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Post by B. W. »

Here is a topic. Not sure how to put into words. I am recently noticing some Christian people teaching that dispensationalism is misleading people to hasten an Armageddon like scenario in the next few years. This seems to me putting way too much power in the hands of man to pull off as well subverts God's sovereignty.

Nevertheless, I am hearing this chant more and more that Christians are hoping and trying to hasten an Armageddon like scenario in today's world events. This concerns me because it can be used as propaganda to stigmatize all Christians as unbalanced boobs but what's new with that? If things do heat up in the Middle East — someone will be made the scapegoat for it and guess who?

Anyone else noticed this trend or am I getting off base?
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Re: Armageddon

Post by Canuckster1127 »


I've run across this in a few different forms.

It appears to be a view of Fatalism that says the world is going to degenerate into war, famine etc. before Christ returns no matter what we do as individuals therefore we may as well ignore issues like the environment, social justice, human rights etc.

I think it is a minority view and that the majority can be accused of apathy and laziness more than this more severe form.

It's a good illustration however that eschatology is more than just hypothetical speculation. The views we take fuel the actions we take (or don't take.) Perhaps that is on reason why there is so much emphasis in Scripture in this realm in several places, lest we just become fatalists and relinquish our roles as stewards and catalysts of change who seek to bring about the Kingdom of God.

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Re: Armageddon

Post by puritan lad »

Of course, if Armageddon has already taken place, "shortly" (Rev. 1:1) after John wrote about it, we might be inclined to believe that we have real victory in Jesus, not just in eternity, but temporally as well. :wink:

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Re: Armageddon

Post by frankbaginski »


I see your point but have a different take on this. Some prophesies were very detailed and were meant to prepare people. The best example is Dan 9 which foretold to the day that Christ would anounce Himself as King(173,880 days). The end times prophesies are very detailed but we will not know when they will happen until we are in the end times. Yes, we can check off different geopolitical events and see that we are getting closer. But that just brings glory to God and lets us know we are still on His timeline.

We continue to search for artifacts which will confirm the historical content of the Bible. Should we not search for these because it may lead us to anticipate His coming? Many will not follow the Word, they will take the wide path that will lead them to destruction. The Word does tell us to work in this world and to become a light unto others. This cannot happen if you are actively seeking the destruction of the earth.

Since God is outside time He has seen all of this and knows who will and who will not be saved. He may have allowed the prophesy for some unknown reason other than a sorting of souls. I have often wondered if the end time prophesy had two intents, one being for Satan to make the end as planned and he can do nothing to prevent it, the other is for the people left after the rapture so they can come easier to Christ since the Holy Ghost is not restraining Satan.
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Re: Armageddon

Post by B. W. »

frankbaginski wrote:B.W.,

I see your point but have a different take on this. Some prophesies were very detailed and were meant to prepare people. The best example is Dan 9 which foretold to the day that Christ would anounce Himself as King(173,880 days). The end times prophesies are very detailed but we will not know when they will happen until we are in the end times. Yes, we can check off different geopolitical events and see that we are getting closer. But that just brings glory to God and lets us know we are still on His timeline.

We continue to search for artifacts which will confirm the historical content of the Bible. Should we not search for these because it may lead us to anticipate His coming? Many will not follow the Word, they will take the wide path that will lead them to destruction. The Word does tell us to work in this world and to become a light unto others. This cannot happen if you are actively seeking the destruction of the earth.

Since God is outside time He has seen all of this and knows who will and who will not be saved. He may have allowed the prophesy for some unknown reason other than a sorting of souls. I have often wondered if the end time prophesy had two intents, one being for Satan to make the end as planned and he can do nothing to prevent it, the other is for the people left after the rapture so they can come easier to Christ since the Holy Ghost is not restraining Satan.
Interesting points :sunny:

Thanks for the insights...
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