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Global warming video I found - opinions?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:57 pm
by Swamper
I stumbled across this video tonight and thought I'd get y'all's opinions on it (yes, I say "y'all", I live in Tennessee). I thought that it was an interesting video, whatever your opinions on the global warming issue are.

Re: Global warming video I found - opinions?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:40 pm
by zoegirl
Common sense....

I liked it. Cut and dried.

For me, the issue also addresses whether we are being responsible stewards of the earth God has provided. This video was, of course, secular in nature, but we as Christians need to stop the knee-jerk reactions that all environmental concerns are bad. Yes, we can certainly buy the gas hogs, but should we?

There are so many Christian speakers out there who address being good stewards of our time, our money, our relationships, and yet somehow we have become worried about whether environmental stewardship is biblical. I highly doubt God wants us to waste resources such as water, electricity, and recyclables just like I doubt He wants us to waste money or time.

Now saying that, I am not advocating putting people on the same playing field as animals or plants; however, He placed us in an environment that is best for us (just like a sabbath day is best for us) and we are to maintain it as good stewards. I disagree with a lot of the secualr environmental worldview, but not because they call for caring fo rht earth, rather because their basis for this caring is *way* off base.