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The End Times

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:22 pm
by VanGogh
My husband who has gone to bible college in the deep south and has grown up around christians all his life has this belief. My "reason" says it just doesn't sound right.
-I've seen some other posts about this subject
The microchip thing. That in the end times the goverment will want to implant microchips in our arms and THAT is the "mark of the beast".
1.Does the Bible say anything about the holocost?
2.The Jews were forced to get tattoos on there arms numbering them. Couldn't that be considered the "mark of the beast"?
Imagine that situation. If christians were put in that same place. Get a tattoo/chip or die or be tortured. Would God really consider that a sin?
We are all already numbered every day. In many ways.
I don't see having a computer chip in your arm being that big of a difference.(not that I would want a chip implanted and would do whatever it took to prevent that)
I find the whole thing a bunch of hoopla.
What is the general feeling about this? :shock:

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:34 pm
by Gman
VanGogh wrote:My husband who has gone to bible college in the deep south and has grown up around christians all his life has this belief. My "reason" says it just doesn't sound right.
-I've seen some other posts about this subject
The microchip thing. That in the end times the goverment will want to implant microchips in our arms and THAT is the "mark of the beast".
1.Does the Bible say anything about the holocost?
2.The Jews were forced to get tattoos on there arms numbering them. Couldn't that be considered the "mark of the beast"?
Imagine that situation. If christians were put in that same place. Get a tattoo/chip or die or be tortured. Would God really consider that a sin?
We are all already numbered every day. In many ways.
I don't see having a computer chip in your arm being that big of a difference.(not that I would want a chip implanted and would do whatever it took to prevent that)
I find the whole thing a bunch of hoopla.
What is the general feeling about this? :shock:
Personally, and speaking as a Christian, I find many of these accusations bunk as well... There are many things in the book of revelation that are symbolic in nature and are not to be taken as literal meanings.. Of course there are some that do and make preposterous assumptions from the Bible.. To each his own I guess..

I will admit one thing though... If someone tells me to put a chip in my arm, I would reject it anyway on the grounds of my independence...

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:39 pm
by Swamper
I don't think that a chip would be the mark of the beast. Of course, I agree with Gman that I still wouldn't get one, because mark or not, I'm rather leery about that kind of thing.

Re: The End Times

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:59 pm
by puritan lad
If this were true, I guess that getting this microchip is the second "unpardonable sin".

Re: The End Times

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:05 pm
by Jac3510
No one knows what exactly the mark of the beast is. In fact, there is good textual evidence that the mark has nothing to do with the number 666 at all. In the end, there is no reason to speculate on HOW this will be fulfilled. All we know for sure is this:

1. The "number of the man" will be 666.
2. He will impose a "mark" to be taken on the forehead or right hand of all people if they want to do business in his empire.

Again, speculation about what the number 666 means has a little value, but speculation of what the mark is has even less. Is it a chip? I doubt it, but I don't know.

What we can say about the mark relates to its theological significance. It represents a pledge of loyalty to the beast. Because of that pledge of loyalty, the people who take this mark have decided for themselves that the will fight against God. There are His enemies by their own choice. Therefore, their fate is sealed. Beyond that, there is little to say on the subject.

Hope that helps.

God bless

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:47 am
by Harry12345
There's one thing I'm worried about - how will we know who the beast is and what his mark is?

I just read the theory of the chip and thought: "Oh no, if that happened I'd probably take it without even realising I'm sinning!" And it would be bye-bye salvation and hello hell. :shock: Will the holy spirit inside us warn us of the beast or something?

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:58 am
by Canuckster1127
Harry12345 wrote:There's one thing I'm worried about - how will we know who the beast is and what his mark is?

I just read the theory of the chip and thought: "Oh no, if that happened I'd probably take it without even realising I'm sinning!" And it would be bye-bye salvation and hello hell. :shock: Will the holy spirit inside us warn us of the beast or something?
Frankly, much of the popular "theology" on microchips and the beast etc is more an effort to try and take Biblical Prophecy and show how it "might" apply to today, assuming we are in the end times.

Sadly, to my opinion anyway, more people seem to be building their theology in this regard on the Left Behind Series or Hal Lindsay's late great planet earth and will no doubt be building it in the future, should Christ tarry in his return, on whatever the next popular book or series is that will arise out of whatever world political events yet to take place.

I think there is value in looking to the Scriptures and speculating to some extent as to how things may happen and their timing and sequence. We should be very careful I think though in imagining that that speculation is in itself inspired or worth worrying ourselves over.

The older I get however, the more I think, there's more value in simply living each day as if it could be the day Christ returns and not getting too worried about things outside of my control or influence.

I believe the mark of the beast will be more about what God sees on the inside of us in terms of our allegiance either to Him or to this world and its system, than it will be a tattoo, a microchip or whatever the next fad is as to what this obscure scripture reference "may" be.

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:43 am
by Harry12345
Harry12345 wrote:There's one thing I'm worried about - how will we know who the beast is and what his mark is?

I just read the theory of the chip and thought: "Oh no, if that happened I'd probably take it without even realising I'm sinning!" And it would be bye-bye salvation and hello hell. :shock: Will the holy spirit inside us warn us of the beast or something?
Oh yeah, I forgot. We will be raptured by then won't we?

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:43 pm
by FFC
Harry12345 wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:There's one thing I'm worried about - how will we know who the beast is and what his mark is?

I just read the theory of the chip and thought: "Oh no, if that happened I'd probably take it without even realising I'm sinning!" And it would be bye-bye salvation and hello hell. :shock: Will the holy spirit inside us warn us of the beast or something?
Oh yeah, I forgot. We will be raptured by then won't we?
Depends who you talk to. ;)

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:11 pm
by Harry12345
FFC wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:There's one thing I'm worried about - how will we know who the beast is and what his mark is?

I just read the theory of the chip and thought: "Oh no, if that happened I'd probably take it without even realising I'm sinning!" And it would be bye-bye salvation and hello hell. :shock: Will the holy spirit inside us warn us of the beast or something?
Oh yeah, I forgot. We will be raptured by then won't we?
Depends who you talk to. ;)
Yeah. :D
ImageI generally look to Rich Deem and his apologetics if I want any questions like that answered. He usually makes the most sense!

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:37 pm
by FFC
Harry wrote:Yeah. :D
ImageI generally look to Rich Deem and his apologetics if I want any questions like that answered. He usually makes the most sense!
This is true, and besides even if none of us are spot on with our views on the end times, it's not a big deal. The most important thing is to allow God to work through us right here and now and to occupy our time being good and faithful servants for Him until He comes again...whenever that will be. Just be ready. (Oh my, did I hear big dusty reference books being thrown down in anger all over Christendom?) :lol:

Eschatology is a very interesting thing to study, and even fun at times, but it's nothing to get our blood pressure up about.

Re: The End Times

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:46 am
by Jac3510
FFC wrote:(Oh my, did I hear big dusty reference books being thrown down in anger all over Christendom?)
No, not all over Christendom. That was just me throwing out my library. :shock: :lol: ;)

Re: The End Times

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:23 am
by FFC
Jac3510 wrote:
FFC wrote:(Oh my, did I hear big dusty reference books being thrown down in anger all over Christendom?)
No, not all over Christendom. That was just me throwing out my library. :shock: :lol: ;)
:lol: :lol:

Re: The End Times

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:24 pm
by VanGogh
Thanks for your comments...very encouraging(did I spell the right?)
I've been doing some digging. Just stumbled across this stuff actually. About Masons and the Iluminati.
That they have some master plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! and one world chips in the arm...the whole shabang. this guy will tell you about it.
Well. This is what I always say....The world ends every day...(People die every day right?)
take care

Re: The End Times

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:09 pm
by Denny
Does it not say in the Bible that the End Times would come before the death of the reader? In other words, the End Times was suppose to happen duirng the lifetime of the authors of the Bible. Did it happen and the people left on Earth are actually in hell?