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Post by Enigma7457 »

I have a question, and i'd like as many opinions as possible, please.

What movies am i allowed to watch as a christian?

I know it sounds like a funny question, but i work with only christians at my job (coincidence) and we disagree on a great many things. For example, when the movie 300 came out in theatres, i was the first to go see it. No chance i would ever let my ten-year-old see it, but i don't see the problem with me watching it, although i can see where it would bother other christians (maybe bother isn't the right word there).

Now, my boss (a strong baptists) won't watch Bruce Almighty. he says it misrepresents God (or something along those lines). I can see his point, but as long as someone is old enough to know it is only a movie and God isn't actually Morgan Freeman, i don't see the problem.

Just curious. What kinds of movies are appropriate and what ones should i avoid. And why. I am still a growing and learning christian, barely taking my baby steps. So any input is valued.
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Re: Movies

Post by bizzt »

Enigma7457 wrote:I have a question, and i'd like as many opinions as possible, please.

What movies am i allowed to watch as a christian?

I know it sounds like a funny question, but i work with only christians at my job (coincidence) and we disagree on a great many things. For example, when the movie 300 came out in theatres, i was the first to go see it. No chance i would ever let my ten-year-old see it, but i don't see the problem with me watching it, although i can see where it would bother other christians (maybe bother isn't the right word there).

Now, my boss (a strong baptists) won't watch Bruce Almighty. he says it misrepresents God (or something along those lines). I can see his point, but as long as someone is old enough to know it is only a movie and God isn't actually Morgan Freeman, i don't see the problem.

Just curious. What kinds of movies are appropriate and what ones should i avoid. And why. I am still a growing and learning christian, barely taking my baby steps. So any input is valued.
That is a tough question. I love movies myself and have seen many different movies. Many people will have different thoughts on this one. For Example ... izard.html
The Above is a well Discussed Movie....

I do recommend checking out the sight up above more throughly. They have good commentaries on movies to watch and to watch out for.
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Re: Movies

Post by zoegirl »

It is a tough question.

Some questions I like to ask myself

"is it edifying?" "Will I learn something from this?"

If it is violent, you should ask why the violence is there? Is it gratuitous? Realistic? Historical? I am one that is very reluctant to see any movie with violence unless there is some amazingly appropriate reason for it. I will never see a horror movie and don't like to see psychological horror movies either.

If it is a comedy, is it irreverent? I happened to think that Bruce Almighty was very reminiscent of Job and as such, ultimately worthwhile to see. (I thought "God" was not a strong presentation, but as this didn't take away from the overall mess. THese are tough for me because I love shows that are witty.

Someonw very wise told me a very good way to judge whether you should see a movie. He simply stated that you should ask yourself the following:

"Do I want to take this with me to heaven?" Pretty powerful question if you think about it...

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Re: Movies

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »


I think the wise person who told Zoegirl to ask herself "Do I want to take this to heaven with me?" was on the right track. You will find that as you grow in faith, you will simply no longer be interested in seeing spiritually unwholsome movies...even though, as a Christian, everything is permitted*.


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Re: Movies

Post by godslanguage »

Most of the time, I have no clue as to what movie I'm about to watch, I'm under the impression that if my intuition which is based on my Christian faith wishes to tell me something about that particular movie, then my critique of that particular movie would be what "I would want to take to heaven", and inevitably I believe that is what will go to heaven, not the actually movie itself or the situation I put myself in. So watching a movie would not make me any less Christian than I am, however the conclusion I make through my in depth observations I usually make when watching one, would be the one that makes me more or less a Christian. For example, if I watch a movie that has a inherently evil message, and my Christian based intuition/reason doesn't tell me anything "wrong" about it, then I am definitely on the wrong path as a Christian. I don't think we can escape everything out there, and in that case, our Christian faith based reasoning (which we should ALWAYS use in EVERY life circumstance), should be at our highest possible rating.

In addition, what I mean by "intuition" is not the natural intuitive feelings we have of what a particular person feels something is "good" or "bad", as many draw conclusions on topics such as abortion, the Christian in my opinion, should base intuition entirely on Gods word in a particular situation, this will not only tell you more about something as ordinary as watching a movie, God's word provides deep spiritual insights and fortitudes of information, something that "good" or "bad" won't tell you.
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Re: Movies

Post by zoegirl »

godslanguage wrote:Most of the time, I have no clue as to what movie I'm about to watch, I'm under the impression that if my intuition which is based on my Christian faith wishes to tell me something about that particular movie, then my critique of that particular movie would be what "I would want to take to heaven", and inevitably I believe that is what will go to heaven, not the actually movie itself or the situation I put myself in. So watching a movie would not make me any less Christian than I am, however the conclusion I make through my in depth observations I usually make when watching one, would be the one that makes me more or less a Christian. For example, if I watch a movie that has a inherently evil message, and my Christian based intuition/reason doesn't tell me anything "wrong" about it, then I am definitely on the wrong path as a Christian. I don't think we can escape everything out there, and in that case, our Christian faith based reasoning (which we should ALWAYS use in EVERY life circumstance), should be at our highest possible rating.

In addition, what I mean by "intuition" is not the natural intuitive feelings we have of what a particular person feels something is "good" or "bad", as many draw conclusions on topics such as abortion, the Christian in my opinion, should base intuition entirely on Gods word in a particular situation, this will not only tell you more about something as ordinary as watching a movie, God's word provides deep spiritual insights and fortitudes of information, something that "good" or "bad" won't tell you.
I can see what you mean, and I agree. I guess this is where people must judge where they are on the maturuty and wisdom scale. A good movie that ultimately affirms my beliefs, even if it is because they are showing bad decisions and the consequences of these bad decisions can be worthwhile. There are some movies, though, that even a good critique cannot make up for the dmamge it does. For me, these would be horror movies. For instance, I cringe when some of the teenagers at school tell me the TV shows or movies they watch. At their maturity level they shouldn't watch it because they don't becessarily have the discernment to critique biblically the content inthe movie.
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Re: Movies

Post by FFC »

Enigma7457 wrote:I have a question, and i'd like as many opinions as possible, please.

What movies am i allowed to watch as a christian?

I know it sounds like a funny question, but i work with only christians at my job (coincidence) and we disagree on a great many things. For example, when the movie 300 came out in theatres, i was the first to go see it. No chance i would ever let my ten-year-old see it, but i don't see the problem with me watching it, although i can see where it would bother other christians (maybe bother isn't the right word there).

Now, my boss (a strong baptists) won't watch Bruce Almighty. he says it misrepresents God (or something along those lines). I can see his point, but as long as someone is old enough to know it is only a movie and God isn't actually Morgan Freeman, i don't see the problem.

Just curious. What kinds of movies are appropriate and what ones should i avoid. And why. I am still a growing and learning christian, barely taking my baby steps. So any input is valued.
Ya know, Enigma, I love good movies of every genre. I even like some B movies at times. I guess the decision is really between you and God. You know in your heart if watching certain kinds of movies puts a strain on your relationship with God, or causes you to struggle with some sort of sin. I know that some christians refuse to watch R rated movies and that works for them.

For me anything with a lot sexual content is no good for me. I also stay away from zombie movies because they give me nightmares. :shock:

I think the main thing is do you feel convicted when you watch certain movies. could you watch them with Jesus without feeling uncomfortable?

Just some food for thought.

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Re: Movies

Post by Enigma7457 »

Ya know, Enigma, I love good movies of every genre. I even like some B movies at times. I guess the decision is really between you and God. You know in your heart if watching certain kinds of movies puts a strain on your relationship with God, or causes you to struggle with some sort of sin. I know that some christians refuse to watch R rated movies and that works for them.

For me anything with a lot sexual content is no good for me. I also stay away from zombie movies because they give me nightmares.

I think the main thing is do you feel convicted when you watch certain movies. could you watch them with Jesus without feeling uncomfortable?

Just some food for thought.

I think i can sit through some of them and feel comfortable. I am in agreement with you over the sexual content. I am very uncomfortable with that (Although zombie movies make me laugh :lol: ).

I also agree on the maturity level of those who watch the movies. I won't let me ten-year-old watch some movies that i will sit and watch (zombie movies do give him nightmares). And with my new baby on the way ( :D ) i will have to be even more careful.

The movie that really got me thinking was 300. Not sure if anyone else here saw it, but the commitment and all-around heroics of the spartans who died, heading out to fight knowing they were massively was just amazing. Reminds me a lot of Jesus sitting there waiting on Judas. He knew what was coming, and he didn't back away.
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Re: Movies

Post by Harry12345 »

My favourite movies are:

1) Children of Men
2) Final Destination
3) Se7en

Um... are these alright? :lol:
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Re: Movies

Post by Enigma7457 »

My favourite movies are:

1) Children of Men
2) Final Destination
3) Se7en

Um... are these alright?
My favourite movies are:

1) Children of Men
2) Final Destination
3) Se7en

Um... are these alright? :lol:
I see nothing wrong with them (Though I didn't like children of men).
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Re: Movies

Post by Harry12345 »

Enigma7457 wrote:
My favourite movies are:

1) Children of Men
2) Final Destination
3) Se7en

Um... are these alright?
My favourite movies are:

1) Children of Men
2) Final Destination
3) Se7en

Um... are these alright? :lol:
I see nothing wrong with them (Though I didn't like children of men).
Oh, how come? :shock: I thought it had many Christian themes throughout.


For instance, the main character, Theo (which ironically means 'God') dies in the end for the good of humanity. In the Bible it says that there is no greater love than laying down your life for someone else. In the end when Keigh is in the boat, all seems bleak and hopeless. But then the ship comes; this is representing hope in the future, some that, for Christians, the Parousia signifies (after all the violence and persecution.) On top of all that, Children of Men presents a chilling vision of the future involved in the potential desturction of the human race: a sobering truth that needs to be preached. But that's just my point of view. :wink:

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Re: Movies

Post by FFC »

One of my all time favorite movies is "Sling Blade".
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Re: Movies

Post by Enigma7457 »

Oh, how come? I thought it had many Christian themes throughout.
Never said there was anything wrong with the movie, just not enjoyable for me (really sad since i like Clive Owen a lot).

Which brings up another question: Is it a bad thing that i don't enjoy "Christian" music. I like a few hymns (maybe 2) and maybe one christian band, but i don't like a lot of 'church' music

*I use the words "Christian" Music and "Church" Music carefully. I'm not stereotyping anything here.
One of my all time favorite movies is "Sling Blade".
I may be showing my young age here, but what's sling blade?

My personal favorite: Finding Nemo. Great movie. Also, the movie Frequency. Really neat.
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Re: Movies

Post by zoegirl » the sling blade age comment

Finding nemo is awesome

Meant to watch Children of Men...looked interesting...never got to the theater to see it

All time favorite funny movies (some of whicch ar e not the most edifying)

Airplane (roger, roger...we have clearance, clarence)
Young Frankenstein (that's fronkensteen)
Princess Bride

all time great movies
Casa Blanca
North by Northwest
Les Miserables

All time chick flicks
Pride and Prejudice (the A & E version)
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Re: Movies

Post by Enigma7457 »

sorry, zoe, but i only recognized maybe one or two movies on your list. Makes me feel young again.
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