredit the notion that God exists and to critique people of faith. Widely reviewed new books such as The God Delusion and God is Not Great represent this movement.
Setting up your own Christian website is one way to deal with it. The greater presence Christians have on the web, the greater exposure we give to the Gospel in the hope that the Message can make some inroads with the citizens of this secular and often anti-God age. It is something that I have done myself (see link below my signature banner) and I am amazed at the effect - hits from well over 70 countries representing more than 40 different languages, and I get email from all over the globe directly as a result of it. Most are from other Christians who want to give me encouragement to continue, speaking of the blessing they get from visiting, and how they are using my site and the resources provided through it. Others ask questions about the faith. There are a lot of spiritually hungry seekers out there.

Don't be too discouraged by U-Tube and such things. Remember that God is sovereign, and victory is already ours through Christ. The world does seem to be becoming worse, more anti-God and corrupt, but you can still do your little bit to spread the Gospel message - and every little bit helps.

Re: I'm bothered!(Youtoube)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:23 pm
by Judah
PS. You may also like to read the following article from the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, noting especially this paragraph:
...{clip}...But lest you get discouraged, the gospel is progressing. There are more Christians in the world now than ever before. In the 1700's less than 20% of the American population went to church where now it is above 50%. More people have heard the gospel than ever before, and Bibles are produced en masse and being sent to nations all over the world with unprecedented reception. The Gospel is preached on Television and Radio. Millions are coming to Christ in third world countries and a new Christian awakening is working its way through Russia and Africa with China becoming the new Christian frontier.
Methinks there is a battle raging.

Re: I'm bothered!(Youtoube)

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:18 pm
by godslanguage
I agree as well, but what if people are being sucked into this? People who don't know the word of God are more susceptable to any view.

Do you think opposing views will elevate to the point where it turns physical? I am starting to view this as a war, and not as a minor conflict of philisophical positions.

I am definetely mad though, all the effort itself put into many of these "productions" justifies that they are wholly dedicated anti-christians who not only want nothing to do with religion, but who share direct hate towards a Christian themselves, equally a personal attack as much as a religious one.

Re: I'm bothered!(Youtoube)

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:08 am
by TheFlyingChristian
Friend I was irritated the same way you were... This is why I opened up my account and started making up my videos. It is the only way even though atheists and evolutionists are far more than we think, they are based upon logical fallacies.

Here is a list of fighting christians on Youtube :

All my subscriptions (46) ... gChristian


Re: I'm bothered!(Youtoube)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:10 am
by Kurieuo
You know. I use to be bothered. But I am not any longer.

I have found people often choose what they want to believe. Those who will believe the Atheists are technically already loving the idea of there being no God (not that I am saying the same does not apply vice-versa with Christians). This does not mean we should not forsake trying to get the gospel of Christ out there in a rational manner, yet it does mean we need to be aware of the limits of where our boundaries lie. We can not change the opinions of those who do not want to know or listen, or who have made their decisions. We can only trust on God, and hope that our efforts produce some sort of seed that finds good soil. Everything else is out of our hands.

At the same time, the more dim the world becomes, I see it becomes obvious to see the light of those who follow after Christ. I find many are able to see the stability of family, love, and hope offered by Christians around them. If respected by friends and others, a life lived, can be more influence and evidence than any argument.