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Being Glorified

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:03 am
The difference in the use of thes word "glorified" has caused me to consider some things. I would like others opinions.
In the Bible I see at least 3 different uses of the word "glorified". (But maybe they are actually the same but I just have not recognized it.???)

I see many instances where the people glorify God. This happens when the people give honor and praise to God.

I see that God glorifies His own name.
John 12:28
Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

But then there is the instance when Christians will be glorifed - or receive a glorified body at our resurection.
Would this mean that we would then have a body worthy to be given honor and praise? Maybe but, it seems that this should not be so because only God should be given the honor and praise. But may be it is given honor and praise because it is the work of God. This is kind of confusing to me.

And thoughts on this?

Re: Being Glorified

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:29 pm
by FFC
YLTYLT wrote:But then there is the instance when Christians will be glorifed - or receive a glorified body at our resurection.
Would this mean that we would then have a body worthy to be given honor and praise? Maybe but, it seems that this should not be so because only God should be given the honor and praise. But may be it is given honor and praise because it is the work of God. This is kind of confusing to me.

And thoughts on this?
We will recieve a glorified or incorruptable body just like Christ has, but we will never be in a position to recieve glory. In Revelation even the 24 elders and the 4 creatures are the ones glorifying God. You never see them receiving glory. I can't remember seeing anywhere in the bible where anybody but God received glory. Throughout the bible, whenever encountered, the angels, prophets, and apostles always stopped anyone who tried to worship or glorify them.

Re: Being Glorified

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:22 am
FFC wrote:
YLTYLT wrote:But then there is the instance when Christians will be glorifed - or receive a glorified body at our resurection.
Would this mean that we would then have a body worthy to be given honor and praise? Maybe but, it seems that this should not be so because only God should be given the honor and praise. But may be it is given honor and praise because it is the work of God. This is kind of confusing to me.

And thoughts on this?
We will recieve a glorified or incorruptable body just like Christ has, but we will never be in a position to recieve glory. In Revelation even the 24 elders and the 4 creatures are the ones glorifying God. You never see them receiving glory. I can't remember seeing anywhere in the bible where anybody but God received glory. Throughout the bible, whenever encountered, the angels, prophets, and apostles always stopped anyone who tried to worship or glorify them.
I definitely agree with this. It just seems interesting to me that the same word is used. It is even the same in the Greek: Doxa. I am guessing the only reason that our bodies will be "glorified" is because it will be like Christ's or maybe because it was changed by God.

I was just wondering if there may be any deeper meaning to the use of the same word that I am not seeing.

Re: Being Glorified

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:53 am
by Jac3510
YLTYLT wrote:I was just wondering if there may be any deeper meaning to the use of the same word that I am not seeing.
The word doxa does mean "glory," but it means that in the same sense of "praise" and "honor." In the ultimate sense, ALL praise is to God. However, there is a very real sense in which, in the next life, we will receive praise from God. So, "At that time each will receive his praise from God." (1 Cor 4:5; see also Rom 8:30)

We all will receive different amounts of praise, and that is totally based on how well we do in this life. That is why Jesus said to lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven, and where our treasure is, there also is our heart. It is interesting, because in the context of that passage, "treasure" clearly refers to the source of one's praise. (Matt 6:1-2, 5-6, 16-18.) Of course, the more praise we receive from God, the more we can praise Him in return, as per the verse FFC cited. That means that throughout eternity, some will have greater capacity to bring God glory than others, and that, of course, is the ultimate reward--the ultimate purpose of life, to bring God glory.

Hope that helps.

Re: Being Glorified

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:08 pm
Yes, Jac, that helps, Good to see you back....


Re: Being Glorified

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:14 pm
by FFC
YLTYLT wrote:Yes, Jac, that helps, Good to see you back....
