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General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:30 am
by Denny
Hello, I am really new to reading the Bible. I want to learn his word. Is it true that only 144,000 people will be let into heaven? If Osama Bin Laden or any other mass murderer accepts Jesus just minutes before he dies he will get into Heaven? This kind of negates Hell all together I think. Also, I have not found any mention of the United States of America in the Bible, do we even exist in GOD's eyes? GOD set up shop in Iraq ( or close to it ) and put the Garden of Eden there and speaks Arabic so that means that only the Iraq's, people from Iran and places like that will get to go to heaven.
I have many more "wingnut' questions and I am hoping that someone will set me on the 'narrow path'.

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:40 am
by Harry12345
Harry12345 wrote:Welcome to the forums! :D Glad you're hear and want to learn more about God and His word (I try to capitalise 'Him' and 'His' when talking about God as a sign of respect :wink: )
Denny wrote:Hello, I am really new to reading the Bible. I want to learn his word. Is it true that only 144,000 people will be let into heaven?
No. That's JW talk. They believe that 144,000 super-good people will get to go to Heaven and rule the earth; the rest of the believers reside on the Earth which has been transformed into a paradise garden-type place.

We believe that after the rapture 144,000 jews will attempt to convert as many people as they possibly can before they are condemned.

...At least I think that's how it goes. :lol: Someone will be along to answer your questions in a sec. :)
Denny wrote:If Osama Bin Laden or any other mass murderer accepts Jesus just minutes before he dies he will get into Heaven? This kind of negates Hell all together I think.
Not really... if he really repents and genuinly requests forgiveness then there is no reason why he shouldn't be let into Heaven. :?

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:48 am
by FFC
Denny wrote:Is it true that only 144,000 people will be let into heaven?
No, that's the Jehovah Witnesses making Revelations say something that it doesn't... but it is true that only those who put their faith in Christ and His work on the cross can inherit eternal life. If you want to walk the narrow path follow Christ and Him alone...the rewards of having all your questions answered will just be icing on the cake. ;)

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:50 am
by Harry12345
FFC wrote:
Denny wrote:Is it true that only 144,000 people will be let into heaven?
No, that's the Jehovah Witnesses making Revelations say something that it doesn't...
Exactly. :lol:

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:54 am
by FFC
Harry12345 wrote:
FFC wrote:
Denny wrote:Is it true that only 144,000 people will be let into heaven?
No, that's the Jehovah Witnesses making Revelations say something that it doesn't...
Exactly. :lol:
You're quick, Harry, you beat me. :O

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:55 am
by Harry12345
FFC wrote: You're quick, Harry, you beat me. :O

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:29 pm
by FFC
Also, I have not found any mention of the United States of America in the Bible, do we even exist in GOD's eyes?
Well for starters we weren't even a country when the bible was written, but I think you are talking prophetically.

If you lean towards believing end times prophecies, and there are a significant amount of Christians here who don't, then there could be several reasons we aren't mentioned in an overt way in the scriptures.

1. We may get annihilated by a nuclear bomb.

2. The rapture could happen and wipe out all of the Christians causing an economic collapse, taking away our super power status.

Just some thoughts

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:05 pm
by Denny
This is for folks who responded. Thank You. Your right, I should show respect when talking about GOD. Thanks for clearing up the 144K question. I guess that since the rest of the world (Autralia, Hong Kong) is not mentioned it does not mean that they are excluded from the Bible. I still don't understand why the people of the Middle East were the only ones that got a chance to talk with Jesus. Walking for 3 years, Jesus would not have gotten clear across the Middle East.. lol. Well, thanks again and I know that I will be asking more questions.

Re: General Bible Questions

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:49 am
by FFC
I still don't understand why the people of the Middle East were the only ones that got a chance to talk with Jesus. Walking for 3 years, Jesus would not have gotten clear across the Middle East
The middle east is the cradle of civilization. It would only make sense for Jesus Christ, the son of God, to be born and live there...especially since he was sent to reach the house of Israel first.

God had His own program set up from the beginning of time. To send his Son to remind His people who the Father is, and to seek and to save those who were lost, and to die for them. Then to send His disciples to all the world to preach that message.

We may have never had the priviledge to interact with Jesus face to face, but someday we will. Also Remember that Jesus told Thomas that "more blessed is he who believes without seeing".

God bless and keep the questions coming.