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What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:34 am
by Harry12345
I found this on an anti-christian board. What's your answer to this? Or will you prefer not to give one and make them (athiests) think they've won?
You know you're a religious nutcase when...

- You feel the world owes you a favor and claim persecution when it doesn't live up to it.
- When reality and the Bible contradict, you accuse reality of being wrong.
- You believe one's political party determines their salvation.
- You believe every human life is sacred, but are willing to destroy it if said life belongs to a liberal, Jew, Muslim, atheist, homosexual, or feminist.
- You believe the universe revolves around the earth and all human affairs.
- You believe that a fertilized egg is more of a human being than the woman who carries it.
- You relish in telling people they are going to hell for arbitrary offenses like voting Democrat
- You propose the idealogy that it doesn't matter how we treat the planet, as God will make a new one if we break this toy.
- You think that if God didn't exist, you'd be a suicidal drug-abusing criminal, because apparently the promise of a reward in the afterlife is the only thing worth being a decent person for.
- You call people fascists for opposing a religious totalitarian government.
- You attribute all the world's woes to arbitrary groups of people.
- You find pretty much anything that people do for fun to be sinful.
- You think the Jesus in Near Death Experiences is an imposter because he wasn't a judgemental prick like yourself.
- You think 'liberal', 'atheist' and 'satan' all mean the same thing.
- You think America was founded for Christians only.
- You think Bush has two-way conversations with God.
- You call for a boycott of telephone and electric companies because they inevitably provide services to homosexuals.
- You are incapable of finding humor in anything except human suffering.
- You think you're going to be part of the .0000001% of humanity going to Heaven watching everyone who ever annoyed you, beat you at baseball, or proved you wrong logically burn in eternal torment and suffering. You also beleive that pride and wrath are sins.
- You'd rather change the english language to include "nucular" than admit that your president looks like a moron.
- You list sins in the following order of importance: Homosexuality; Abortion; Disbelief in any aspect of the bible; 'Belief' in evolution; Pedophila (unless church-related); Liberalism; Atheism; Communism; Promiscuity (particularly holding hands); Theft; Being foreign; Drinking alcohol (unless it's the blood of Christ). Only then will you reluctantly bother to acknowledge: Murder; Rape; Incest; Nazism; Infanticide; War; Genocide.
- You assume everyone in the bible was white because you cannot conceive that holy men would be of another race
- You're homophobic, but take great pleasure in graphic descriptions of anal sex.
- Your favorite debate tactic is putting your fingers in your ears and going LA LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU STUPID HEATHEN LA LA LA LA LA LA
- You're not a mysogynist; if you hated women you wouldn't want to own one
- You're not a homophobe; if you were afraid of gays you wouldn't hunt them down and beat the *beep* out of them
- You think Hitler is in heaven because he believed in Jesus but all the Jews he killed are in hell because they didn't
- You think 9/11, Katrina, Virginia Tech, and soldier deaths in Iraq are God's wrath against America for not putting gays in death camps
And these:

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:20 am
by Canuckster1127
Why should we worry what someone says on an another boards and why should we respond on a board they aren't reading?

Is this what you think Harry?

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:32 am
by Harry12345
Canuckster1127 wrote:Why should we worry what someone says on an another boards and why should we respond on a board they aren't reading?

Is this what you think Harry?
'Course not. :D

Its just I don't want athiests to go to hell, but they won't listen. I tried to tell them about God and how to achieve salvation, but they just ridicule me. I try to explain my reasoning with as much logic as I can muster, but they just turn their noses up at it. My class has to do a speaking test soon in English. We have to each pick a topic of our choice and talk about it. I'm going to talk about the answers to common athiests' objections to the existence of an intelligent deity, which should spread the word of God (and get me a good grade too, I'm quite good at spoken English :D ). But I know in my heart that they probably won't listen. I feel pretty bad for them. :( But in the end I guess it's their choice.

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what the purpose of me posting it here for was, perhaps I was just trying to find decent arguments against it, but as you said, it doesn't really matter anyway.

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:38 am
by Canuckster1127
Harry12345 wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Why should we worry what someone says on an another boards and why should we respond on a board they aren't reading?

Is this what you think Harry?
'Course not. :D

Its just I don't want athiests to go to hell, but they won't listen. I tried to tell them about God and how to achieve salvation, but they just ridicule me. I try to explain my reasoning with as much logic as I can muster, but they just turn their noses up at it. My class has to do a speaking test soon in English. We have to each pick a topic of our choice and talk about it. I'm going to talk about the answers to common athiests' objections to the existence of an intelligent deity, which should spread the word of God (and get me a good grade too, I'm quite good at spoken English :D ). But I know in my heart that they probably won't listen. I feel pretty bad for them. :( But in the end I guess it's their choice.

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what the purpose of me posting it here for was, perhaps I was just trying to find decent arguments against it, but as you said, it doesn't really matter anyway.
If you check the main board and look over the history of many threads here you'll find most if not all of the legitimate issues raised addresses.

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:42 am
by Harry12345
Canuckster1127 wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Why should we worry what someone says on an another boards and why should we respond on a board they aren't reading?

Is this what you think Harry?
'Course not. :D

Its just I don't want athiests to go to hell, but they won't listen. I tried to tell them about God and how to achieve salvation, but they just ridicule me. I try to explain my reasoning with as much logic as I can muster, but they just turn their noses up at it. My class has to do a speaking test soon in English. We have to each pick a topic of our choice and talk about it. I'm going to talk about the answers to common athiests' objections to the existence of an intelligent deity, which should spread the word of God (and get me a good grade too, I'm quite good at spoken English :D ). But I know in my heart that they probably won't listen. I feel pretty bad for them. :( But in the end I guess it's their choice.

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what the purpose of me posting it here for was, perhaps I was just trying to find decent arguments against it, but as you said, it doesn't really matter anyway.
If you check the main board and look over the history of many threads here you'll find most if not all of the legitimate issues raised addresses.
K. :)

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:27 pm
by Metacrock
why bother talking to hate groups? Ahteism is a hate group. They hate Chrisitians as KKK hates blacks. Should blacks go argue wtih the KKK and make arguments "O mr. racist you shouldn't hate us, we really good, here's my argument..."

No they should not. why bother. Someone is predispossed to find everything you say as stupid there's no basis for discussion.

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:29 am
by Byblos
Metacrock wrote:why bother talking to hate groups? Ahteism is a hate group. They hate Chrisitians as KKK hates blacks. Should blacks go argue wtih the KKK and make arguments "O mr. racist you shouldn't hate us, we really good, here's my argument..."

No they should not. why bother. Someone is predispossed to find everything you say as stupid there's no basis for discussion.
While we're at it then, why not just shelve the great commission and dismiss it as not the sign of the times. Who needs it? :roll:

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:17 am
by FFC
Metacrock wrote:why bother talking to hate groups? Ahteism is a hate group. They hate Chrisitians as KKK hates blacks. Should blacks go argue wtih the KKK and make arguments "O mr. racist you shouldn't hate us, we really good, here's my argument..."

No they should not. why bother. Someone is predispossed to find everything you say as stupid there's no basis for discussion.
You make a good point. Although we are to make an attempt to tell everybody the good news, there is a time that we have to shake the dust off of our feet and hold onto our pearls.

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:35 pm
by Judah
Well... I read down through that list of things and none of them described my point of view, so I guess I am not a religious nutcase at all. For example, take this one... "When reality and the Bible contradict, you accuse reality of being wrong." Whose idea of reality are we talking about? I see no contradiction at all between the Bible and the reality that is truth. Truth is that which corresponds with facts, and true reality is that which corresponds to the reality provided by our Creator. If we start viewing our world from God's perspective, there is absolutely no contradiction between reality - true reality, not just anybody's imperfect human rendition of it - and the truth that is contained in His written word. Any apparent contradiction is a fault in our finite and limited comprehension of Him who is true Reality.

Whoever made up that list has probably too much time on their hands in the first place, but unwittingly they have also spoken pretty much the truth. Why take offence at it? Use it to begin thinking rationally about your faith and to develop a convincing apologia. Use it to guide your research in doing so. They have given you a fascinating starting point, and in their attempt to pull you down have done nothing of the sort.

If you intend to visit the "we hate Christians" websites, you need to be strong in your faith - very strong. You need a sound knowledge of the Bible, plus a sound knowledge of Christian Apologetics, and I may add, a good measure of patience and self control. You can get seriously hurt on those sites, and why put yourself at risk if you are not wearing the right armour? Not all are called to tackle aetheists, and sometimes their hang-outs are more like the Spider's den in Mary Howitt's poem, The Spider and the Fly. If they want to boost themselves up with rubbish, so be it. We each have decisions to make, and will be made accountable by the consequences. If God calls you to visit those places, then go. But if He is not doing that, then keep well away. And if you don't know if He is or not, then ask Him, and wait and listen carefully to His wee still voice in your heart before taking any further action.

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:33 pm
by Harry12345
Judah wrote: If you intend to visit the "we hate Christians" websites, you need to be strong in your faith - very strong. You need a sound knowledge of the Bible, plus a sound knowledge of Christian Apologetics, and I may add, a good measure of patience and self control. You can get seriously hurt on those sites, and why put yourself at risk if you are not wearing the right armour?
Strong in my faith? Sure.
Patient and self-controlled? Yup.
Knowledge of Bible? Err...
Christian Apologetics? Oh...
I never get hurt over the internet and my faith is certainly not going to suffer, but yeah I'd say I need to strengthen my armour anyway.

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:48 am
by puritan lad

Most of the items on this list are strawman arguments. Whoever wrote these did so in order to make himself feel better, but this person is fighting against an imaginary foe. It's pretty clear that he doesn't really want to deal with the issues in any factual way. (He forgot to include the flat earth problem.)

Re: What do you say to this?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:37 pm
by Harry12345
puritan lad wrote:(He forgot to include the flat earth problem.)
lol :lol: