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Creationists and Quote Mining

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:22 am
by ranvan
One of the accusations I hear a lot is that creationists do a lot of quote mining. In other words, they take quotes out of context to support their position. Is this true? Or is this a false accusation?

Obviously, many times we make a statement that appears to say something other than what we meant based on our wording, but here it is said that creationist authors take statements and use them for support when in context the statement means something entirely different.

Comments...agree or disagree? And is there examples of this happening?

Re: Creationists and Quote Mining

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:18 pm
by Fortigurn
Plenty of YECs do this all the time. There's a TalkOrigins FAQ about it here.

Re: Creationists and Quote Mining

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:34 pm
by godslanguage
Can you give an example Ranvan? As far as I can see, everyone has a slightly different perspective on a issue, and may re-interpret it to mean something different then what it actually means, many times this happens on purpose, many times it happens by accident (ie: we are only human).

Can you also give a good reason why if this is happening the way you said it's happening with "creationists", then that means its not happening with Darwinists, atheists, in politics, the scientific field etc...?

Creationists base everything on the bible (the word of God), creationists take modern scientific discoveries and use them to back-up the Christian belief system. Creationists don't re-interpret scientific evidence (ie: quote mining), they interpret scientific evidence from a Christian perspective which is the opposite of a purely materialistic explanation. As much as DE/atheists like to manipulate evidence to fit they're perspective, creationists say; well thats not necessarily accurate. As long as there are materialists around, there will be creationists around to scrutinize that point of view, to take the less-obvious evidence and deal with it, and take the more-obvious evidence which may or may not comply with the Bible and provide strong evidence for a God of the universe nevertheless.

However, I am not implying many creationists don't do this, YEC'rs do it in some cases to the extreme.

Re: Creationists and Quote Mining

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:39 pm
by Gman
We're not miners... Really... :lol:
